1949 I am from the future

Chapter 234 Changing the world and the whole river basin system engineering

【234】Changing the whole river basin system engineering

But due to the confidentiality principle of Project 491, Xiaoqiang certainly cannot say that.I had no choice but to say: "This is the result of several secret surveys by the 491 Project expert team with the cooperation of the military department. Because of the importance of the project, in order to prevent enemy agents from destroying it, the early stage is kept secret."

This reason is far-fetched, but it seems that the innocent Qian Zhengying has already believed it.

Xiaoqiang hurriedly said while the iron was hot: "Here are the detailed information of these projects, which have been submitted to the experts of the Ministry of Water Resources for demonstration. This is for your Huaihua Committee. You should study it first and prepare first."

Qian Zhengying carefully looked at these piles of engineering drawings, and the more he looked at them, the more frightened he became, and he asked quickly: "These projects are so huge, they need special components such as reinforced concrete, hydraulic power generation units, water pumps, steel gates, etc. , is the country ready? These projects add up to a very large scale."

Xiaoqiang said: "You don't have to worry about materials, the central government has prepared everything. After this flood season, all earthwork dams will be refurbished and reinforced with modern engineering methods. The central government will give you as many cement piles and vibrating machines as you want. All dams are reinforced with piles and grouting, and then the anti-seepage walls are repaired. You must know that dams built only with earth and stone are not durable, and they will be eroded by water in a few years and leaks will appear. Modern scientific methods must be used Build and reinforce it. Otherwise, this kind of earthwork dam is only slightly higher than the dam built in the feudal era."

Qian Zhengying quickly looked at the data and asked: "There are more than a dozen flood gates and more than 20 flood storage areas planned on the map here. The experts have surveyed the elevation difference clearly! The labels here include 100 There are many villages and more than 1 people, so should all the people in these flood storage areas be relocated? Otherwise, every time the gates are opened to store floodwater, it will be flooded."

Xiaoqiang took out a pile plan that has been fully implemented in the flood storage area by later generations and handed it to Qian Zhengying: "Look, this is the pile-type safety island plan designed by the 491 expert group. Every village builds such a pile platform. The height is 100-3 meters, piles are reinforced, cement is laid to reinforce the inclined surface around the earth-made pile platform, and cement steps and ramps are built around it to facilitate the villagers to go up and down. All the residents of the village are relocated to In this way, every time the flood storage area is flooded, these villages will become safe isolated islands in the water, which can be easily entered and exited by assault boats or other small boats to transport food and other materials, and the lives and property of the people are safe can be guaranteed.”

Qian Zhengying took a breath, and praised: "The design of this safety island is simple and practical, which is good, but the amount of work is really too big. Add up the villagers' houses and the warehouses for storing supplies and agricultural machinery, and the amount of work for these safety islands It’s astonishingly large! In addition to the planned water conservancy projects designed before, how much money will the country allocate for food?”

Xiaoqiang said: "After all these projects are completed, the Huaihe River Basin will be able to withstand the once-in-50-year flood. All kinds of construction machinery are constantly increasing, so you just have to do it with confidence. I believe that in your hands, the flood in the Huaihe River Basin will be completely eliminated in less than ten years. This will be another Huguang granary ! Another land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River!"

Qian Zhengying said longingly: "Is it really possible to do this? This is really wonderful! This kind of engineering volume, I think, is the first in Asia, and it is also one of the best in the world. As a water conservancy person, I can complete such a project in my life." A system engineering, for this, even death is worth it.”

Xiaoqiang struck while the iron was hot, and took out two other documents and said: "These are just preliminary plans. Once the project is completed, there will be two follow-up projects. One is the Linhuai Port Water Conservancy Project, which can raise the flood control standard of the Huaihe River to 800 years. Once in a while, one is the Huaihe River into the sea channel project, which can reopen the Huaihe River's sea-like channel that was blocked by sand because the Yellow River entered the sea [-] years ago!"

Qian Zhengying almost fainted when she heard it, and quickly took it over to take a closer look. She muttered: "800 years ago, after the flood of the Yellow River entered the Huaihe River, the mud and sand blocked the Huaihe River's access to the sea, which formed the Hongze River. Lake, the fourth largest freshwater lake in China, has the expert group of Project 491 even planned the treatment of Hongze Lake?”

Xiaoqiang said proudly: "If you don't call it a system engineering, Hongze Lake is a barrier lake. It often floods due to too much water from the upstream, and loses the function of flood storage and regulation. The low-lying areas around the lake are often flooded. Submerged. Since the chairman said that the Huaihe River must be repaired, he did not just talk about it, but completely repaired it. We Communist Party members must have this kind of determination to change the world!

According to this idea, we first build a large-scale Sanhe Gate project south of Hongze Lake, so that the low-lying area south of Hongze Lake will become a rice granary from now on!Cooperating with the Huaihe River entering the sea on the east line of Hongze Lake and the upcoming Jiangdu Water Conservancy Project on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, the water of the Huaihe River can enter the sea or the canal!We will dig another Tongyang Canal and the Subei Irrigation Canal. From then on, the Huaihe River will no longer be a problem, but a river of milk that truly feeds the whole basin.And the "Guodiwa" in the Lixiahe area of ​​Jiangsu Province, which is densely covered with water networks, will never be flooded!A number of cities such as Xinghua, Jiangsu will also be able to develop safely from now on!In the future, the waterway into the sea can be expanded into a seaway, and cargo ships can go directly to the inland of the Huaihe River Basin, which can also greatly promote economic development.This is systems engineering!The world's first interlocking water conservancy system project! "

Qian Zhengying was really dizzy now, she was very excited, and said eagerly: "I have done this project to the end in my life! In order to build another land of fish and rice in China in the Jianghuai Plain, I am willing to spend my whole life building this project! Cao Xiaoqiang Comrade, you are amazing, you are right! We Communists want to change the world! Turn the face of China around!"

As the information was passed on in the hands of the participants, all engineers and government officials, regardless of whether they knew technology or not, were amazed at this grand blueprint, and were convinced by this plan to change the world for the upper, middle and lower reaches of the entire river basin. Looking forward to the future of the land.

Zeng Shan, director of the Huaihe River Management Committee, exclaimed: "The central government's careful plan is simply astonishing. This grand strategic goal of transforming the entire river basin is too great! Once realized, it will benefit generations of people in the central and eastern provinces! What the Huaihe River Committee did not say , We must overcome all difficulties! At all costs, the central government's strategic conception must be completed."

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