1949 I am from the future

Chapter 292 Annual Production of 6 Medium Trucks

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【292】Annual production of [-] medium trucks

The reason why Xiaoqiang focuses on Jiefang 141 is very simple. This thing was officially put into production in 86. It can run at a top speed of 90 kilometers per hour, which is much faster than the 10 kilometers per hour of the first Jiefang-65 in new China. Not to mention, the fuel consumption per 29 kilometers has dropped from 225 to 4 liters, and the load has increased from 5 tons to 6 tons. More importantly, it can also tow a [-]-ton heavy-duty trailer.

If the introduction is successful, the level of truck manufacturing in New China will step into the 80s and reach the level of the world in the 70s!The wonderful thing is that the electronic structure of this car is not complicated. The real black technology lies in the overall improvement of the engine production level and even the manufacturing level of all parts of the vehicle. [

Xiaoqiang couldn't help being happy when he thought that the roads in New China could be filled with fully domestically produced Jiefang 141 medium-sized trucks, and a large number of high-speed advanced trucks were running in all directions carrying the hope of the people of the motherland.

Cao Xiaoqiang, who studies industrial automation, feels disgusted every time he hears that the Chinese auto industry has stagnated for decades.Some people say that the old liberation has been consistent for decades, but it is completely nonsense, and the continuous improvement in the middle is ignored by people.A Beetle car from Volkswagen has been built for more than 40 years!Should the public be killed?

In fact, classic means longevity!And some people say that the Beetle has been improved, but hasn't Liberation improved?


New China's trucks started from this point, and have been continuously improved over the years.

1960b was born in 10. After the horsepower was increased, the speed reached 75 kilometers per hour, and a series of problems such as transmission oil leakage were improved.After the first improvement of the Beetle, the van was changed to an oval shape.

The 1963 was born in 140, the horsepower increased again, and the load increased from 4 tons to 5 tons.It's just that in order to support the second phase of construction, FAW privately gave all the production lines and technology to Second Automobile, and since then there has been Second Automobile's Dongfeng series.The Beetle increased power from 25 horsepower to 30 horsepower at this time.


As a result, in the eyes of people with ulterior motives, we have not changed, but others are technological leaps.In fact, with New China's poor and poor strength, it is normal to have a thorough understanding of truck manufacturing in 20 years.Only novices in the liberal arts would think that they can be made immediately if they have drawings and equipment.

Why is heat treatment required on the drawings, and at this temperature?

Why is this place the size it is and not bigger or smaller?

Why does this part have to come out with one knife and can't stop in the middle?Why is the tolerance like this?

Why can the safety factor of surface carburizing take this value?

Every question is not found in books, and there are also general explanations. These are decades of accumulation, and they are not thought out by brainstorming. When others don’t sell them to you, what you can do is independent research and development.

After 1982, the national economy began to adjust, and the opinion that building a car is not as good as buying a car was rampant.In the face of Japan's low fuel consumption trucks on the market, FAW did not flinch, so 141 was born!

This car can be changed to four-wheel drive off-road or six-wheel drive off-road, with anti-steel plate and traction winch installed to easily tow artillery and vehicles. It fully takes into account the needs of the troops, and it has also won consecutive bids in international military vehicle sales.Therefore, after repeated screening, the mechanical engineers of Xiaoqiang Company finally selected the first domestically produced car in New China as 141. Of course, they just felt that this car would not be outdated in Africa, where there is no electronics industry to speak of.

When Mr. Guan heard that Xiaoqiang wanted to purchase a complete set of 141 production lines, he said enthusiastically: "We exported this line the year before last. From the production of a screw to the rolling of body steel plates, we ensured 100% localization. The entire designed annual output of trucks is 30. The price is about [-] billion RMB, and of course the money will be shared with FAW.”

Xiao Qiang said: "Then it's settled like this, I hope we can continue to cooperate in the future!" [

Seeing that the 300 billion contract was completed in his own hands, Boss Guan shook hands with Xiaoqiang enthusiastically and said: "On behalf of my colleagues in the machine tool industry across the country, I am sincerely happy for our successful cooperation!"

Mr. Guan continued: "Tomorrow, let's hold a grand signing ceremony, and have a good time! Invite the heads of relevant departments to cheer up both of us. The journalists will wrap me up, and I will guarantee that I will be on TV for seven sets. Click the file!"

As Xiaoqiang and Mr. Guan walked out of the VIP reception room, the news spread, and the entire conference room of Shen Ji shook! 300!Shen Ji's group's total assets are only 150 billion!Almost half of this list is the cost of technology transfer and follow-up technical support!Needless to say, as the coordinating unit and the signing unit responsible for this procurement, Shen Ji will have a big head!Besides, among these enterprises, Kunming Machine Tool and Zhongjie Machine Tool have been merged into Shenji Group by the state, which means that the project of the boring machine factory is also owned by Shenji. !

Seeing that Mr. Guan was in high spirits, he waved his hand and said, "Mr. Cao, I invite you to visit our precision manufacturing workshop of Shenji."

Xiaoqiang had long coveted Shen Ji's precision assembly workshop, and when he heard that Mr. Guan would take him to visit, he nodded cheerfully.

Xiaoqiang took company president Zhou Lan and financial director Song Jingjing, followed Mr. Guan to the dust removal room outside the closed assembly workshop of Shenji, changed into Shenji's work clothes and thick special shoe covers, and After passing through the strong wind electrostatic dedusting corridor, it entered the core assembly area.

Facing the super-large workshop with a length and width of more than 40 meters, which is simply divided, and the more than [-] machine tools and nearly [-] staff stacked neatly here, Xiaoqiang's eyes are dazzled.

The purpose of Mr. Guan bringing Xiaoqiang to visit is probably to want Xiaoqiang to see the strength of Shenji. Facing such a client with a lot of money, there is no doubt that a long-term cooperative relationship is in the best interest of Shenji.Anyone who runs a business knows that sometimes one or two hundred small orders is not as profitable as one large order, but the energy consumed by hundreds of small orders is far higher than that of one large order.

Mr. Guan walked away in high spirits and said: "Our Shenji adopts sequential assembly, which is very efficient."

Xiaoqiang followed Mr. Guan closely, and asked, "Mr. Guan, what is the sequence assembly like?"

"You see, in the assembly workshop, there are always a small number of skilled high-end masters. In the past, our high-end technicians were so busy that they only installed 30 to 40 machine tools in a month. It can be said that they are a small number of people. Dry, most people see, junior workers can't get started to help.

However, the sequential assembly adopted now subdivides the entire assembly process into several links, and assigns many assembly links with lower technical requirements to some ordinary workers with lower skills, or even a few workers work together to complete an assembly link, so that the entire workshop They are all busy, greatly increasing production efficiency, and the production efficiency of sequential assembly is more than 20 times that of the past.Now, it is not troublesome for us to assemble more than 1000 machine tools in one workshop a month.It can be said that in the past, people waited for others, but now they wait for others to live.

In the past, whoever had the highest technology, who was the busiest and the most tired, was always afraid of not being able to complete the task. Now the sequential assembly liberates the high-end technicians from those less complicated processes, and specializes in the most core and most complex precision processes. For one thing, the current high-end technician can be used as the previous five high-end technicians.It has greatly alleviated the problem of our current shortage of high-end technicians. "

Xiaoqiang was surprised: "A big factory like Shenji will have a shortage of high-end technicians?"

Mr. Guan said: "There will never be enough real talents.

Sequential assembly like ours is very suitable for a country with developed human resources like ours. In an assembly workshop, we use three or four times as many people as foreigners.But because the production efficiency has increased by 20 times, the cost has dropped.

The assembly of machine tools is really very complicated, and the technical quality requirements for workers are very high. A worker has just learned the whole process after coming out of a technical school, and the actual operation level is far behind.This is what we have always had a headache about "knowledge but not mastery". This is not something that can be improved in three or two days.

As soon as we used this method, we immediately improved our efficiency. Foreigners said that we practiced 'human sea tactics', but we did exactly that!We don't superstitiously believe in the whole process of single-machine assembly in Germany and Japan, and we go our own way. Look, haven't our current machine tools been exported to Germany and Japan? "

When Mr. Guan said this, he looked proudly at the busy workers in the workshop.

As soon as Xiaoqiang was hooked, he thought he had obtained the scriptures this time, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Guan, please tell me about the sequential assembly method in detail. It will be good if the factory over there is built." wide."

Guan Zongdao: "Many people think that machine tool assembly is different from assembly line operations, and that a master needs to work from the beginning to the end to ensure the accuracy. In fact, after years of exploration in sinking the machine, there is a great potential to be tapped. As long as the previous one After the link is completed, all data parameters are recorded, and a special person is responsible for acceptance. Before the next process starts, there is a precise measurement process to realize sequential assembly. We will hand over this production method to you, Mr. Cao Do not worry."

Xiaoqiang even thanked him. [

Mr. Guan explained the scriptures with earnestness and earnestness like a senior: "Don't be superstitious about the myth that the German and Japanese automatic assembly lines are invincible. As long as you have abundant human resources and scientific and reasonable production methods, it is impossible to defeat them." questionable.

For thousands of years, a domestic battery manufacturer wanted to import a rechargeable battery assembly line from Japan. The Japanese asked for 2000 million U.S. dollars, but the company couldn’t afford that much money. Even if it did, the production cost would still be higher than The Japanese battery factory will also be subject to the Japanese for future maintenance and spare parts supply.

In the end, the company found that if the sequential assembly is applied, the complex assembly process that was previously automatically performed by the machine can be broken down into multiple manual processes. In this way, this fully automatic assembly line is nothing special.So they replaced all the automatic links with manual labor, only a small number of senior workers were used, and the rest of the simple processes were handed over to migrant workers.

In the end, the entire production line purchased and assembled by the company itself cost only US$500 million, creating a large number of jobs, and completely eliminated the Japanese automated production line provider from the market. After one year, it stopped production and withdrew from the Chinese market. . "

After listening to Xiaoqiang, he was hooked and said: "You are right, Mr. Guan. Talent is the most critical factor. If a country with a large population like ours cannot make full use of the advantages of human resources, but superstitiously believes in Western-style production models, then It’s tantamount to abandoning strengths and picking weaknesses! Some large state-owned factories blindly import fully automatic production lines from Japan, and as a result, the production of ordinary civilian cars of the same grade is twice as expensive as that produced by BYD’s factories that use a lot of labor!”

Mr. Guan smiled and said: "It seems that you understand this truth. Some things are too tricky, and we really can't say it. Let's just look at it. Some moths will be punished sooner or later!"

After visiting the constant temperature precision manufacturing workshop of Shenji, Xiaoqiang was really shocked by the advanced management and technological means. Compared with the dilapidated, black and dirty factory environment in 1950, this place can be said to be a holy place.

"How long will it take to reach this level in 1950 at the earliest?" Xiaoqiang was not sure at all...

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