1949 I am from the future

Chapter 269 The Crazy "Little Bastard"

Heartfelt thanks to Whisperers in the Wind, Rikdum, and Benben Xiaohui for their rewards!thank you all!

[269] Crazy "little bastard"

On the heavy cruiser USS Chicago,

In the tall, majestic watchtower on the top of the tall mainmast at an altitude of 60 meters, 12 observers using fixed telescopes and hand-held navigation telescopes also found Xining on the shipboard radar of the USS Chicago. At the same time, I saw the mixed team led by the destroyer Xining.

"This is the watchtower. We found the Chinese fleet, about... 20 kilometers away from our ship!" [

Walter Boone was startled. Originally, he thought that according to the 15-50 km sea search radar capability of this ship's SG, the Chinese destroyer would definitely be detected 40 km away. Unexpectedly, after receiving the notice in advance, Even being touched by the opponent into the 20 km range of the main gun, Boon couldn't help cursing:

"This damn search radar is actually not as effective as a watchtower! These electronic devices are still as unreliable as ever!"

Boon hurriedly came to the highest point of the bridge which was about 35 meters away, raised the binoculars himself, and carefully observed the direction of the Xining under the warm morning sun.

Finally, Boone found the destroyer Xining and the frigate Nantong that were approaching rapidly. He kept adjusting the adjustment knobs of the navy-specific advanced navigation telescope in his hand, hoping to see more clearly.

Not only Commander Walter Boone, almost all the captains, vice-captains, observers, senior non-commissioned officers, and even many idle sailors of the entire Seventh Fleet are also stretching their necks, wanting to find a way out on this sunny morning. Take a look at the mysterious Russian warship equipped by the Chinese.

"This long one looks like Xining, right? Well, this Xining looks very narrow. It should be designed for the pursuit of maximum speed. There are only two main guns at the front and rear. Let me see, oh, it is a double gun. Jointly installed, the other equipment on the ship seems to be very little... Well, this is actually a destroyer without torpedo tubes... What is the square box in the middle? It can't be the secondary gun, could it be the Russians? torpedo launcher? No, not like, is it a rocket launcher? Like the curtain rocket on the USS Karlsvenn destroyer previously modified by the Pacific Fleet? Well, that's about it. How many rockets can these two big guys carry? 50? 100?...It seems that their shore firepower is very strong. Well, this is a destroyer that acts as a cover for infantry landings, no wonder their several landing operations have been so smooth..."

While Boone was talking to himself and studying the 108th ship Xining, Major Frank beside him was also studying the 511th ship Nantong:

"Single-barreled artillery... What a shabby destroyer. This ship seems to have a displacement of less than 2000 tons, equipped with two single-barreled artillery... no torpedo tubes... Can this thing be called a destroyer? Those two strange ones on board The box, is it a rocket launcher? It looks very advanced, and it should be able to turn automatically, right? The Russians are really hardworking in rocket technology. This thing should be very capable of attacking the shore, but if it is a naval battle In fact, one Fletcher-class five 5mm naval guns can be enough to deal with two such "destroyers. ""

Almost all the captains of the U.S. Navy sneered at the strange configuration of the Chinese destroyer. They all thought that the anti-ship missile was a rocket. This is not a ship designed for naval warfare. Well.

On the contrary, the directors of the various electronic equipment of the fleet became very interested in the "weird looking" radars on the Xining and Nantong, and urged the officers with cameras around them to quickly take pictures.

"Strange radar, the design is so simple, and the size is too small. What is the detection range of these little guys? With such a size, can they detect 20 kilometers? Is it a fire control radar? It doesn't look like it, it's too big Small..."

It is estimated that after the Xining's main guns penetrated the Chicago's main armor and turret armor, which was strong enough to defend against the six-inch 152mm gun, Major General Walter Boone, who could not feel the threat of the medium-sized ship, continued to take novelty at this time. Feeling excited, I started to observe the ten 6625 aluminum torpedo boats behind Xining.

"It looks very light! It's a very nimble little guy. Those two torpedo tubes are very large. They look like they have a caliber of about 500mm. It really looks like the Chinese. The main naval warfare weapons are these torpedo boats. In the face of such a large-caliber Russian torpedo, as long as one hit is completely finished. Well, judging from this configuration, the Chinese naval tactics are already obvious. The main guns of these destroyers are used to attract the opponent's capital ships , the real killers are these light torpedo boats, and as long as these deadly "wasps" get close, no warship of the Kuomintang Navy can withstand even a single shot... Yes, even the Chicago can't resist even a single shot of such a large size. caliber torpedoes..."

Now Boone has completed an explanation to himself. He is now convinced that the previous disastrous defeats of the Kuomintang navy were undoubtedly caused by these deadly little "wasps".

Boone immediately explained: "Adjutant Belloc, immediately record that the Chinese torpedo boats are equipped with large-caliber torpedoes. If the U.S. Navy fights against them in the future, it must focus all its attention on these torpedo boats that are simple to train and easy to use! Just one bite from these little guys is fatal!"

While the Seventh Fleet was watching the fast-moving Xining fleet like giant pandas, Commander Deng Zhaoxiang issued an order:

"Formation attention, all torpedo boats surpass ships 108 and 511 at full speed, and complete a 180-degree turn in the sea ahead. After the torpedo boats 108 and 511 pass by, listen to my order, and the power output of the whole ship is at its peak, making a sharp 180-degree turn."

After the order was issued, the ten 6625 aluminum torpedo boats turned on their full horsepower and rushed forward. They followed the Xining and Nantong before, and they couldn't show their speed at all. At a speed of 6625 kilometers per hour, the audience was shocked!

When Walter Boone saw these torpedo boats about 6 kilometers away and began to accelerate towards the side of the Seventh Fleet through the telescope, he smiled to the officers around him: "Look, the Chinese want to show their hand." [

The officers on the Chicago smiled easily. Sea staff officer Brook stood beside Major General Boone, looked at the torpedo boat that was speeding up in the distance and said with a smile: "Those little troubles are probably the threats they are most proud of... Hehe... Oh... still accelerating... so fast... really fast!... oh my god..."

Walter Boone also became short of breath, and raised his voice and shouted: "Speed! Speed! Mike! Mike! Give me speed! Frank, notify the radar room and watchtower, report the speed of the Chinese torpedo boat to me!"

The second officer beside Walter Boone observed it with his naked eyes, and said blankly: "Report... more than 50 knots."

Walter Boone, as a veteran naval officer, of course also noticed that such a rapid speed was at least 50 knots. His brows were slightly frowned, and he cursed softly: "Crazy little bastard!"

After all, Boone became silent, and continued to wait for reports from the watchtower and radar room.

At this time, the Xining and Nantong had already turned on their horses at full power, their streamlined hulls split the sea handsomely, with snow-white waves hanging on them, and they started to make a high-speed turn on the side of the Seventh Fleet. Walter Boone raised his wrist excitedly, Count the time.

At this time, Mike quickly conveyed the calculation results from the watchtower and radar room: "Report to the general, the speed measured by the watchtower is 54 knots, and the speed measured by the radar room is 53 knots."

As soon as this remark came out, all the naval officers on the Chicago were surprised.

"God, the Japanese torpedo boats are only 30 knots. Compared with these little guys, they are like toys!"

"Miller, you don't need to mention the Japanese. Even the pt-type torpedo boats of the United States only have a maximum speed of 39 knots. It's amazing that the Russians can build such a crazy thing!"

"Albert, do you know what surprised me more? The Russians are willing to sell this kind of torpedo boat to the Chinese! These things are flying on the water!"

"What do you think will happen if the Chinese use four such torpedo boats to surprise a Fletcher class?"

"It's hard to say, Albert, you know, it depends on the sea conditions and a little bit of luck. It's okay to say during the day. If it's night... I don't know what will happen... Also, we don't know the Chinese torpedoes Speed ​​and attack distance, this is critical..."

The U.S. Navy officers who were talking a lot were surprised, and at the same time they focused their eyes on the sea turn that the Xining formation was implementing.In the era of gunboats, the speed of turning at sea means the time to fire after entering the T-zone, and it is also a test of the ship's maneuverability.

"Too fast! The Chinese warships are all fast! These narrow hulls give them a ton of speed, beautiful, great design! Turning radius and timing are on par with the peak output of our Fletcher class destroyers up and down."

Walter Boone suppressed his shock and nodded silently.He secretly made up his mind that after passing through the Taiwan Strait, he would immediately report what he saw and heard to Tokyo, Honolulu, and Washington, and he, Walter Boone, would be the first U.S. naval fleet commander to witness the mysterious Chinese warship. .

Boone returned to the bridge command room and gave an order: "Communication room, tell the Chinese in my name that they have great destroyers and torpedo boats. I wish them good luck. I hope to have further exchanges with them in the future."

At this time, after the Seventh Fleet completed a 180-degree turn on the side of the Xining, Commander Deng Zhaoxiang received a telegram from Walter Boone.He pressed the cable playback button, listened to it again, and after confirming the mistake, he translated the meaning and told Chen Haitao's political commissar.

"Hey, Old Deng, the Americans seem to think highly of our warships."

Commander Deng was also somewhat relieved, and said: "This is how foreigners are. If you don't have some dry goods, they will look down on you. After all, the American navy is too large. Even if our ships are more powerful than the Americans, if we face them We may not be able to defeat the wolf pack tactics of hundreds of warships."

Commissar Chen said: "Our country is still very poor. It is already very difficult just to maintain these warships right now, but the future is long. Sooner or later, we will also drive the fleet to the gates of the Americans for a visit!"

Boone sat down in the command room, replaying the high-speed maneuvers of the Chinese navy over and over again in his mind, especially the torpedo boats with a speed of 54 knots. This became his greatest fear. If the Chinese had a hundred such The torpedo boats attacked the Seventh Fleet at full speed, and the consequences were unimaginable. Even if ten of these small things were exchanged for one American battleship, or even twenty for one battleship, the US Navy would not accept it! [

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