1949 I am from the future

Chapter 279 Sincerity

Beat the gongs and drums!Boom!Boom!Boom!Thanks to jenler, Rick Dem rewarded!thank you all!

[279] Sincerity

Bai Bingbing, manager of Xiaoqiang's Shenyang branch, was very excited when he heard that Xiaoqiang wanted to take charge of the timber business in the Northeast.The girl held the satchel tightly in her hand and said hastily: "Chairman, I must work hard. I have never done timber business before, but my dad used to be an employee of the Forestry Bureau, so I know a little about this business. Now let's first To obtain a timber business license, our annual sales must exceed [-] cubic meters, so the provincial forestry bureau can only approve this license. If it is less than [-] cubic meters, it is easy. You can go directly to the city forestry bureau or even the county forestry bureau. .

Xiaoqiang was thinking about something with his head down, but when he heard this, he looked up at Bai Bingbing.

"Since you are familiar with it, that's great. You can ask your father about it, and handle it quickly. Don't be labeled as a licensed operator. These trees are all imported, but the procedures are not complete... um ...Actually, there is no formality..."[

Bai Bingbing was taken aback by Xiaoqiang's words, and said on the spot: "I heard from my father that once the timber without import procedures is found, the most serious case will be confiscated as privately harvested forest timber. Chairman, we must hurry up. We need to complete the formalities. And we have not yet obtained the timber business license, if we are found out, we may be fined and confiscated all illegal gains!"

Xiaoqiang got a headache from what the girl said, and said in embarrassment: "Is there anything you can do?"

Bai Bingbing said: "Now we'd better find a unit with a certificate to be affiliated with, and wait until our own certificate is obtained. My dad's former colleagues were in the timber business, and they were all affiliated with other licensed units. Procedures and procedures are required. When it comes to bills, pay a little extra handling fee to issue them from others."

Xiaoqiang hurriedly said: "Good idea, let's do this first. The top priority of your Shenyang branch is to get the certificate. At present, find a unit to be affiliated with for the time being. You can discuss it with the customer who came to see Mumu in the afternoon. For example, that Sanfu Wood Industry, please talk to them carefully, and give him a little profit, and it should not be a problem to be affiliated. In addition, try to go through the import procedures for this batch of timber, which is more laborious. , what should be done is still to be done, and you have to pay attention to all aspects in the future, understand?"

Bai Bingbing said shrewdly: "I understand."

Xiaoqiang raised his wrist to look at his Fiyta, and said, "It's getting late, let's have lunch first, and go to Shenyang Machine Tool Factory in the afternoon."

After lunch, the three of them split up, and Bai Bingbing hurried back to the company to arrange the next work, and left the Chery seven-seat MPV commercial vehicle in the branch for Xiaoqiang to use.Xiaoqiang took Zhou Lan to Shenyang Machine Tool Factory.

Shenji Machine Tool Factory was established in 1935. It was called Manchukuo Mitsubishi Machinery Corporation at that time. It was renamed Shenyang No. 1946 Machine Tool Factory in 1953 and Shenyang No. [-] Machine Tool Factory in [-]. It can be said that Shenji not only produces industrial mother machines, but also new machines. The cradle of China's machine tool industry, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, it assisted the establishment of machine tool factories all over the country.

The two came to the building of Shenji Group. When Xiaoqiang said bluntly that he wanted to buy machine tools worth hundreds of millions, the reception staff immediately welcomed them into the VIP room.But the receptionist was muttering in his heart, why does this man have muddy legs!Later, I will ask the cleaning staff to drag the ground he walked on again. Look at the yellow mud footprints, how eye-catching on the bright and clean stone floor!

In the VIP room, Xiaoqiang and Xiaoqiang were received by Shenji's sales manager Wang Zichao. He had just heard the notification from the front desk that when the customer came and claimed to purchase a machine tool worth hundreds of millions, Wang Zichao looked in the mirror at the speed of a leopard. I combed my hair, sprayed breath freshener several times, and immediately adjusted myself to the best negotiation state.But when he saw Cao Xiaoqiang for the first time, he frowned, thinking that this is the owner who can afford hundreds of millions of machine tools?What's on this shoe?

"May I ask what type of machine tools your company wants to buy? What are they used for?" After asking Xiaoqiang and the two to sit down, Wang Zichao went straight to the point.

"The machine tools I want to buy involve shipbuilding, aviation industry, rail transit, engineering machinery, and automobile manufacturing. The African customers we act as agents hope to obtain a certain amount of technology transfer while purchasing a large number of them. I don't know. Do you have this? authority." Xiaoqiang talked eloquently.

Shen Ji's sales manager, Wang Zichao, is a professionally trained talent. He can roughly tell the origin of the customer's personality from the way he speaks, behaves, and dresses.

But Wang Zichao is a little uncertain at the moment. Seeing that Xiaoqiang is wearing a Chinese tunic suit of khaki cloth, which is extremely exquisite in workmanship, obviously hand-stitched, and made of rare materials, this style is quite retro, and the fabric... To be honest, Wang Zichao It's been a long time since I saw it, because even rural cadres don't wear it anymore, but the workmanship and comfort are really exquisite.Perhaps, the person is nostalgic?Then the sharp-eyed Wang Zichao even discovered that this person's watch was actually a Fiyta... I'll go!Does the current boss still have Dai Fiyta?Also, although this person's leather shoes are very new, there are traces of yellow mud all over the sides of the shoes, and they came here without being wiped clean. Did this person walk into the city from the countryside?He didn't know that Xiaoqiang had never had the habit of shining leather shoes. After walking out of the mud in the warehouse last night, the leather shoes had been spoiled beyond recognition.There was even mud on the trousers.

In short, after some observation, Wang Zichao's heart was bleeding profusely, and he kept comforting himself that the wealthy people nowadays have vulgar tempers, maybe they inspected their own real estate construction site in the morning.Don't rush, don't rush...

Besides, Wang Zichao had studied negotiation psychology, so he began to look at this 'mud leg' with the eyes of psychoanalysis.

Now Wang Zichao saw the doorway.The young man in nondescript attire in front of him was not at all restrained in his attitude. After entering the VIP room, he leaned heavily on the sofa, his feet in yellow mud shoes stretched out undisguisedly, instead of shrinking back. , obviously no pressure on the environment of the VIP room.In this case, the other party is either used to seeing big scenes, or is an extremely casual person.

This person's head is held high, and there is a sense of squinting and looking down at people. This is a manifestation of the affirmation and pride of the superior for his identity.This person does not put his hands on his lap, or lazily puts them on the armrest of the sofa, but spreads them out in front of him, his fingertips meet, forming a pyramid shape upwards, this is the kind of talent who is extremely confident in his own strength A posture that will be taken subconsciously, this kind of person is often top-notch intelligence and self-confidence.This kind of action is very typical, but very rare!A person who subconsciously makes such an action is definitely not an easy master to deal with!This person...if he wasn't the kind of extremely smart local tyrant...then he was a liar!

But he... he... why is his hair so messy, why doesn't he comb his hair in the morning! ! ! [

Wang Zichao was in a mess. He didn't want to be alarmed by the scammers. This technology transfer can only be decided by the general manager. It is not up to the sales staff. But if the boss is alarmed, he finds that It's a farce, isn't it necessary for the general manager to treat himself as blind?

But when Wang Zichao looked at Zhou Lan, he intuitively felt that his trust had greatly increased.This woman is obviously a standard image of a company executive. She wears a black Chanel woolen business attire, a high-end gorgeous silk scarf is elegantly tied around her neck, and her watch is imported for more than [-] yuan...

After a quick internal balance, Wang Zichao made up his mind and said, "Wait a minute, I will ask the leader for instructions."

Xiaoqiang nodded slightly.

But he didn't know that because of his attire, the poor Wang Zichao had a complicated psychological struggle for a moment.

Soon, Wen Juchu, the deputy general manager of Shenji Group, came to the VIP reception room. After seeing Xiaoqiang's unusual Chinese tunic suit, he was slightly taken aback, but he was in charge of technology, so he didn't think too much about it. Directly said:

"Mr. Cao, what can I do for you?"

When Xiaoqiang saw the person in charge, he was refreshed.After a brief introduction, he expressed his intention.

"I hope that while purchasing machine tools, I will introduce a full set of high-precision 'mother machines', 'mother machines', and technical data from your group, so as to achieve the purpose of producing machine tools by myself. To put it simply, I hope to invest in the establishment of a Machine tool factory."

Deputy General Manager Wen Juchu said calmly, "About how many machine tools do you want to purchase?"

Xiao Qiang said: "200 billion!"

Vice President Wen stared like copper bells, and repeated: "How much?"

Xiao Qiang was a little bit complacent in his heart, and said in his heart that your total sales last year were just over 100 billion. I don't believe you won't be tempted by the 200 billion big order.

"200 billion!"

Vice President Wen finally confirmed that this lunatic really meant 200 billion!You know, Shen Ji's current estimated total sales in 2011 are only 180 billion yuan. Calculated, the other party's single order is higher than Shen Ji's annual sales!

"It's not a liar, is it?" Vice President Wen murmured in his heart.

Xiaoqiang saw Wen Juchu's hesitation.

"We can pay first, and put half of the 200 billion and 100 billion into your company's account. As for what to buy, we will choose slowly."

Wen Juchu's heart skipped a beat, as if he had unlocked a door, and he immediately realized it!

"The big dog! The legendary big dog! What is his name? Cao Xiaoqiang! Check! Check now! Beidu Xiaoqiang International Trading Company! I seem to have heard this name somewhere!"

Vice President Wen suppressed the excitement in his heart, showed the happiest smile on his face, and said to Wang Zichao on the side: "Xiao Wang, make us a pot of good tea, your hospitality tea here is too bitter, go to my office drawer , take the sparrow tongue I just bought, that Hui Gan is very good!"

Vice President Wen turned his face to Xiaoqiang and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, the young people in the company don't know Taishan, so they don't know that you are such a distinguished customer. If you can really purchase 200 billion! How can I let you drink this tea, you No amount of hospitality can be too high for such a distinguished guest!" [

Listening to Manager Wen's politeness, Xiaoqiang thought that he was testing my sincerity.

"Zhou Lan, please show Mr. Wen the prepared advance payment contract."

Zhou Lan took out a contract from the black suede soft briefcase she was wearing and handed it to Wen Juchu.

"Mr. Wen, as long as your group signs and seals this contract, our company will immediately transfer a deposit of 100 billion to the account designated by your group."

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