1949 I am from the future

Chapter 295 The "comrades" who dug the pit

Sincerely thank Chaolu for descending into the world, they said it’s better to be longer, Shuibutou, Dongdongdao, Rikdum, Zizhu, Zhaishuishanren, Benben Xiaohui for rewards!

thank you all! ! !

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[295] secret meeting

Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force Hoyt Vandenberg said while sitting upright: [

"Under the current circumstances, I think we should not give up our efforts to win over China. At least, we should try. For example, let China enter the United Nations. After all, this is also a natural compliance with international law.

When a weak person has the right to speak, I don't believe he will continue to let Moscow dictate. Sooner or later, they will disagree!Moreover, this can also provide us with a platform for continuous contact and communication with the Chinese. Many issues can be resolved through diplomatic communication, which can also play a role in dividing the Moscow camp.And we and our British and French allies have three seats and firmly occupy the majority, so we don't have to worry about the backward China joining in will have any impact on the overall situation.As for the veto, since it is a one-vote veto, it would be meaningless for Beijing to go along with Moscow.On the contrary, as long as Beijing does not cooperate with Moscow once, it will plant the seeds of distrust between the Chinese and the Russians! "

Chief of Naval Operations Forrester Sherman said: "The Chinese navy is still very weak and poses no threat to the great U.S. Navy. However, the Taiwan Strait is too narrow! Just like the Chinese blitz landing operation shows As shown, the narrow strait appears to be of little defensive value, and little Formosa has no strategic depth at all. Once the Russians deploy enough shore-based air forces and long-range artillery, they will be able to complete the attack on the Taiwan Strait. Coordinated blockade. And the high-speed speedboat Qiaqia carrying large-caliber torpedoes is the most difficult opponent in this narrow sea area! These small wasps can use several coastal islands and reefs around the strait for concealment, and then attack suddenly. The radar is completely unable to find them!

Yes, we can send an aircraft carrier, but our aircraft carrier-based aircraft are completely unsure of suppressing the opponent's shore-based supersonic fighter!In my opinion, it is almost impossible for a propeller carrier-based aircraft to defeat a supersonic fighter!And the opponent's shore-based jet torpedo bomber has shown its speed!Every!900 kilometers per hour!This twin-jet bomber is so fast that our carrier-based fighters can't catch up!It has now been confirmed that this bomber is exactly the Il-28 Beagle bomber that the Russians displayed on the so-called 'May [-] Labor Day' that just passed!

I also agree with the opinion of Mr. Minister of the Navy, we should win over China, otherwise once China becomes Moscow's answer, our southward route from South Korea and Japan will be put under the deadly threat!Once the Russians expand their power to the Pacific Ocean, and the Chinese government becomes a regime that completely obeys Moscow, we will only be able to rely on the Guam route in the Pacific Ocean for supplies!The sea lines of communication between South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Malaysia and other US resource-providing countries in Southeast Asia may be paralyzed! "

After a joint chief of staff meeting, Truman's face turned pale. He never imagined that he would face such an embarrassing situation after losing Taiwan!And the strategic judgments of the chiefs of staff are basically the same, that is to do everything possible to win over China first!If it is not successful, then the military deployment of the United States in the Far East will be re-studied and judged, and the military expenditure involved will be close to 80 billion U.S. dollars!This is simply a nightmare for the United States, which just reduced its military expenditure from the highest US$1948 billion in World War II to less than US$830 billion in 100!If things go on like this, in the future, East Asia will even become a military black hole!

Just as Truman was struggling in the White House on whether to lower his noble head, engage in diplomatic contact with the new China, and recognize the People's Republic of China in order to further win over, news came that the Chinese special mission from the Kuomintang embassy in the United States had been successfully received. Ambassador Qiao Guanhua and Jiang Tingfu both visited the US Office to the United Nations!Submit a letter of state, hoping to establish diplomatic relations with the United States.

"This is a good opportunity! The Chinese may not be as monolithic as they seem to be with the Russians! As far as I know, the Soviet ambassador Gromyko was not informed! Mr. President, our wiretapping inside the Chinese embassy The listening equipment in the installation and the outreach calls are working!" Acheson, who arrived immediately after hearing the news, told Truman.

Truman also became excited: "Are you sure, Dean."

Acheson said: "Yes, the Russians have always opposed his puppets crossing Moscow to directly negotiate with the United States, but the Chinese said that only Ambassador Qiao Guanhua and Ambassador to the United States Jiang Tingfu came here this time! They did not inform the Russians! "

Truman pondered for a while and said, "Okay, arrange a trustworthy reporter... Let's use Schroeder, I owe him a favor.... In addition, the standard of reception should be higher. You can talk to them in person. Send out the news! This will definitely surprise Moscow, hehehe."

Acheson secretly despised Truman's ideas, he said: "Harry, if you really want to win over the Chinese, you'd better not let Schroeder publish the article immediately.

I think the Chinese are really trying to strike a balance between Moscow and Washington, they are too weak to be crushed by either side.However, as a behemoth in terms of land area and population, they have natural independence, which is determined by God.Obviously, Mao did not want to be a puppet of the Russians!This is our great opportunity!Harry, do you understand? "

Truman looked at Acheson suspiciously, widened his blue eyes and said, "But this is an opportunity to sow distrust between Beijing and Moscow."

Acheson said: "The fact is that the initiative of this news is in our hands. If the Chinese really show respect for the interests of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region, then if we release the news now, it will destroy the little trust the Chinese have in us. , will only send them back to Moscow.

There is no doubt that the purpose of the Chinese is to hope that the United States will recognize them and allow them to legally submit to the status of the United Nations.Under the current situation, this kind of obedience is in line with international law and should be taken for granted. If anyone blocks it, he will become the enemy of the [-] million Chinese people. This is a kind of hatred that is difficult to resolve.For the United States, even if we stop it, it will only temporarily delay the fact that this is bound to happen, and at the same time will tie the Chinese to the Russian chariot from now on!

We should tell the Chinese that we are happy with their reunification and return to the United Nations, but we will postpone the news of the meeting in order to prevent the Russians from obstructing it. "

Truman asked, "So if we release the news, will the Russians block it?"

Acheson said: "The Russians are not so stupid. The Chinese bought so many weapons from them, and they must have owed a lot of debt. They need the Chinese to pay back the money, not force the Chinese to default. But we say this , will definitely make the Chinese worry, because the Russians are right at their doorstep, and the pressure on them is too great. This is a kind of natural distrust.[

The British recognized the legal status of the Chinese regime in January. This is because the British have a longer history of dealing with the Chinese than the United States. They seem to know more about Chinese affairs than we do. I must admit this now.

Compared with those naive remarks in our country who believe that China will become a vassal of the Soviet Union, or that under the influence of "free forces", the Chinese Communist Party regime will soon collapse. Influenced by the Soviet Union in form, but still localized fundamentally, China will not willingly become a satellite country of the Soviet Union.It now appears that the British prophecy is correct!And once China is allowed to enter the UN Security Council... just imagine, let a child hold a microphone, will he always repeat the speech of an adult?Sooner or later they will sound different from Moscow!There is no doubt that this will drive the Russians crazy!When the time comes, our chance will come!

Harry, you should understand that now is an excellent time! "

Truman nodded quickly and said: "Thank God, there is still one of us who understands. Dean, I will leave this meeting to you. You immediately call all your staff, and we will study it urgently."

After a secret arrangement by the CIA, Acheson and Ambassador Qiao Guanhua met at the Scott Holiday Hotel near Long Island.The living room of the senior suite of the Scott Holiday Hotel is now filled with a total of eight representatives from both parties attending the meeting.Ambassador Qiao did not shy away from the reporter Schroeder brought by Acheson.

Before this meeting, Ambassador Qiao was told before leaving the country: Although our resumption of the joint seat is reasonable and legal, if the United States blatantly opposes it, it is very likely to manipulate its power in the United Nations and throw out 'Suspend discussion' such a decision that is not conducive to new China, or simply manipulate the vote to make the proposal pass in the UN General Assembly!

And historically, America has done just that!Of course, this time and that time, the United States was not panicked at that time because it had Taiwan as a bargaining chip.Now that the United States has lost the Taiwan puppet regime, even if it wants to turn black and white in terms of legal principles, it still relies on it. But if it really wants to manipulate the UN General Assembly, disgust China, and delay the restoration of China's legal seat in the United Nations by a few years, the United States can still do it !Considering that the Korean war that may change the entire world pattern is about to break out, New China can't afford to wait!

Acheson sat quietly on the sofa, leaning sideways and carefully listening to the Premier's handwritten letter interpreted by Jiang Tingfu on the spot, feeling a surge of emotion.

He was very excited. Even as a political figure with cold logic, he felt the sincerity from the Chinese government and the great political value contained in it!

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