1949 I am from the future

Chapter 261 Rebellion

Warmly celebrate the Whisperer in the Wind, villain q, if you have something to say, lz880210, rewarded by Rick Dem

thank you all! ! !


As soon as Sun Liren's glass was broken, the front and rear doors of the meeting room were violently smashed open from the outside, and a dozen or so fully armed soldiers with helmets and M3 submachine guns rushed in and surrounded the meeting. table.Judging from the piece of cloth with the unit seal printed on their left chests, they are all guards directly under Sun Liren's Taiwan Defense Command, and the officer leading these soldiers is also Sun Liren's old subordinate, Hu Bin, the combat staff officer of the "Ministry of National Defense".

He Yingqin, Chen Cheng, and Gu Zhutong were completely dumbfounded when they saw these soldiers who came in hearing the sound of cups being thrown.He Yingqin's face was ashen, and he no longer lost the excitement just now. He looked around and looked at the submachine guns pointed at him with black holes, and slowly spit out the words from his mouth almost one word at a time: "Sun Liren, so you really To rebel." [

Sun Liren stood up from his chair and said calmly: "I just want to leave some incense for my brothers. They followed me through life and death, beat the devils and then left home to wander. All of them have small families and small careers. They can't compare with you." In this family, we can all live by them, if something goes wrong, how can I be worthy of their small family, how can I be worthy of the brothers who have passed away all these years."

Zhou Zhirou's courage immediately became bolder at this time, and said: "Commander Sun, don't talk nonsense with him, let's contact the Gongjun as soon as possible. If we start a fight and then surrender, it will not be beautiful."

Gui Yongqing nodded in agreement, and Hu Bin, the staff officer holding a Browning pistol, said, "Brother Hu, I will trouble you."

With that said, Sun, Zhou, and Gui left the conference room one after another, leaving only Chen Cheng, Gu Zhutong, and He Yingqin who were already under house arrest.

I only heard Chen Cheng shouting angrily from far behind: "Gui Yongqing, you bastard! I want to see the president!"

Before Chen Cheng could finish speaking, there was a click, as if something had concentrated on someone's chin, and Chen Cheng's voice suddenly stopped, obviously he had suffered a lot.

While leading the way, Sun Liren said calmly to Zhou and Gui, "Brothers are in the army, and the brothers under him are all rough people. The two commanders laughed at them."

Gui Yongqing smiled slightly: "Where is it? It's my Taishan family. I have offended you so much. I hope Commander Sun Haihan."

Sun Liren raised his eyebrows, and immediately thought, this Gui Yongqing is Chen Cheng's son-in-law, he was so calm just now, and broke up the relationship, it would be really difficult for him to change himself.

The three of them came to Sun Liren's office in the "Ministry of National Defense", and saw that Sun Liren's office was already full of more than a dozen Kuomintang officers.The two couldn't help but be thankful that they didn't hesitate or choose the wrong side in the meeting just now, otherwise, wouldn't they be counted among themselves who stayed in the meeting room as prisoners at this time.

Standing in the center of the office, Sun Liren resolutely threw out his plan and said: "Now we are going to have peace talks with Gongjun, Commander Zhou, you have met the "Chairman" of Zhonggongmo once, take a look, can you Go there in person? All the troops inside and outside of Taipei are currently in our hands, and you and Captain Qiu took people there by car, and the journey was smooth."

Zhou Zhirou knew that now was the critical moment, since she got on this boat, it meant that she could never turn back, and being the envoy who came forward to surrender was also a meritorious service.Hastily said: "Brother, let's set off now, please ask Commander Sun to take care of my family."

Sun Liren hurriedly handed over the handwritten letter to Zhou Zhirou, and said, "Don't worry, brother Zhou, I have already arranged guards for protection."

Zhou Zhirou gave Sun Liren a military salute with some solemnity, then turned around and left with a group leader surnamed Qiu in the meeting room

Upon seeing this, Gui Yongqing hurriedly said: "Commander Sun, if you have something to do, just tell me, brother, I will do my best to help."

Sun Liren said in a hurry: "Then I won't be polite with Commander Gui. I have already protected the families of many officials in Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital and the city. It's just that the old man lying in the hospital needs to be notified. Otherwise, if the old man doesn't know that he has left the field, he may cause trouble."

Gui Yongqing bit the bullet and said: "Then let's go for a walk as a brother."

Sun Liren nodded.

Gui Yongqing walked out with two officers after speaking. [

Sun Liren arranged for Zhou Zhirou and Gui Yongqing's errands, and immediately ordered his subordinates to immediately power on the whole of Taiwan 24 hours a day. Regardless of whether they can receive it or not, anyway, they are constantly informing everyone that Lao Jiang will be sent to the field, and Taiwan will usher in a peaceful liberation. Let the news out.At the same time, all contactable military officers and troops who were not directly related to Sun Liren were contacted by phone, asking them to put down their weapons immediately and wait for reorganization.All the officers immediately gathered their troops, and martial law was imposed on the whole of Taipei.

For a while, the "Ministry of National Defense" was busy.

Gui Yongqing came to Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital in a brand-new Buick car of the Ministry of National Defense. After getting off the car, he looked at the word Tzu Chi on the gate of the hospital, and said to himself, "We want Tzu Chi for the old man, but the old man heard the news." I'm afraid it will be greatly stimulated."

Thinking of this, Gui Yongqing was also a little weak. He looked at the outside of the hospital with a guilty conscience. The soldiers and vehicles of the Taipei Garrison under the direct control of Sun Liren were surrounded by three floors, and then he looked at the Sun Liren with him. The non-commissioned officer of the personal security regiment, this group of elite submachine gun death squads has followed Sun Liren through life and death for many years, but the m3 submachine gun in his hand only recognizes Sun Liren, not the old man.

"With a gun in your hand, don't panic." This mantra of Yan Xishan suddenly popped up in Gui Yongqing's heart.Thinking about it again, even my father-in-law Chen Cheng got in, and I was afraid of a bird, so I suddenly became determined, and walked inside with big strides.

At this time, the Tzu Chi Hospital was in chaos, and Lao Jiang was furious in his ward copying a Fenghua dialect from his hometown.

"Damn Xipi! The party has already reached Taipei! Chen Cheng and the others have held a meeting for so long? Where is He Yingqin? He Yingqin is also in a meeting? I asked you to find Chen Fang and Wu Guozhen. Why haven't they arrived yet? Jing Guo What? Where is Jingguo? Why hasn’t Madam come? Mao Renfeng is an idiot! Where did he go at this critical moment?”

Chen Shanzhou, the chief guard beside Lao Jiang, was already sweating profusely. How dare he tell Lao Jiang that from 5:[-] p.m., Tzu Chi Hospital was heavily surrounded by armed soldiers pulled by trucks. Jiang Ping'an has led to the fact that Tzu Chi Hospital is now completely forbidden to enter and leave, and the special security department of the guard Lao Jiang finally persuaded these troops and sent out people like mud cows into the sea, all disappeared.

Chen Shanzhou had an ominous premonition, but after all, this situation had just happened for three hours. Maybe after a while, these people would all gather in the hospital after the meeting. The so-called speculation irritated the old man.

At this moment, there were suddenly random footsteps in the corridor, and the guards were yelling: "Commander Gui, Commander Gui, you must report first, report first, how can these soldiers come in! What does this mean! People can't carry weapons, they can't carry... ah! What is this for..."

After hearing three knocks on the door, Du, Du, Du, Gui Yongqing rushed in.

Seeing a dozen or so armed soldiers armed with m3 submachine guns rushing in with Gui Yongqing, Chen Shanzhou felt a little cold in his heart, but he was not afraid, and shouted: "Commander Gui! What do you mean!"

Gui Yongqing didn't speak, but just waved his hands. Xu Li, Sun Liren's personal guard beside him, rushed forward with two soldiers, and brutally smashed Chen Shanzhou's gun butt on the ground. Pressing his neck on the floor, he disarmed Chen Shanzhou, pulled out Chen Shanzhou's belt, trapped his hands, and dragged the stunned Chen Shanzhou out of the ward like a dead dog.

Lao Jiang was sitting on the sofa that Chen Shanzhou persuaded him to get off just now. If he was still irritable and wanted to jump up from the sofa just now, he is in a mess now, only feeling his legs are weak, and his eyes are dizzy.

"Yongqing, what are you doing!" Lao Jiang trembled.

Gui Yongqing swallowed his saliva, as if he swallowed up the prestige that Lao Jiang had shown him over the years.

"President, after the meeting of the Ministry of National Defense, it was decided that you will be out of the field from now on. Please stay calm and wait for further instructions from the central government."

"Fart!" When Lao Jiang heard Gui Yongqing's words, all the veins on his head, neck, and hands jumped up.

"The Ministry of National Defense does not have this right! This has to be decided by the Party Congress! You are a rebel!"

Gui Yongqing looked at Lao Jiang with a trace of pity in his eyes, but he didn't say a word.

Lao Jiang saw Gui Yongqing's expression of being a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, and his heart turned cold. Huo Di stood up and said: "Yongqing, I have treated you well, why do you want to rebel? You stop now Before it's too late, I can forgive you and let your whole family go to the United States, so that everyone can get together and relax."

Gui Yongqing said calmly: "I'm Chinese. What are you going to do in the United States? I'm not used to bread and butter every day. President... No, old principal, the People's Liberation Army has surrounded Taipei, and Commander Zhou has no ability to fly out." , where do you expect to go? You old man should sit down and wait calmly to talk with the leaders of the People’s Liberation Army.” [

Lao Jiang was so shocked that he couldn't make a sound for a long time, and it took a long time to react, and he sat back on the sofa behind him.

"You all surrendered? You are so stupid! Even if you surrender, the Communist Party will not let you go! Yongqing, your corrupt family has already been shot a hundred times in the hands of the Communist Party! I have cultivated with you again and again, and you treat me like this?"

Gui Yongqing was silent for a while and said: "Who in this ruined temple of ours is not greedy? If anyone is not greedy, I am afraid that they will be run out tomorrow and shot as a party. This big dye tank, only the greedy Only people can have a good life and live well in it. I have already figured it out. At worst, I will be an apartment in the future, raise children and grandchildren, and never ask about military and political affairs. I."

Lao Jiang said bitterly: "Are you going to use me as a testimonial? You are so vicious! Who are you, tell me about it, so that I, a dying person, can understand when I die."

Gui Yongqing sat down on the sofa opposite Chiang Kai-shek, looked at his palm prints leisurely and said, "General Sun has electrified all of Taiwan, put down their weapons and surrendered. Commander Zhou is already in contact with the leaders of the People's Liberation Army. Don't worry, old man. The sea, land and air are all in our hands, and Taipei is under the control of the People’s Liberation Army, so we can’t do anything.”

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