1949 I am from the future

Chapter 246 Almost the only time window

Thanks to Dongdong Dao, Rick Dem, and Zizhu for their rewards!Thank you very much!

[246] Almost the only time port

Xiaoqiang took a deep breath to adjust himself, forcibly restraining his timidity of not being able to stand on the stage, while gesturing on the map with slightly trembling hands, he said:

"This map is just a map of Taiwan's surrounding areas and can only be used for tactical analysis. If we observe it from a strategic perspective, then we can clearly see the essence of the battle to liberate Taiwan. That is to say, we have to jump out of this partial map. , focusing on the analysis from the perspective of global strategy.”

As he said that, Xiaoqiang gestured out of thin air on the relative geographical location outside the map frame: [

"If we look at the entire Pacific region, we will find that from the Alaska region of the United States, the Aleutian Islands in the Bering Sea, the Chiba Islands in the northern part of Japan, the Japan Islands, the Ryukyu Islands, Taiwan Island, the Philippine Islands, the Greater Sunda Islands, The Lesser Sunda Islands and this road extend down, and the United States has firmly enclosed the entire Pacific Ocean and collected it into its own pocket. This is regarded by the Americans as their natural reward for being the victors of World War II.

Although the Americans now vaguely feel that they have not just harvested a treasure bag, they have not yet fully realized the power of this new toy in his hands theoretically.At the recent Joint Chiefs of Staff meeting, high-level U.S. military officials also assessed Taiwan as "not of sufficient military importance to the United States."But after a few years, they will clearly discover that this big treasure bag is actually an important chain.So they named him the first island chain. The US Pacific Fleet will use this first island chain to firmly trap China and the Soviet Union on the Eurasian continent. "

After Xiaoqiang finished his warm-up, he no longer had stage fright. He took a deep breath and continued:

"Nicholas Speakman, a Dutch-American geostrategist, will henceforth be known as the "Godfather of Containment Policy". Why? Because his last and most important book was published in 1944 after his death book--

Prior to this, U.S. Secretary of State Acheson also clearly informed Truman of the five reasons why he did not support Chiang Kai-shek's separatism of Taiwan: [-]. It would cause the United States to be involved in a failure with world influence again, which would affect the prestige of the United States; The unanimous hatred of all Chinese is concentrated on the United States; three, it will provide the Soviet Union with an excuse to attack the United States in the Security Council; Fifth, no one thinks that once Taiwan falls into the hands of the Communist Party, it will break the US defense line in the Far East.

In fact, there are still very practical considerations here, that is, Taiwan cannot afford to support the 60 troops brought by Lao Jiang!

In 1949 last year, Taiwan’s grain output was 14 tons less than ten years ago. Lao Jiang even imported flour. The gasoline in Taiwan was only enough for two months. Once the plane broke down, it could not be repaired, and all parts could not be found. Warships also stop when they are damaged, and they cannot be repaired at all.

Faced with such a mess, the United States does not want to take over and become the mother of Lao Jiang, not to mention how greedy and greedy Lao Jiang is. Corruption under the [**] inefficiency is disgusting. "

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