()【40】Looking back at the Golden Gate

Shengli Oilfield is one of the largest oilfields in China.Hundreds of millions of tons of new proven reserves are added every year. As of 2010, the total proven oil reserves of Shengli Oilfield have reached 145 billion tons, and the natural gas reserves have reached 2.47 trillion cubic meters.Xiaoqiang found the information of these well-known high-yield wells from the Ministry of Mineral Resources, and marked the ri output and other details on the aerial map bought from the Bureau of Surveying and Mapping.

On September 1962, 9, Well Ying 23 in the Dongying area obtained a high-yield oil flow of 2 tons. This was the oil well with the highest oil production in the country at that time. Shengli Oilfield was called "Nine Two Three Plants" in the early days. This is also one of the two wells that Zhong Yang and Xiaoqiang chose this time.

At this moment, Chiang Kai-shek Zheng Fu in Taiwan is vigorously boasting about the "Great Victory in Gu Ningtou", which is the first bitter battle in which the establishment system was eliminated since the founding of our army-the Battle of Kinmen.

When the battle was just over, on the streets of Taipei, the military police scattered a huge amount of free newspaper leaflets, celebrating wildly.When Chiang Kai-shek heard that Kinmen was defending, he said with tears in his eyes, "We have won this battle, and Taiwan is safe." Combining the announcement and implementation of the "Temporary Provisions for the Mobilization and Rebellion Period" on May 1948, 5 and the implementation on May 10, 1949 Judging from the white horror methods of "Martial Law", Lao Jiang's performance completely exposed his inner fear and fragility.

In the history of our army, there are many victories and few defeats, so once there is a defeat, it is particularly eye-catching, especially this kind of complete defeat in which the establishment system is eliminated has never been heard before. Heartache.On the second day after the Kinmen defeat, the superiors decided not to launch a second wave of attacks without the protection of the navy, Xiao Feng, deputy commander of the 28th Army, and Li Mancun, director of the Political Department, turned pale and cried bitterly. The waiting tens of thousands of ready-to-go soldiers rushed to the beach like crazy and wailed, ignoring discipline and angrily raised their guns to shoot at the sky!At this moment, the gunshots on Kinmen Island are still intermittent, and the resistance of the brave and fearless fighters who seized the island is not over yet...

On the same day, the 10th Corps reported to our 3rd Field Command: "We reviewed the cause of the tragic loss in the Golden Gate Operation, mainly because we were blinded by our impatience and victory, blindly optimistic and underestimated the enemy. Until it was discovered that the Hulian Corps had begun to Ship reinforcements from Shantou to Kinmen, still required to attack the enemy before all the reinforcements arrived, and failing to make up our minds to stop the attack when the ships were insufficient, this is the most serious crime.”

Ye Fei, the commander of the Tenth Corps, reported to Zhong Yang for punishment after the review meeting in the Corps. By the end of 49, Lao Jiang had repaired all the original more than 200 bunkers on Kinmen Island, and planned to build on the original foundation. A large number of new bunkers and tunnels have been added to the game.The number of defenders will increase from 2 to 10. In view of the sharp performance of the tanks in the landing strikes, Lao Jiang added 22 to the original 5 American-made m1a20 tanks in Kinmen, advocating The so-called waiting for the next attack, just waiting for the attack.

Speaking of the previous Battle of Kinmen, it was really tragic. More than 9000 soldiers from the three regiments of the People's Liberation Army were divided into more than 300 wooden fishing boats. Soon after the boat sailed, a strong wind blew up and the tide started.

The three regiments were divided into three groups, and there was no communication with each other. They just planned their own way. A platoon leader of the defenders on Piansheng Island got up in the middle of the night to check the sentry post and touched a landmine by mistake. The loud noise woke up the defenders on the whole island. , Thinking it was our army attacking, they entered the battle positions one after another.Coincidentally, our army really attacked in the middle of the night. You said how tragic it is.

The garrison looked over the sea and saw a dense wooden boat. Immediately according to the agreed police report, he fired three shots into the sky.So he immediately reported to Daiwan Island, and at the same time notified Hu Lian who was floating in the sea with a large army on a landing ship and a frigate at the moment, preparing for random reinforcements.

In order to prevent our army from landing, more than 200 bunkers were erected on the island, and the firepower made it very difficult for our army to move forward an inch.The landing on the beach was not going well, but a large part of the three regiments of our army came from the Shandong Yimeng base area, and they had no water, and their legs were so weak that they vomited after jumping off the boat.

The main attacking group found the right landing point and arrived at a little red beach, but the two assisting groups were lost by the strong wind and landed on Guningtou Beach, as if a tragedy was unfolding.The main attacking group desperately attacked the bunker on Yidianhong Beach. Many soldiers rushed to the bunker with explosive packs and died together, but those who assisted were invisible.

We were struggling, and the enemy tanks rushed to the Red Beach Landing Point for support. The main attacking group couldn't hit the tanks at all, and even ran out of explosives. Because the preparations were not detailed enough, only a section of the bazooka was found. Here I want to say that the bazooka used by our military was bought from the Soviet Union at that time. It was modeled on the German 100-type 44mm "Iron Fist" bazooka during World War II. This thing is the grandfather of the bazooka. Therefore, it is divided into three parts. When it is used, it needs three people to assemble it.It is said that the whole regiment searched for a long time and couldn't see where the two parts of the second half of the bazooka were thrown. They were rushed into the beach by tanks and suffered heavy casualties.

At this time, the receding tide began, and almost all the wooden boats that landed were stranded on the beach. After receiving the news, Hu Lian landed on Jinmen Island with his [-]th Corps.Misfortunes never come singly. Just after dawn, the only bomber brigade in Dawan Bay took off and bombed our army’s stranded ships on the beach in turn. A frigate brought by Hu Lian also began to bombard these stranded wooden boats one by one with naval guns. Even Hu Lian’s landing The warship also joined in, sweeping she with its machine gun.In the end, all wooden boats were smashed into pieces.

At this time, all the ships in the first echelon of our army were destroyed, and the fleet was on fire. Most of the ammunition on board was blown up, and the raging flames were tens of meters high.The officers and soldiers of the second echelon who were waiting for the ferry to return on the mainland side saw this clearly, but there was nothing they could do.All the officers and soldiers stomped their feet and cried bitterly, and there was a lot of crying on the coast, so tragic!You know, they are all Shandong tough guys who fought on the battlefield, so they don't shed tears lightly.Zhong Xianwen, the commander of the 82nd Division who commanded the landing operation, heard the news that all the ships had been destroyed, and immediately passed out in the command post.

In the morning after dawn, under the repeated attacks of Hu Lian's reinforcements and tanks and artillery on the island, our army fought less and less, and the battle became more and more cruel. Unable to sail for reinforcements. The 10th Corps urgently searched for ferry boats. As a result, only boats carrying 25 companies were collected throughout the day on the 4th. It was impossible to turn the tide of the battle.

Some people in the military think that the disparity between the enemy and our forces is too great, and adding one or two battalions can only increase unnecessary casualties.Xiao Feng called Ye Fei for instructions.Ye Fei instructed: "As long as there is a glimmer of hope, we must send troops to reinforce and fight to the end with Hu Lian's corps!" So he decided to send Sun Yunxiu, head of the 4th regiment, to lead [-] companies to reinforce Kinmen.The reinforcement officers and soldiers all knew that they would never return, but they all regarded death as home.

They left their backpacks, wrote the addresses of their relatives in their hometown, took out all the pens, notebooks, wallets, etc. on their bodies, and asked the troops to hand them over to their relatives.The soldiers carried as many grenades as possible, shook hands with each other tightly, and agreed to "keep the last one for yourself!" Sun Yunxiu, the head of the regiment, asked the messenger to tell the deputy commander Xiao Feng: "After I die, please let the troops inform Luoyang City on my behalf. Dong’s parents, and asked his wife Wang Peilan to remarry.”

In the early morning of the 26th, Sun Yunxiu led two reinforcement troops from the 4th Regiment and 12th Regiment to cross the sea for reinforcements.Due to the strong wind and waves and the blockade of the enemy navy, the fleet was blown away, and only [-] platoons boarded Guningtou to join Liu Tianxiang and Xu Bo, who stubbornly persisted in the bloody battle.After dawn, Hu Lian also put the last main force of the No.[-] Corps into battle, and counterattacked overwhelmingly.Our army was outnumbered, and Sun, Liu, and Xu led their armies in a bloody battle. The fierce battle continued for days and nights, resulting in heavy casualties.Our army fought less and less. Not only did the soldiers not eat a grain of food for two days and two nights, but even the water source was cut off.

In the early hours of the 27th, Xiao Feng sent a telegram to the troops guarding Guningtou. The full text is as follows: <Comrade, Comrade Xu Bo, Comrade Chen Lihua and to all commanders, combatants and boatmen: Dear comrades, since October 10th At 24 o'clock in the evening, in order to liberate the southeast coastal islands of the motherland, you took a wooden boat to overcome the turbulent waves of 21 kilometers, made a resolute breakthrough at Shili Beach on the northwest coast of Kinmen Island, and paid precious blood for annihilating the remnants of Chiang Kai-shek. Many comrades sacrificed their young lives.Our heroic people's soldiers fought bloody battles for two days and nights in the absence of reinforcements from ships, inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy, which greatly outnumbered our army, and destroyed many of the enemy's military facilities.Because the leaders misjudged the enemy's situation, my 10 combat formation battalions were defeated and wrote an extremely heroic history.Comrades who are still alive are continuing to fight with the determination to be invincible.In order to preserve the last force, it is hoped that the frontline commanders and fighters can be flexible and use the bamboo rafts and boats of the enemy or the masses from all corners of the island to withdraw across the sea in groups or individually to the mainland and return to the construction.We will send ships, troops, and firearms to meet and rescue you all along the coast.

However, at this time, the enemy has surrounded our landing troops heavily, and it is impossible for our heroes to withdraw to the mainland and return to construction.

At dawn on the 27th, the Kuomintang army launched a general attack on our Guningtou position, and enemies flooded in from three directions like a tide.The enemy naval warships circled to the sea to the north of Guningtou, and bombarded the blind spots that the ground artillery fire could not reach with heavy artillery.The planes were also dispatched, sweeping at low altitude.Sun, Liu, Xu and others were divided and surrounded by the enemy, and the fighting was extremely cruel.Sun Yunxiu, the head of the 10th Regiment, and several soldiers were besieged. After fierce fighting, seeing that there was no hope of breaking through, Sun Yunxiu suddenly jumped up and shouted at the enemy: "Come here, I am the head of the regiment!" He shot himself in the temple.According to the records of the Kuomintang military history: "Sun Bandit Yunxiu was extremely tough. After killing himself by drinking a bullet, his body stood still." At about [-] o'clock, Guningtou fell, Liu Tianxiang sacrificed, and Xu Bo led some remaining officers and soldiers into the deep mountains to fight. Guerrilla, the enemy used a division of troops to search the mountains, Xu Bo was captured and killed.

To sum up, apart from the tragic process and extreme bad luck of this battle, the main reason for this battle is that Ye Fei, the commander of the Tenth Corps, underestimated the enemy.

Ye Fei is known as "Little Ye Ting", good at fighting, resourceful, and always victorious.Since the War of Liberation, the Tenth Corps has been invincible in Pingshandong, sweeping Huaihai, crossing the Yangtze River, and kefu porridge. Xiamen was liberated on October 1949, 10, and Kinmen suddenly became an isolated island.The defenders on the island are Li Liangrong's 17nd Corps, with about 22 people.The 2 troops of the Ten Corps watched across the sea.Distinguish between good and bad, at this time, the most terrifying enemy appeared.This enemy is the emotion of underestimating the enemy.A poisonous atmosphere permeated the Ten Corps.

Ye Fei entertained the local leaders of Xiamen in Tiger Cave, pointed at the dishes with chopsticks, and said:

Jinmen is a piece of meat on this plate, you can pick it whenever you want, and you can't get away.Laughing, the arrogance is beyond words.

There is a detail: as soon as Ye Fei entered Xiamen, he picked up his mother from his hometown.This reflects his belief that there is no more war.The enemy is at present, and the coach relaxes himself first.

Because of underestimating the enemy, the preparations were not thorough and the training was not strict.At that time, the PLA was all landlubbers, and the 28th Army was no exception.When most soldiers saw the sea for the first time, one regiment leader said: Who put so much salt in the sea, it's so salty!Prior to this, the Tenth Corps was the only unit of the People's Liberation Army that had conducted island operations: fighting Pingtan in the north and Xiamen in the south.When four companies went up to Pingtan, Jiang's army collapsed.Xiamen went up to seven companies, but the enemy couldn't hold it.The small victories of the two islands caused the soldiers to think that island warfare was mediocre, and they did not value the small island that looked like a dumbbell.

All of this eventually led to this heartbreaking result.

Looking back on this battle, the most regrettable thing is that these heroic fighters have left us since then. May the souls of heroes rest in peace and the heroes of the people will live forever!

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