Xiao Jue looked at Yun Qing who was eroded by hatred in disbelief, and roared loudly.

Jiang Yanlu turned around and dodged, Leng Mou drew out the Nine Heavens Sword, swung the sword and stabbed Yun Qing.

At the same time, he did not forget to guard Xiao Jue beside her.

The power of the plot was so strong that she didn't intend to provoke Yun Qing, and finally gave Yun Qing a sword before leaving the main heart hall.

Of course she had to be wary that Xiao Jue would suddenly stab her like the plot in the book.

What kind of moves did Yun Qing use to hit her?

She used the same move to fight back.

Jiang Yanlu's speed is very fast.

The moment when the majestic and powerful rainbow-like sword energy hit Yun Qing's body.

Yun Qing flew out with a bang, and vomited a big mouthful of blood again.

Finally couldn't bear it anymore and passed out on the ground.

At the same time, the pick-up that Yun Qing hit earlier slammed into the stone sculpture of the nine-headed giant snake not far behind Jiang Yanlu.

Unbiased, it just so happened that they all hit the slightly hanging snake's head in the middle.

A clatter.

A crack opened between the eyebrows of the one-person-tall snake head.

The main heart hall began to twist at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Most of the monks didn't know what happened just now.

They stood up quickly, either guarded or dazed.

"What's the matter, what's the matter, has something come out?"

"Could it be that someone has found an exit, and we are going to escape successfully?!"

But in a short while, the scene Jiang Yanlu was in changed drastically.

The main heart hall is gone.

The two huge stone pillars outside the main heart hall, seaweed and coral reefs, including the bodies of the Palace Master and the little demon outside, were all gone.

The haze is dense in front of the eyes, and the surrounding fields are chilling, and the end can't be seen at a glance.

On the gray-white sand and stone, there are intricately inserted dilapidated cold iron scroll blades.

These weapons must have been here for a long time, covered with a thick layer of dust.

Jiang Yanlu looked at the spear closest to her, and raised his hand to wipe off the dust on it.

Feeling the mysterious, complex and ancient patterns on the barrel of the gun.

There is a collection of books in the Sutra Pavilion of Taixuan Jianzong.

It's called "Illustration of Magical Artifacts of the Three Realms".

It contains all kinds of magical instruments that can be named in the Three Realms.

The protoss can be traced back as far as thousands of years ago.

But the magic weapon here.

Jiang Yanlu had never seen it in "Illustration of Magical Artifacts of the Three Realms".

In other words, the history of the existence of these instruments is longer than she imagined!
Jiang Yanlu felt the powerful aura faintly emanating from the magic weapon, and his heart was shocked again.

These magic tools are all god-level magic tools!
The people around hadn't recovered from the disappearance of the main heart hall, but they were so shocked by the scene before them that they couldn't speak.

After a while, Cheng Xinglan met Ke Tang's eyes: "There is good news and there is bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Ke Tang didn't understand, so he said, "Good news."

Cheng Xinglan: "The good news is that all of us have escaped from that temple."

Ke Tang: "..."

Cheng Xinglan: "The bad news is that we seem to have come to a more terrifying place."

Shen Lancheng asked: "Do you know where this is? Illusion?"

Cheng Xinglan shook his head.

he does not know.

He just intuitively felt that it was dangerous here.

Qiyue's eyes also fell on those magical artifacts, and he said slowly: "The ruins of the ancient battlefield."

When Jiang Yanlu heard the words, he suddenly turned his eyes sideways.

The younger brother's words further confirmed her guess.

She said softly: "You know, the ancient demon emperor?"

Cheng Xinglan nodded accordingly.

He followed Senior Brother Mingwei and the others to read a lot of books in the scripture storage pavilion.

Among them are the legends about the ancient demon emperor.

He said: "The ancient demon emperor is the legendary ruler of the demon realm ten thousand years ago?"

The history of the cultivation world is very short, only a thousand years.

Many things were deduced by them based on the remnants of God's Domain.

Even earlier, such as the events of ten thousand years ago, there is no way to study them.

So everyone treats it as a legend.

It is rumored that ten thousand years ago, the gods of the gods and the monsters of the monsters fought against each other.

The demon king, the ruler of the demon domain, accidentally learned a set of spells that could devour one's cultivation.

He devoured the cultivation base of the same kind of monster race, and his strength increased greatly.

He became the number one supreme powerhouse in the two domains.

Later, the Demon Emperor was not satisfied with the status quo, and set his mind on God's Domain.

Not only did he absorb the cultivation of the Protoss, but he also wanted to unify the two domains.

Shenyu desperately resisted, and finally suppressed and sealed the Demon Emperor forever at a painful price.

After that peerless war ended, the two domains withered.

Yaoyu was annexed by God's Domain directly because of its lack of combat power.

Since then, Yaozu began to escape.

The new ruler of God's Domain destroyed all the spells that improved himself by absorbing cultivation, and set all such spells as forbidden.

Those who practiced secretly, deboned and extracted the marrow, the demon race dug out the demon core, and the god race shattered the primordial spirit.

Since then, no one in the world dared to practice this kind of forbidden technique.

Up to now, even if someone has moved their minds and wants to take a shortcut.

There is no such technique in the world.

Jiang Yanlu slowly told everyone the full version of the legend that he had read in the original book.

Only then did she understand why the author of the original book arranged for a passer-by to mention the ancient demon emperor shortly after the heroine entered this place.

It turned out that the author had laid an ambush there early in the morning.

However, there is still one thing that Jiang Yanlu doesn't know.

Since the author has planted a foreshadowing about the ancient demon emperor after the protagonist group entered Wucanghai early in the morning.

Why in the book, after they rescued the person locked in the crystal container in the main heart hall, they did not come here, but left safely.

And since then, there have been no more plots related to the ancient demon emperor?

Jiang Yanlu thought for a long time, and finally came up with a reasonable and reasonable reason——

The author digs holes but doesn't fill them in. He also forgets the plot he wrote, so he simply forgets it again and again.

After all, the original book "White Moonlight Is Back" is a love story in the cloak of a fairy tale.

The male and female protagonists are two ultimate love brains.

All the settings and plots in the book are all to pave the way for the love between the hero and heroine.

If it wasn't for a colleague who held the book all day long and whispered a book warning in her ear.

It is impossible for her to finish watching.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yanlu felt relieved.

Shen Lancheng stared at everything in front of him with wide eyes, but still couldn't believe it:

"You mean to say that this is the battlefield where the ancient demon emperor fought against God's Domain?"

"Aren't those legends from ten thousand years ago? Could it be that in the world ten thousand years ago, there really was a Demon Emperor and God's Domain?"

Jiang Yanlu said: "I have read "History of the Realm of Cultivation" and some other ancient historical books. In the past 1000 years, even when the God Realm fell, there has never been a war of this scale."

"And going back further, there is only the legendary battle between God's Realm and Monster Realm ten thousand years ago."

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