Bai Yueguang's stand-in cries all over the realm of comprehension

Chapter 102 We two weak chickens will depend on each other again

Somewhere in the secret place of the Pantu Desert.

With a wave of Qiyue's long sword, he swept away the remaining monsters and landed slowly.

The corpses of monsters piled up all over the ground.

Colorful blood smudges a large area of ​​the yellow desert.

Qiyue stood in the middle of the corpses in the sea of ​​blood, his expression was cold, and his black hair was windless and automatic.

Cheng Xinglan and Ke Tang were wounded, and stood timidly not far away, looking at Qiyue who exuded a cold murderous intent.

Pushing and shoving each other, let the other go forward first.

Cheng Xinglan: "You go."

Ke Tang: "You go, you are his senior brother, he will definitely talk to you."

Cheng Xinglan swallowed: "Do you think he would talk to me now?"

Ke Tang: "..."

Not like.

Cheng Xinglan sighed.

He was drawn into the secret realm from the sandstorm in the Pantu Desert, and when he woke up, he found Ke Tang lying not far from him.

The two helped each other along the way and walked forward aimlessly.

I don't know how long it took.

They were lucky enough to meet the junior brother.

Tears welled up in his and Ke Tang's eyes, and they decided to hug the junior brother's thigh tightly and follow him until the secret realm was closed.

Relatively speaking, the junior brother was much calmer, even indifferent.

He only asked them one question: did they see Jiang Yanlu.

He and Ke Tang shook their heads.

They only encountered a lot of difficult monsters along the way.

To be able to escape from the hands of monsters and meet my junior brother is already a blessing.

Where is there better luck to meet her.

Hearing this answer, the junior brother turned his head and left.

Didn't mean anything to them.

Fortunately, he and Ke Tang have thick skins, and they still have a lot of quick-moving charms and teleportation charms in their hands.

Relying on these two kinds of talismans, they reluctantly followed behind the younger brother.


They encountered a herd of monsters.

At first, the desert just bulged up one after another, and they didn't pay attention.

Then, he tripped over a dirt bag that suddenly appeared under his feet.

He saw the figure of the monster under the dirt bag.

Without hesitation, he stabbed the monster with his sword.

Immediately, the demon beasts who broke out surrounded them.

In the secret realm, you cannot fly with the sword, nor can you continue to appear in midair.

Once the time is exceeded, it will be beaten down by the invisible force in the secret realm.

If you want to get out, you can only fight your way out.

Although the two of them are golden elixir, Ke Tang is still a golden elixir.

But fortunately there are junior brothers here, so they won't be too miserable.

But I don't know what happened.

Five days ago, the junior brother who was killing the monster suddenly seemed to be seriously injured, and he covered his chest and head again.

He was almost slapped and flew away by a monster beast that rushed over.

Fortunately, he and Ke Tang were standing next to the junior brother at that time, helping him block the monster's attack.

He also took the opportunity to check where the junior brother was injured.

Miraculously, he didn't find any wounds or blood on the little junior brother.

His pain came suddenly and inexplicably.

The only combat power is about to fall like this.

He just had a sad feeling that he was about to die in the secret realm.

An extremely strong coldness and a huge coercion suddenly erupted around the little junior brother.

He watched the little junior sword rushing towards the pile of monsters, with the aura of gods blocking gods and Buddhas blocking Buddhas.

The group of monsters seemed to be intimidated by the coercion of the junior brother.

She trembled for a moment, not daring to approach again.

At this moment, the fierce sword energy of the junior brother no longer distinguishes between friend and foe.

While he and Ke Tang were guarding against the sneak attack of monsters, they silently avoided Qiyue's indiscriminate attack.

They didn't even dare to fart, for fear that the little junior brother would be red-eyed and cut off their heads as well.

Without him, Qiyue's state is really terrible.

Fortunately, this state lasted for a few days.

All the monsters in a radius of a hundred miles were killed by the junior brother, and the coercion and coldness on his body seemed to be less serious than before.

That's what happened now.

Ke Tang pushed Cheng Xinglan again: "If you don't go, Xie Qi will leave soon, and we two weak chickens will have to depend on each other again."

"You are Xie Qi's senior brother, so it's only natural for you to care about him."

He always knew that Xie Qi was fierce.

But I didn't expect it to be so fierce.

Thousands of monsters were killed by him in a few days.

It is true that the tighter the brow, the harder the attack.

Cheng Xinglan grabbed Ke Tang's arm, "You come with me!"

The younger brother's current appearance is even more fierce than when he taught them how to practice swords.

He misses his little senior sister very much at this moment.

If the little senior sister was here, the little junior brother would definitely not be so scary.

The two walked over the corpses and walked to Qiyue's side.

Cheng Xinglan smiled all over his face: "Little Junior Brother, how are you feeling now, does your head still hurt?"

There was no expression on Qiyue's face: "It's much better."

When the sea of ​​consciousness came out, there was a sharp pain from being pierced by countless needles.

Qiyue knew that something happened to Jiang Yanlu.

The Pantu desert secret place is too big, he has been looking for it for a month, but there is still no news of Jiang Yanlu.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that Jiang Yanlu saved the day and is safe for the time being.

He frowned again.

If the life and death deed is not released for a day, his and Jiang Yanlu's lives will be tied together for a day.

Counting the time of Jiu Xi, this was the third time that he was not by Jiang Yanlu's side, and Jiang Yanlu's life was in danger.

He must find her as soon as possible!

Qiyue put away the sword, turned around and was about to leave.

Cheng Xinglan and Ke Tang quickly put on the Quick Step Talisman to keep up.

"Where are you going, little brother! Wait for us! We can't do without you!"


The ear chamber under the underground palace.

Jiang Yanlu returned to the barrier and released the big puppet from the jade bracelet.

Even though it stood motionless beside Jiang Yanlu like a puppet.

The tree spirit still had weak legs, and sat down on the table.

"It really won't go crazy anymore?"

Jiang Yanlu smiled and said, "No, it is completely under my control now."

"Dabai." Jiang Yanlu shouted, "Say hello to it."

The puppet turned around, looked at the tree spirit with empty eyes, and waved to it obediently.

Tree Spirit: "..."

Even more terrifying.

With trembling legs, it got up from the table: "It's called Dabai?"

Jiang Yanlu nodded: "Yes, I just got a name, it's not bad."

It's a pity that Dabai's body was burned with black marks by her burning the sky with the purple phoenix fire.

There are also many cracks in the bones of the body.

If she knew that Dabai would belong to her in the end, she would not have acted so ruthlessly before.

It was really the flood that washed the Dragon King Temple, and my own family beat my own family.

Fortunately, the handwriting left by the man in Tsing Yi wrote the method of treating the puppet - Reiki.

As long as the puppet absorbs enough aura, it can heal its wounds on its own.

Bones are also part of the body.

After a period of time, the wound on Dabai's body will heal.

Just as she was thinking, the tree spirit suddenly jumped off the table, ran to her feet, raised her head, pinched her waist, and said angrily, "Jiang Yanlu!"

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