1949 I am from the future

Chapter 230 Four New Drugs

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[230] Four new drugs

When Hu Guang appeared near Beiying, the investigator Nie Feng, who was in charge of tracking Hu Guang's whereabouts, felt something was wrong.

According to the information provided by Xiaoqiang, the Intelligence Department completed the arrest of all the important latent agents in Beidu in the early stage.In the deployment of the Ministry of Intelligence, the gangster named Li Litou was deliberately let go as a bait, in order to be able to immediately discover the new leader sent by the Kuomintang secret service to Beidu in the future.

Hu Guang was cautious all the way to the north, but he couldn't figure it out. He had just been connected with the boy, and he had already been discovered by the intelligence department of the army general.

Investigator Nie Feng from the intelligence department was dispatched immediately after completing the previous case of Hu Fan and Yang Yuan's leaking secrets to Su. Together with investigator Li Tang, he was responsible for monitoring Hu Guang 24 hours a day.

While watching Hu Guang in a small grocery store far away, Nie Feng racked his brains thinking that he didn't understand why he was so sensitive to Beijing Film Studio.

"No, there must be something wrong here! Hu Guang must have come here to connect with people, but what's the matter with my ominous premonition? Is there anything unusual about Beijing Film Studio?"

Nie Feng couldn't figure it out after deliberation, so he opened his mouth and asked Li Tang next to him in a low voice, "Do you feel something is wrong here?"

Together, Li Tang and Nie Feng hid in this small grocery store and pretended to smoke and chat. Hearing this, they asked in confusion, "Isn't it the Beijing Film Studio? Could it be that Hu Guang's connector is an actor?"

As soon as Nie Feng heard Li Tang's words, there was a sudden alarm in his mind. He widened his eyes and said hurriedly: "There is an actress here, who has been to Liushu Alley before, do you remember?"

Seeing that Nie Feng's expression changed drastically, Li Tang said in surprise, "There is an actress who has been to Liushu Hutong, could it be?"

Liushu Hutong, where Xiaoqiang lives, is currently home to some important leaders of central government agencies. In addition, there are also leaders from the headquarters of the General Intelligence Department of the General Army. Among them are Minister Li, Nie Shuai and others. As Minister Li’s neighbor, Xiaoqiang is also live here.Therefore, Liushu Hutong, as the key protection object of the Central Security Division, looks loose on the outside, but is actually tight on the inside, and the care is very strict.

Nie Feng's memory is amazing. He still remembers that he had seen such a message on the follow-up questionnaire of people entering and leaving Liushu Hutong before, xxx, an actor from Beijing Film Studio.Of course, these investigations were conducted in secret.As an investigator who, like Li Tang, once worked in the Central Security Section of Section Chief Cao Chunzhi, Nie Feng recalled it all at once.

Nie Feng frowned and said, "I can't remember the name."

Li Tang lightly touched Nie Feng with his smoking right elbow and said, "Don't think about it, just look."

Nie Feng followed Li Tang's gaze from a distance, and happened to see the scene where Hu Guang flirted with Meng Sisi.

Nie Feng's heart tightened, and he said anxiously: "The Ministry must be notified immediately."


Huadong People's Pharmaceutical Company,

Penicillin Laboratory,

Director Tong Cun is inspecting the Penicillium in the petri dish one by one.

"Boss, with this corn steep liquor production line, the survival rate and density of our bacteria have greatly increased!"

"Yes, Director, this corn steep liquor production line is great! In addition to corn steep liquor, the cornstarch produced can also be used for other medicines."

Tong Cun nodded with a smile: "It's really good. With these new process materials for producing penicillin and these centrally allocated equipment, I think we will be able to officially start production and try to produce the first batch of penicillin as soon as next month."

After all, Tongcun's eyes blurred.

Since 1946, Tongcun has trial-produced penicillin in the laboratory of the North Plains Department of Health. The strain used is the yellow penicillin strain in three glass tubes brought back from the United States by Fan Qingsheng, a doctor who studied in the United States in 1944.Due to the poor scientific research funding of the Kuomintang, the progress of the research institute's trial production was extremely slow.

Historically, it was not until after the founding of New China that Tongcun successfully trial-produced the first batch of crystalline penicillin samples on September 1950, 9.

Now with the various pharmaceutical factory equipment and medical research and experimental instruments brought back by Xiaoqiang, the Penicillin Laboratory completed the laboratory manufacture of the first batch of crystalline penicillin in March 1950.

According to the secret information given by the central government, Tongcun has continuously expanded the scale of the laboratory. Now it has begun to develop penicillin, streptomycin, oxytetracycline, tetracycline, aureomycin, synmycin, chloramphenicol, gentamycin, For kanamycin and erythromycin, the researchers are currently very stressed, and every researcher is working overtime.

Tong Cun took off his glasses, rubbed his teary eyes, whether it was due to fatigue or excitement, and said, "At present, what we need to research and produce are the most advanced antibiotics, and even the West is only in the laboratory stage, and there is no It can be produced industrially, and there are some medicines that have not been researched in the West at all, such as cephalosporins and other medicines, I am sure that as long as they are produced, they will be sold all over the world."

The researchers around them looked excited and nodded vigorously. For these researchers, as long as the funds are sufficient, the equipment is complete, and the research environment is good, they really don't care about anything.

"Director, these materials are said to be the most advanced, and the manufacturing cost is much lower than that of foreigners. But where are the 491 Project Medical Research Institute and 491 Project Medical Equipment Group? I really want to see it with my own eyes. For a moment, open your eyes." A researcher looked forward to it with fascination.

Tongcun was also full of curiosity about the 491 Project Medical Research Institute. How did the geniuses there come up with these plans and manufacture such sophisticated equipment? Why did they transfer the research results to Puhai instead of producing them themselves? What about the penicillin laboratory?The superior said that our Puhai Penicillin Laboratory is an incubation base, and we will change its name to Puhai Medical Research Institute in the future.At present, our laboratory only needs to digest and absorb the research results and data of those geniuses, and then master the operation of these amazing production equipment.The geniuses of Project 491 don't have time to do such meticulous work. They seem to be born for creation, and they are not interested in follow-up research and technology incubation and production.

"But they have already finished all the most important tasks." Tong Cun shook his head, sighed, and said to himself.

"I also hope that one day I can go there myself and see what's going on," Tong Cun replied.

With the continuous increase of the types of medicines brought by Xiaoqiang, the cure rate of diseases and the rate of hospital administration in New China are constantly increasing.And the ever-rising medical expenses have also begun to attract the attention of the central government. Although the medicines brought by Xiaoqiang are as cheap as free gifts, the work of increasing revenue and increasing income must be further promoted.So under Xiaoqiang's suggestion, a larger scale of drug export began.

Hong Kong in 1950.

Huo Yingdong's penicillin business was already booming at this time, and what made him even more excited was that someone came from the north and asked him to start preparing to represent a batch of new drugs.

Among them is streptomycin, which treats tuberculosis.

Compared with penicillin, which was discovered in 1928, streptomycin was discovered by American scientists in 1943, and large-scale industrial production did not start until the mid-50s.New China is now taking out this product and selling it on a large scale, which is completely scorpion shit in the world-the only one!

Huo Yingdong has seen many tuberculosis patients. Doctors usually use penicillin to treat them, but the effect is not very good, but this method is barely effective.This method of treating tuberculosis with penicillin was an unofficial treatment in 2011. The effect was extremely poor and the mortality rate was extremely high. Even if the dosage of penicillin was increased several times, the number of tuberculosis patients who could be saved by penicillin was still less than 30%.

Aureomycin is also included in this batch of new drugs.

It was discovered in a type of Streptomyces aureus that scientists extracted from soil samples in 1945. After extraction, it is mainly used for bacterial infections that have developed resistance to penicillin.With the price of penicillin being reduced to the price of cabbage by the new China, the global consumption continues to rise. It is believed that bacteria resistant to penicillin will appear in the near future.Historically, aureomycin was not used in large-scale industrial production in the world until the end of the 50s.

These include chloramphenicol eye drops in soft plastic vials.Chloramphenicol is an antibiotic extracted from Streptomyces venezensee in 1947. It is also the world's first broad-spectrum antibiotic produced by a completely industrial synthesis method. The price is extremely low, but its side effects are prominent and may cause regeneration disorders. Sexual anemia, countries in the world have been rarely used, just continue to use as external eye drops.Chloramphenicol eye drops are cheap and effective in treating eye bacterial infections.

The last is oxytetracycline. The West only figured out the structure of this broad-spectrum antibiotic in 1953, and it would not be mass-produced until the end of the 50s.This antibiotic has specific effects on intracellular infection, and for some diseases caused by intracellular infection, the therapeutic effect is better than other antibiotics.

How much profit can the four new miracle drugs make?This makes one's blood boil just thinking about it.Huo Yingdong eagerly threw himself into the new business.

Huo Yingdong registered a Xingguang pharmaceutical company and began to apply for patent protection for the above four drugs in all countries with patent law systems.However, the central government did not place too much hope on these four drug patents. After all, these are antibiotics that have been researched in the world, but they have not yet moved from the laboratory to industrial production. Western countries will recognize your patents. , is really whimsical.

For Huo Yingdong, the most important task at present is to use his own channel advantages to continue dumping and distributing goods abroad.

At this time, the drug smuggling trade between Hong Kong and the mainland has reached a new peak, with ships plying between Shenzhen and Hong Kong every day.

In the headquarters building just bought by Starlight at No. 17 Queen's Road, a bidding for the agency right is in progress.

"Mr. Huo, I hope to be in charge of the French agency."

"Mr. Huo, I hope to obtain the Italian agency."

"Mr. Huo, our Jiahui foreign company has a very complete sales channel in Brazil, and we hope to obtain the drug agency in Brazil."


Looking at these excited merchants, Huo Yingdong's face is full of smiles, the only proprietary drug means monopoly.All the bosses here know how profitable a monopoly is.

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