1949 I am from the future

Chapter 300 No. 56 Gasoline

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It's been three hundred times, time really flies... I wish all book friends good health, and we all continue to work together to reach the moment of glorious victory when the book is finished...

[300] No. 56 gasoline

Xiaoqiang was very excited, shook hands with Mr. Li with a smile and said: "I have admired you for a long time, Mr. Li, you are a legend in the domestic car industry. It is really a great honor to ask you to come here in person."

Li Shufu smiled very down-to-earth. You must know that Geely's profit only exceeded one billion last year, and now someone suddenly said that they need to spend money to buy pride...the production line of this good car, it is pie in the sky!

"Where, people who know me probably remember me after hearing my silly saying 'building a car is a sofa with four wheels', haha."

Xiaoqiang took a look at Li Shufu's plain office, and said with a smile: "It's better to be famous than to see it. Mr. Li's office is really simple enough. Some township heads' offices are more magnificent than yours."

Mr. Li smiled and fiddled with the fountain pen in his hand and said: "We are a private enterprise, and we are engaged in the most thankless labor-intensive industry. Every penny is paid for by hard work, and thrift is the right thing to do."

After finishing speaking, Li Shufu put down the fountain pen and said seriously: "Mr. Cao, I heard from Xiao Lu that you want to buy a complete set of production equipment?"

As soon as Xiaoqiang heard the topic, he said solemnly: "Yes, I want to copy the pride of this carburetor of your company to Africa, and use it in Africa for more than ten years."

Li Shufu's eyes lit up. The domestic auto market in 2011 is cooling down significantly. The profits of all auto companies are declining. Is Africa really a growth point?He simply didn't talk about the selling price, but asked: "Mr. Cao has channels in Africa? Can the consumption power of African people keep up? The profit of this low-end model is very thin. If a production line is put into production, it is guaranteed that the bottom line will not lose money." That is, at least 8 to 10 vehicles must be produced! How can you say that you need to sell [-] vehicles per year to make ends meet! For a low-end product like a carburetor car, can you sell [-] vehicles?"

Xiaoqiang has never been to Africa, how can he know Africa, but he knows that Geely's pride was placed in 1950, and it was normal for the world to sell millions of vehicles.So he said nonsense: "The standard of living is always improving gradually. When people can afford to rebuild, isn't time wasted?"

Seeing this, Mr. Li thought to himself, it would be good to let him explore the way to open up the market. If it is really easy to sell, the domestic shipment will be very fast.However, I heard that there are used cars everywhere in Africa, and there is no market for new cars. He is willing to be this pioneer, and his courage is really commendable.

"Mr. Cao, I did the math. To build a car factory there according to the standard of fully localized production, if the land cost is not counted, the total investment will be at least 50 billion yuan! We, Geely, are planning to invest and set up a factory in Indonesia. The current total The budget has reached 20 billion US dollars, which is really astonishingly expensive. Of course, this carburetor is not the pride of the production, and the production capacity is much higher. In addition, we have agreed with the Egyptian Karebbar Group to form a joint venture in Egypt. The assembly plant has an annual assembly output of 3 vehicles."

Li Shufu is a real person, and the two meanings in this statement are very clear, that is, let me remind you first, first of all, overseas investment is very expensive.Secondly, if you have just started production there, you may have to face competition from Egypt, or higher-end models. If you feel unsure, it is better not to blindly invest money in it.

Xiaoqiang ignored it and said nervously: "Yes, so your equipment has to be sold cheaper. I am different from the kind of full-component assembly factory that can change the production model at any time according to market changes. Our The target customers are different, and I am taking the civilian route.”

Mr. Li nodded and said: "Since you have already decided, Mr. Cao, I will give you a quotation. Haoqing's engine is basically a copy of the 376 engine on Tianjin FAW Xiali, and this tj376 of FAW is also a copy of the 376 of Japan's Daihatsu Motor. The engine. Although this thing looks simple, it has not been produced by several countries in the world. In general, Haoqing’s car is basically a Shanzhai Xiali, so I charge you 12 billion for a full set of equipment and technology transfer. not expensive."

Xiaoqiang was taken aback for a moment, originally he thought it would cost 12 billion yuan to get it done after hearing Lu Qifu's words, but now Geely's asking price is only [-] billion yuan.

But after thinking about it, these devices are all old, and Geely doesn’t care about installation and commissioning, factory construction and employee training, or technology digestion and absorption, and will not afford all the time and labor costs for trial production and commissioning and the early stage of production. Still not low.

"Mr. Li, the price is a bit high. You can adjust it again. I think it's about 5 million." Xiaoqiang counter-offered shamelessly.

Li Shufu stared and said: "That's impossible, you can't buy it! You can't buy it! You are stealing money! Engine, car body, chassis, instrumentation, bearings, carburetor, exhaust gas purification... If you want a complete set, how can you buy it?" so cheap!"

After a period of cheerful wrangling, the two finally set a price of 10 billion. Geely is responsible for providing a complete set of CDs for the production process, and providing free multimedia technical consultation before and after production.

Xiaoqiang felt that he had made money, and Li Shufu also felt that he had made money. If these old equipment were sold to second-hand industrial material recycling companies on the market, it would be a great thing to get back almost [-] million.Sure enough, what they said is correct, third-rate companies sell products, second-rate companies sell services, and first-rate companies sell technology!The profit from selling technology is almost catching up with Geely's profit for the whole of last year!

However, Li Shufu was still afraid that Xiaoqiang's broken car would smash Geely's signboard in Africa, so he disagreed with Xiaoqiang's use of Geely's brand and logo to bluff in Africa.Xiaoqiang pretended to be helpless, so he had to agree to make another car logo himself.For this reason, Li Shufu expressed that he would rather agree to give Xiaoqiang another 1000 cars for free.

How could Xiaoqiang let it go, took advantage of Li Shufu's slip of the tongue, and insisted that Li Shufu give him an extra 1000 Haoqing vehicles.Seeing that he had earned so much money anyway, Mr. Li readily agreed.

Xiaoqiang swindled 1000 lottery cars, came out of Geely Company in high spirits, called Zhou Lan to send someone to take over the follow-up of the contract, and then got on the plane and headed north. On the plane, Xiaoqiang couldn't help but hum. Minor tune "We, the common people, are really happy..."

Compared with the first Xiali that rolled off the assembly line in China in the form of CKD (complete assembly factory) in 1986, and the localization of all copycats was completed in 1992, in 1950, it was possible to produce such a great national car 42 years ahead of schedule. What a delight!The Beetle can sell 2100 million units worldwide. Xiaoqiang believes that although Haoqing’s pretentious appearance is not very artistic, but with its performance that swept everything in the 1950s, at least it can sell 600 million units?Once this car is mass-produced, according to the ex-factory cost in 2011, it is no problem to control the cost at 22000 yuan. With the layer upon layer price increase of transportation and middlemen, it is normal to sell it below 30000 yuan.By 1950, when labor was cheap, the cost would be lower, and it would never exceed the 1 marks of the Beetle-equivalent to three or four thousand dollars.Of course, if the raw materials for making cars cannot be turned into cabbage, the cost will not come down either.

Xiaoqiang thought of the bitter development history of the car industry in New China, and felt that it was terrible. Although the first Hongqi car rolled off the assembly line in 1958, it was exciting, but who knew that in order to cast a qualified V8 engine for Hongqi, the Autobots of New China What a pain.

The Soviet experts said very frankly at the time: "Don't do it, the V8 engine can't even be made in the Soviet Union." But FAW finally got 100 qualified products after casting 3 cylinder blocks!The remaining 97 all have quality defects and are unqualified!On the basis of these three qualified blanks, the new Chinese Autobots carefully polished them by hand, and finally made a perfect V3 engine!This is truly a one-of-a-kind work of art!The roll-off of the first Hongqi car finally allowed New China to manufacture a V8 engine ahead of the Soviet Union and the whole of Asia!

The automotive industry, like all other industries, has to be developed step by step, from easy to difficult.If you look at the current technical level of Toyota and Honda, which made agricultural vehicles, you will know that the road has to be taken step by step. The improvement of technology requires continuous spending of money. Where does the money come from?Only rely on continuous capital accumulation, this matter can not be rushed.Now that 1950 has pride, it is equivalent to having a steady stream of capital accumulation required for the development of the automobile industry, which makes Xiaoqiang unhappy.

Xiaoqiang is only worried about one problem now, the quality of the oil in 1950!

At present, New China can only provide No. 56 gasoline, which is the gasoline provided for the compression ratio between 50 and 6 of the cars in the 7s in the world.

The gasoline grade is actually simple. The higher the compression ratio of the engine, the higher the gasoline grade required.

Because when the oil and gas are mixed in the engine cylinder, the piston compresses the mixed oil and gas, and the spark plug ignites to burn the mixed oil and gas to generate energy to push the piston back to generate mechanical power.Low-grade gasoline contains a large amount of unstable n-heptane, which causes the piston to ignite before it is fully compressed in the compression stroke, and the mixed oil and gas will detonate in advance. The more powerful the engine, the lower the compression ratio, and the low-grade gasoline The high-quality gasoline often becomes the killer of these advanced engines, frequently causing knocking!Commonly known as 'knock cylinder'.Cause the engine to stall, and if things go on like this, the life of the engine will be greatly reduced!



The method of improving oil quality in New China is the same as that of the world at that time, that is to add tetraethyl lead gasoline anti-knock agent discovered by American scientist Thomas Midgley in 1921, and add one gram to 70 per liter of No. 1.5 oil. One gram of tetraethyl lead can initially reach the anti-knock level of No. 80 gasoline, but what can be done about lead poisoning from automobile exhaust?The lead pollution is so serious that even the three-way catalytic converter installed on the 2011 car can only eliminate carbon monoxide and alkyl poisons, but cannot eliminate the lead in the exhaust gas at all!

The thought of car exhaust poisoning gave Xiaoqiang a headache.

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