1949 I am from the future

Chapter 286 A Man With Many Snuff Bottles

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286 A Man With Many Snuff Bottles

Shen Mingju was busy in the living room of Xiaoqiang's master and deputy two with a total area of ​​more than 100 square meters, admiring all kinds of Xiaoqiang's "black" collections from the warehouse. The more he looked at it, the more frightened he was. It has become a serious and careful viewing; from the beginning of picking it up to enjoy it, to not daring to touch it, but constantly changing one's body and perspective to enjoy it. [

Shen Mingju's grandfather is a collector, and he usually likes to hunt for some antiques. The old cadres have spent all their retirement wages on it, but they haven't bought a few decent objects.The old people often say that after a hundred years, all these collections will be given to their only grandson.Under the influence of his grandfather, Shen Mingju was very interested in the things of the previous year and did some research.

Ever since he entered Xiaoqiang's house, Shen Mingju had a feeling that everything here seemed familiar.

In fact, the reason is very simple. Who does not have a dozen or even hundreds of antique appreciation albums issued by various national museums and ancient book publishing houses in the family of collectors? Although most people cannot afford genuine antiques, they can buy authentic albums. Have you ever experienced the head office of eye addiction?Shen Mingju did a lot of looking through albums of various cultural relics collections at his grandfather's house.

"Xiaoqiang, I really didn't expect that you are still a collector. Can I ask you something?" Shen Mingju sat on the sofa and said to Xiaoqiang beside him.

"Of course, what's the matter?" Xiaoqiang sat on the sofa and said kindly.

Bai Bing had been greedily staring at Li Muyun in the kitchen peeking at him before, but now he listened to Shen Mingju's words solemnly and carefully.

Shen Mingju tentatively asked, "Isn't your collection here all imitations? I'm not an expert on porcelain, but the vases from the Qianlong official kiln are probably imitations, and the imperial famille rose butterfly vase on the Duobao Pavilion Wait, it’s probably an imitation. But the 60 small snuff bottles in Duobao Pavilion are probably genuine products, right? My grandpa also likes to collect snuff bottles, so I’m a little bit of a kid. Why do I look at your things here? So familiar?"

Seeing Shen Mingju's good eyesight, Xiaoqiang could only say, "Well, it should be true, it's all paid for by my friends."

Shen Mingju was surprised and said, "When the money arrives? Who would that be?"

Xiao Qiang said: "It's a foreign customer. I used to collect a lot of antiques, and now I'm taking out some in exchange for money."

Shen Mingju got a little excited, and said: "Hey! Xiaoqiang, you have taken advantage of it! Do you know? Just your two amber bottles cost more than 300 million yuan each! Those emerald bottles cost 500 million yuan each! At least 100 million market prices! There are also some enamel painted gold, official kiln translucent fine porcelain, suet white jade, bloodstone, Tianhuangshi, amethyst, beeswax, turquoise, blue Goldstone, malachite, agate, coral, which one is not millions of things! I have only seen similar materials in the collection of snuff bottles in the Palace Museum! They are all imperial collections! The folk auction market has never appeared Such a material and workmanship! I took a look, Xiaoqiang, none of your snuff bottles here are less than [-] million! Some of them cost tens of millions!"

Xiaoqiang now regrets taking everyone home for coffee. The reason why he chose these snuff bottles to keep was entirely a child’s curiosity. Gadgets are very interesting when used as decorations to decorate desks and living rooms. Who would have thought that an expert would be able to tell the true from the false at a glance, and the real is obviously more scary than the fake. "

Xiaoqiang said vaguely: "Probably because they don't know the goods..."

Shen Mingju said excitedly: "It's priceless! It's priceless! Xiaoqiang, you really found a treasure! Let me ask you something, can I bring my grandpa to see it?"

Xiaoqiang looked at Shen Mingju's expectant eyes, and thought that this time would be troublesome, but he and Bian Xiaohua had already talked about marriage, so he had to give Li Muyun face no matter what.

"No problem... You are welcome anytime. Ruolan has the key to my house. Just let her know before you come. I often travel on business, so I may not be able to accompany you."

Bai Bing listened to it for a long time, and murmured in his heart: "Isn't Shen Mingju mistaken? If these small snuff bottles are worth so much money, why is Cao Xiaoqiang willing to put them outside? There are so many in such a small quantity. Even if someone snatches away any of those things, you won’t be able to see them.”

So Bai Bing asked: "Mingju, you must have read it wrong, right? If these things are so expensive, it probably wouldn't be appropriate for Xiaoqiang to put them in the living room like this?"

Shen Mingju smiled and didn't answer, just took a sip of the coffee cup in front of him with a strange face, sighed inwardly at Bai Bing's stupid hat, he didn't see the real body of Cao Xiaoqiang, the real body on the golden mountain, he is really romantic!True temperament!So suave!Just this calm and ancient style of using billions of dollars as a display, he is already a person who can be counted on the fingers of this Forty-Nine City! [

Hearing what Shen Mingju said, Bian Xiaohua, who was chatting around the dining table, was surprised. She knew Shen Mingju, and he would not make such jokes casually. If he wanted to say this, he was at least [-]% sure.

Bian Xiaohua is straight-tempered, she stood up quickly to look at the snuff bottle on Duobao Pavilion.Li Muyun and Murong Ruolan also walked over strangely.

The three women muttered while watching:

"Is it really so expensive?"

"I don't usually pay attention to it."

"It's really beautiful, this doll is so cute."

"I like this black silk crystal. Is this material really natural? It's so rare!"

"I like this onyx one. It's red and transparent. I really like people."


Shen Mingju drank his coffee, but muttered restlessly: "Xiaoqiang, your coffee cup is weird, it looks a bit like a teacup?"

The sad slander in Xiaoqiang's heart: "You have seen all this, can you calm down a bit!"

"Well, this is a teacup."

"It's a bit like an antique...won't someone pay you for the purchase?"

"Uh... this... is also paid for by others."

Shen Mingju almost spit out a mouthful of coffee, and hurriedly picked up the cup and the base to examine the inscription and pattern. The more he looked at it, the more he thought it looked like an antique, or the kind of royal porcelain fired in an official kiln!

Shen Mingju has already developed some inexplicable fear of Xiaoqiang in his heart, if a person treats tens of millions of antiques as teacups casually, how crazy must he be to do it!

Bai Bing obviously didn't believe it. He felt that Shen Mingju had been a little frustrated since he entered Xiaoqiang's house. He always said antiques when he saw everything, and even said that the imitation things were at least 80 million. These things, Dongdan porcelain The market is in the middle of the sea, like the octagonal bottle with an umbrella that Xiaoqiang placed at the door, it looks quite big and tall, and it is only three, five hundred yuan, at most a thousand pieces, but it is clear that even this kind of blue and white porcelain bottle with an umbrella It is said that it is a rare high imitation, worth hundreds of thousands, really fucking crazy.That thing costs hundreds of thousands. Can this guy who used to drive a Warrior but now drives a 500 be willing to use it for an umbrella?

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