1949 I am from the future

Chapter 289 Sour Social

[289] Sour Social

Sure enough, Bai Bing began to change from the extremely natural state at the beginning. His feet stretched back from the natural front and became crossed leaning on the bottom of the sofa. When drinking, no longer raise your head but lower your head slightly.

Xiaoqiang is very satisfied with this change of Bai Bing. Humans are social animals. As long as they are male social animals, they will try to separate the leaders when they get together. deterred by this strength.

At this time, you should give the other party some sweetness.Xiaoqiang thought about it.

Xiaoqiang began to explore according to the special psychological training course for the agents of the Ministry of Intelligence he had received. He picked up the wine bottle, motioned for more wine for the two, and inexplicably said in a gentle and encouraging tone: "Very good, very good .”[

People who don't know it will think that this is saying that the wine is good, or that the other party has a good drinking capacity.In fact, Xiaoqiang is ashamed to give Bai Bing psychological hints, to positively strengthen Bai Bing's posture changes due to psychological changes, and to positively induce and strengthen the awe that has just emerged in his subconscious.

For an agent who does not understand psychological analysis and psychological confrontation, he is not qualified to perform missions at all.In the training of Soviet KGB agents, psychological confrontation training even accounted for more than one-third of the curriculum.And the New China intelligence and internal security personnel, and even diplomats who studied under the Soviet Union, are also good at this.Generally speaking, secret agents who have received psychological confrontation training are not allowed to enter politics. Once they enter politics, they are not allowed to use psychological confrontation against their comrades, otherwise it is a violation of discipline!It is not surprising that a former senior agent like Putin, who has been tempered psychologically for many years, can smoothly block in the officialdom.

Since Xiaoqiang reported his thrilling encounters during the Spring Festival, Minister Li sent Comrade Chen Tiezheng, a great god from the intelligence department who had studied in the Soviet Union, to conduct one-on-one psychological analysis and confrontation training for him, hoping that he could pass Special training, so that you can preliminarily distinguish each other's words and deeds, and judge the danger in advance.Then make a predictive response.

And in history, many of the big cows in my underground party are masters of this way, and some gods can even judge whether the other party is a threat just by looking at the way passers-by walk, and then make advance predictions and take action.

Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, a big bull at the Puhai Information Station would go out and wander around his home every day. He used psychological analysis more than 20 times to judge that there was an unknown danger near his apartment, so he withdrew early to let his opponents miss him. Unfortunately, this senior big bull In the end, when covering the escape of his comrades, he stood up to lure away the Japanese devils, and was shot to death by the special high-tech military police.

In just a few days of special training, Xiaoqiang had a hard time practicing the temperament or style that he wanted to bring out in his speech and demeanor. As for the work of observing words and deeds, it was extremely difficult.Analysis of personality defects, psychological disorders and diseases, etc., are difficult to complete through short-term training.

It was the first time for Xiaoqiang to do this kind of thing today, and he didn't know if it would be useful or not. However, in order to ensure that there were no idiots around him who wanted to challenge him, which would be detrimental to him, it was necessary to do so.

A truly outstanding agent can successfully make the other party feel friendly even when they meet for the first time.And when he disappears from the crowd, he will never let you see who is the special one. Xiaoqiang doesn't have this ability.

Fortunately, no one here has received special psychological confrontation training and can see through what Xiaoqiang is doing.

But psychological confrontation is not so mysterious. In fact, for comrades with firm will and faith, this kind of confrontation is actually useless. Once you touch the other party's psychological red line and principles, it will immediately arouse the other party's vigilance However, if the secret agent misjudged the opponent's belief firmness during psychological penetration, he would die miserably.

Under Xiaoqiang's hypnotic circling, everyone drank too much. Due to the urging of alcohol and Xiaoqiang's deliberately contrived cadence, movements and expressions, Bai Bing and Shen Mingju put down their psychological defenses and kept drinking with Xiaoqiang. Talk about drinking.

But Xiaoqiang forgot one person, Li Muyun, who was not drunk, and Bian Xiaohua, who was very vigilant.

Li Muyun watched with joy in her heart. She never thought that this Cao Xiaoqiang had changed so much, and it seemed that his scheming was so deep. It seemed that as long as he wanted to, he could immediately become friends with others, and immediately Pulled out from a small group to become a small leader, his words and deeds seem to have a purpose, but it seems that people can't figure out the rules.If he doesn't care, he can eat like a pig!If he cared, he would show another face and talk like a different person. The rich expressions and complicated movements made people feel like a completely different person.Look at him leaning forward and backward, nodding and shaking his head, tilting his head and raising his eyebrows, changing his tone, clenching his fists and spreading his palms at other times, he is still the dull-looking Cao Xiaoqiang from before!What a liar!

While watching, Bian Xiaohua was also secretly startled, how could this Cao Xiaoqiang call Shen Mingju and Bai Bing two idiots brothers and sisters in a few words?Seeing his pretentious performance, he is a completely different person, but Bai Bing and Shen Mingju just eat his pot, as if a single word of his flattery can make them brag like chicken blood, An affirmative gesture and expression can make the two of them proud, look at him!Is this still human!What a liar!This further strengthened Bian Xiaohua's judgment on Cao Xiaoqiang: "This is a person who hides deeply, God knows what he is thinking in his heart! Xiaolan is in danger..."

Only Bai Bing and Shen Mingju, who were in it, were fans of the authorities, and they did not notice this abnormality.

Xiaoqiang patted the back of Bai Bing's hand lightly when everyone was chatting happily and said: "It's getting late, I won't see you off, go back and drive carefully."

After finishing speaking, he gently stroked the arm of Shen Mingju who was inexplicably looking forward to being approached by Xiaoqiang.

Shen Mingju felt that Cao Xiaoqiang's behavior was very kind. He didn't realize that he had been deliberately strengthened psychologically in a hypnotic situation, and he was looking forward to Cao Xiaoqiang's closeness.

The two didn't realize at all that Xiaoqiang was deliberately controlling the rhythm and seizing the decision-making power of the three-person team!Braking hard at the best moments of the atmosphere, it's blatantly toned! [

Generally speaking, engaging in psychological confrontation between friends has no practical significance at all, and there is no benefit at all. The result of doing so is that the person concerned cannot get the psychological comfort brought by the rare social interaction, and will only feel more lonely and lonely.Just imagine, other people are happily enjoying the physical and mental relaxation brought about by friendship and social interaction, but you are running at high speed in your brain to perform linear algebra-like logic, trying to unravel other people's psychology in an orderly manner, and there are many other people Meaningful words and actions are forced to be analyzed and the result is functional work, but you still have to bite the bullet and continue to fight fatigue!Strive to grasp every detail.

It can be said that only a psychopathic control freak would do this to his friends!But for an agent like Xiaoqiang who doesn't sleep well, there are battlefields everywhere.He didn't want any more trouble around him!He didn't want to have that unexpected situation in his hometown again.

After sending the four of them away, Xiaoqiang felt very tired. This trick was really exhausting, and Xiaoqiang really didn't want to do it again.

Murong Ruolan diligently cleaned up the cup and rinsed it, then returned to the sofa, the little bird hugged Xiaoqiang tightly like a human being and asked on her back:

"Xiaoqiang, why do I feel like you have changed to a different person tonight? Are you particularly excited after drinking?"

Xiaoqiang dishonestly put his hand in from under Murong Ruolan's white tight-fitting vest, stroked the hot cream and said:

"I was too tired, and I would talk nonsense when I was tired."

Murong Ruolan was panting, and pressed her lips to Xiaoqiang's mouth, the fluid in their mouths was exchanged, very lingering.

Taking advantage of the momentum, Xiaoqiang put the panting Murong Ruolan on the sofa, peeled off the wrapping on the snow-white jade body, and began to eat and enjoy.

Murong Ruolan cooperated with Xiaoqiang, letting him do whatever he wanted, Xiaoqiang kneaded the milky white jelly mastered by these two groups vigorously.

"Don't push too hard, it hurts..."

Xiaoqiang suddenly became a little arrogant, squeezed harder and harder, the plump breasts were squeezed out between Xiaoqiang's fingers, and the two jade rabbits changed their shapes under Xiaoqiang's rough rubbing.

"...Ah... Take it easy...Xiaoqiang..."

The more Murong Ruolan begged, the more Xiaoqiang felt an inexplicable pleasure. The seemingly joyful conversation just now was actually a kind of torture for him. He suppressed his real feelings and reacted mechanically with a purpose. It made him feel more and more eager to vent his depression.

"Don't lick there...dirty...ah..."

Xiaoqiang became like a wild beast, sucking the kiss from the flowery lips with alkaline body fluid into his mouth vigorously.

Murong Ruolan was extremely excited by Xiaoqiang's provocation, and hugged Xiaoqiang's back vigorously. Xiaoqiang raised his head, climbed onto Murong Ruolan's snow-white body, and hugged her tightly.

Following Xiaoqiang's rough and mechanical movements, Murong Ruolan's legs tightly wrapped around Xiaoqiang's waist.

"Xiaoqiang, do you love me?"


"...ah... um..."

Xiaoqiang blocked Murong Ruolan's words with his own mouth. [

As Xiaoqiang's movements became more and more violent, Murong Ruolan broke out in a fine sweat, and her fair skin was also greasy and shiny like washing.

Xiaoqiang began to attack the pair of rabbit eyes, he bit and sucked wantonly, and rubbed the protrusion vigorously with the other hand.

Under the strong stimulation, Murong Ruolan's mind went blank, her soft and smooth body stuck tightly to Xiaoqiang's body, twitching, shaking, letting Xiaoqiang's desire to vent wantonly.Pain and pleasure were intertwined, and the intense excitement made the two tremble violently almost at the same time.

"My parents want to see you."

Xiaoqiang shivered when he heard the words, and felt a chill spread along his tailbone to his back...

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