Bai Yueguang's stand-in cries all over the realm of comprehension

Chapter 254 Little Junior Brother Is Not Human

Chapter 254 Junior Brother... Not Human
The position he kicked was impartial, exactly where Jiang Yanlu was punched by the puppet old man just now.

That kick was hard.

The entire abdomen of the puppet old man was instantly sunken by a large piece.

There was a crackling sound.

The ribs protrude from the flesh, and the internal organs that have no function and have decayed are still attached to them.

He flew backwards in an instant like a projectile.

He directly smashed through the thick wall of the dark room, and half of his body was stuck inside, unable to move.

The moment Jiang Yanlu turned around.

A cold, slightly trembling hand suddenly grabbed the back of her head and pressed her into his arms.

Jiang Yanlu heard his heart beating violently in his chest and smelled the familiar clear breath.

The tense nerves suddenly relaxed at this moment.

Gently grasping the man's skirt with his fingers, his face was pale, and his voice was weak: "Little brother..."

Jiang Yanlu's breath was extremely weak.

Qiyue fed Jiang Yan a Nine-Turn Gathering Pill that was two grades higher than the Seven-Turn Gathering Pill that Taixuan Jianzong gave to his personal disciples, which could pull people back from the gate of hell. deer.

Carefully avoiding all the wounds on her body, he hugged her even tighter.

The Adam's apple slipped up and down slightly, and the voice was frightened: "I'm sorry, I'm late."

If Jiang Yanlu still has the strength to look up at this moment.

She could see that Qiyue's face was no better than hers.

All the pain she endured here, Qiyue also endured.

But she doesn't see it now.

Qiyue didn't want her to see worry either.

He comforted softly: "It's okay, I'll take you out."

Jiang Yanlu's body was already at its limit.

The wounds on her body were shocking.

If it wasn't for holding on with one breath, he would have passed out long ago.

Even she herself didn't realize how much she trusted Qiyue.

Smelling the reassuring breath, the nerves relax.

She couldn't hold it any longer, the Nine Heavens Sword slipped from her hand, her vision went dark, and she passed out in Qiyue's arms.

Qiyue threw a soft blanket on the ground and put Jiang Yanlu down gently.

Looking at the puppet old man who was still stuck in the wall, his expression sank again.

The whole darkroom is like a thousand-year ice cellar.


Qiyue's voice was as cold as ice, and it completely lost the tenderness when he was talking to Jiang Yanlu just now.

The sword spirit came out of the Nine Heavens Sword in an instant, and stood in front of him with red eyes.

"Be optimistic about Jiang Yanlu."

Qiyue dropped a sentence, and then his figure flashed.

A powerful force erupted from his body, pulling the puppet old man out of the wall with one hand.

Looking at this disgusting face, Qi Yue's face was as cold as a pool, and his eyes were dark.

"Wu He, the deity's person, you also cooperate?"

The puppet in front of him is Elder Wuhe whose neck was broken by Qi Yue in the magic palace.

Qiyue punched him on the head, just like he punched Jiang Yanlu with his fist.

Elder Wu He had no room to fight back.

His head burst open like a rotten watermelon in an instant.

Qiyue threw the man on the ground, raised his hand and shot out a black flame.

The light of the fire reflected on his cold face, as if Shura had come out of hell.

Terrifying heat covered Elder Wuhe's body.

In just a moment, he was burned to ashes.

Jianling and Dabai stood beside Jiang Yanlu.

Qi Yue lifted the ashes on the ground and walked to Jiang Yanlu.

Looking at the terrifying face in front of him, Jian Ling swallowed nervously.

Qi Yue asked him in a cold voice: "Do you know the life and death contract of the Phoenix family?"

Jian Ling didn't know why Qi Yue suddenly asked him this question.

After a moment of bewilderment, he still replied: "I know."

Qiyue had already guessed that the life-and-death contract between himself and Jiang Yanlu was made by the sword spirit in front of him.

He said coldly: "The way to unlock the life and death deed."

The sword spirit scratched his head and whispered: "I only know the spell that binds the life-death deed, but I don't know how to undo it."

The spell that binds the life-death bond was something he had heard and heard when his previous master was learning the spell.

But the previous owner died before he could learn the spell to undo it.

So Sword Spirit doesn't know either.

Seeing Qiyue wanting to strangle him to death, Jian Ling felt that his head was bursting like that puppet.

His scalp was numb for a while, trembling with fear, feeling like he was going to cry in the next moment, his little milk voice trembled: "I really don't know, if I know, I will tell you everything."

With a cold face, Qiyue gave Jiang Yanlu a elixir that temporarily shuts down the five senses.

Then he took out a sharp and delicate dagger.

Seeing this, Jian Ling thought that Qiyue was going to kill him out of anger.

As soon as his legs softened, he was about to dive into the Nine Heavens Sword.

Who knows, Qiyue didn't even look at him again.

Instead, he directly inserted the dagger in his hand into his heart!

The bright red blood instantly stained Qiyue's entire chest red.

Qiyue's face suddenly turned pale again, and he half-kneeled in front of Jiang Yanlu suddenly, coughing up a mouthful of blood.

Jiang Yanlu, who closed his eyes tightly, also turned paler.

But her five senses were temporarily lost, and she couldn't feel any pain.

The sword spirit was startled, he never thought that the dagger of the junior brother was used to commit suicide!
He even forgot to take back the raised leg, and hurriedly shouted: "Little brother!"

at this time.

Behind Qiyue, a huge black unicorn phantom suddenly appeared.

Qilin raised his head and roared loudly, a powerful and domineering coercion instantly filled the entire dark room.

Dabai clicked again, and the whole white bone skeleton lay on the ground.

Sword Spirit's legs also kept shaking.

Stupid on the spot.

The little junior brother is just like him... not a human being.

He turned out to be a unicorn!

Dabai raised his head, and stared dumbfounded at the hollow black eye sockets.

The unicorn phantom disappeared.

A bright red blood clot the size of a fingernail rose slowly.

This is Qilin's painstaking effort.

With a pale face, Qi Yue slowly submerged it into the spirit stone fawn on Jiang Yan's waist.

The deer instantly turned into a blood jade.

Qi Yue kept injecting spiritual energy into it.

It took a long time for the Lingshi deer to return to its original crystal clear appearance.

Praying for the Nian Jue to clean the sweat from the forehead.

Then let Jianling and Dabai turn their backs.

He changed into a clean inner and outer coat, and burned the blood-stained ones casually.

Gently picked up Jiang Yanlu, and the big movement touched the wound on his chest again.

Qiyue's face remained unchanged.

He looked back at Sword Spirit and threatened:
"If Jiang Yanlu finds out what happened just now, you will end up with him."

He refers to Elder Wuhe who was killed by Qiyue just now.

Thinking of the tragic death of Elder Wu He, Jian Ling quickly shook his head like a rattle.

He raised his hand and swore: "I will never tell Lu Lu a word!"

All that the little junior brother did did no harm to Lulu.

He also gave Lu Lu his most important heart and soul.

It shouldn't matter if he helped the little junior brother hide Lulu from Lulu... right?

(End of this chapter)

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