Chapter 214 Lin Ran Is Jealous

The girl's voice is immature and well-behaved, a bit whiny, but it's not annoying.

Lin Ran's footsteps stopped suddenly.

Standing at the door, she clenched her fingertips, wanting to hear what he would say.

Then Lu Qi's chuckling voice came into his ears: "Of course, it seems that we haven't seen each other for more than a year."

"You still know, Brother Lu Qi, after we parted last time, you said you would come to see me when you had time, but you haven't come yet, you liar, hmph."

"I don't care, I'm angry, you have to coax me."

The girl said coquettishly.

Lin Ran's fingertips clenched even tighter. For some reason, she couldn't help but think the worst.

But after being together for almost two years, it stands to reason that she already knows him well enough. Lu Qi has never made her feel insecure about anything. He has always loved her very much and took care of her emotions.

So what happened to this girl.

She also called so intimate.

Brother Lu Qi.

It's like calling my love brother.

Did she really think too much?

More importantly, Lu Qi responded to her with a smile.

This made Lin Ran panic.

She was very flustered, of course she believed him more, after all, he was the man who had shared the same bed with her for so long.

But why did he answer so happily and enthusiastically?

Lu Qi's laughter kept coming from inside. It was obvious that the two of them had a pleasant conversation. After listening to it for a while, Lin Ran turned around and went back to the room silently.

In the huge room, objects arranged by the two of them are placed everywhere.

Lin Ran was lying on the bed, usually lying on it, she was in a particularly happy mood, but today was a little different.

Lin Ran was so upset that she couldn't help taking out her phone.

I saw Chen Yu asking her if she was home.

Lin Ran replied, "Here we are."

Chen Yu complained to her: "I'm so tired, I feel like I've visited all the stores today."

Seeing this, Lin Ran's mood suddenly improved, but was soon covered by the haze. She bit her lip and couldn't help texting Chen Yu.

"Chen Yu, I want to ask you a question."

Chen Yu: "Okay, you ask."

"You're polite to me."

Lin Ran asked: "I want to ask, does Zhou Ming have any particularly close female friends, such as confidante or something?"

Seeing this, Chen Yu exploded instantly.

"He dares!"

"If he dares to have any confidante, my mother will break up with him now!"

"Why do you ask this suddenly? Baby Ranran, you must have seen something. Tell me, damn it, if there is, I will never spare him."

Looking at Chen Yu's irritable appearance.

Lin Ran was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "No, I just asked casually, I didn't see anything, so don't think about it."

Chen Yu has known her for so long, how could he not understand what kind of person she is, since she asked her this question, there must be a reason.

Otherwise, Lin Ran would never have asked this question suddenly.

Chen Yu asked tentatively: "Lin Ran, did you find out that Professor Lu has any female friends of the opposite sex?"

When questioned, Lin Ran was silent for a while, but still admitted it.


"Isn't it?" Chen Yu's shocked voice came: "You have been together for such a long time, did you just find out now? Or did he meet recently?"

After the voice was played, Lin Ran also voiced back to her.

The voice was helpless: "I don't know, but I probably didn't meet them recently. When I passed by the study just now, I heard them calling. It seems that they have known each other for a long time."

"And do you know what that girl called him?"

Chen Yu: "What?"

Lin Ran couldn't pronounce those four words, so she typed them and sent them to her.

"Brother Lu Qi."

Seeing this, Chen Yu calmed down.

"Could it be his relative or something, or a relative's child?"

"I feel that Professor Lu is not the kind of person who will mess around. Besides, he loves you so much, how could he cheat or cheat on you?"

After Lin Ran listened, she typed and sent it to her: "I think so too."

Chen Yu suggested: "You can find an opportunity to test him and see if he tells you the truth. If he doesn't tell you, there must be something wrong. It's okay. I'll leave it to my sister. Anyway, I haven't gone to work yet. I can help you track him 24 hours a day."

Chen Yi said angrily.

And hearing this, Lin Ran almost laughed out loud, and was really touched.

Just as she was about to reply to her, there was the sound of slippers outside, and Lu Qi came.

Lin Ran typed quickly: "Let's not talk about it, Lu Qi is here."

After speaking, I turned off the phone.

When Lu Qi walked in, he saw her lying on the big bed, her complexion was not very good, worry flashed across her dark eyes, and he strode over.

"Are you feeling unwell?"

The man leaned over and put his hand directly on Bai Zhe's forehead.

Hearing his undisguised concern, Lin Ran blinked and said, "No, I'm not sick."

It wasn't hot to the touch, so Lu Qi breathed a sigh of relief, withdrew his hand, chuckled lightly, and said casually, "I was shocked, why didn't you say anything when you came back?"

Hearing these words, Lin Ran felt something was wrong.

She propped her chin and said in a toneless tone: "Why, do I need to report to you in advance when I come back?"

Lu Qi frowned: "What kind of words are these?"

"This is our home, of course not."

Lu Qi looked at her and felt that something was wrong with her today.

The dark eyes behind the gold wire frame flickered with worry, and he asked in a gentle voice: "What's the matter, did anything unpleasant happen while shopping with Chen Yu today?"

"Or are you quarreling?"

Lu Qi asked.

Lin Ran looked away: "No."

"I had a lot of fun today, maybe I'm too tired."

too tired?
Lu Qi didn't think so.

Just about to say something, Lin Ran got up: "I'm going to take a shower first."

Then he went straight to the bathroom, without giving him time to talk at all.

Lu Qi frowned, and suddenly felt even more wrong.

She is not usually like this.

Any problems between them will be directly spoken out, and then resolved, because they have said that they cannot hide from each other in the future.

Taking a breather, Lu Qi came to the balcony, took out a cigarette case from his pocket, listened to the sound of water in the bathroom, and leaned against the wall to smoke.

In the bathroom, Lin Ran was in a very complicated mood.

As long as you close your eyes, you can think of Lu Qi smiling and talking to that girl on the phone.

It can be heard that the girl has a very lively personality, just like Chen Yu. She was obviously raised by pampering, which is different from her.

Anyone would love a sun-like existence.

It's like she likes to play with Chen Yu.

But Lin Ran was just jealous.

With her eyes closed, she stood under the shower, thinking about what to do, whether to have a showdown with him later.

Ask him who that woman is.

Even if the final result is not ideal, the two quarreled.

After half an hour, the sound of water in the bathroom stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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