Baohai Restaurant is located in the center of Suping Street in the city that never sleeps.

This famous restaurant, one of the landmark buildings in the city that never sleeps, always has an endless stream of guests regardless of the time of day, no matter how expensive the drinks inside are.

The eight-story building was brightly lit.

Two strings of huge lanterns were hung at the entrance of Baohai Restaurant.

Lively and festive.

As soon as Jiang Yan and Lu Gang showed the Hanyu Tongxing jade card in his hand, the maid waiting at the entrance of the restaurant respectfully invited him into the private room upstairs.

The guests holding the cold jade pass jade badge are all the most senior guests in the city that never sleeps.

The treatment is naturally much better than those ordinary guests.

Sitting in the fragrant private room, Jiang Yanlu looked at the maid who was pouring tea for her, and asked:

"Do you have a carp monster called carp here?"

The city that never sleeps is the most inclusive place in the three realms.

Here, it doesn't matter if you are a human race, a demon cultivator or a demon race.

As long as you don't do something extremely bad or deliberately find fault in the city that never sleeps.

Then you can live here very freely.

Here, all races are equal and can coexist.

Therefore, those monster races whose transformation is not in place don't have to hide their appearance and monster characteristics.

Jiang Yanlu described Li Li's appearance to the maid in front of him in as much detail as possible.

The maid said: "You mean the deputy head of Li Li?"

Jiang Yanlu's eyebrows moved slightly: "Deputy floor master?"

The maid nodded: "One of the deputy masters of the box on our floor is called Li Li. What the guest said, is he the deputy master Li Li?"

Jiang Yanlu nodded: "Yes."

"Please call him for me, and tell him that I have something to ask him. If he asks you my name, tell him I am Lu Lu."

"If he doesn't come, then don't force him, but please come back and let me know."

The maid nodded: "Wait a moment."

The maid opened the door and left.

Jiang Yanlu sat in the private room and waited.

She described Li Li's personality traits in sufficient detail.

The maid's first reaction was the deputy master of this floor, and nine out of ten it was Lili.

She remembered that the last time she came to Baohai Restaurant to participate in an auction, Li Li was still the servant in charge of serving tea and water.

After not seeing him for more than a year, he was actually promoted to deputy floor leader.

Pretty capable.

When Jiang Yanlu was wondering if Lili would come over, the door of the private room was suddenly pulled open from the outside.

Carp ran in from the door excitedly holding its fish head.

"deer deer!!"

The mask on the little carp monster's face couldn't hide the joyful smile, and he rushed to Jiang Yanlu's side.

It is not tall, just enough to look at the sitting Jiang Yanlu at eye level.

The little carp monster grinned: "You finally came here to find me!"

Jiang Yanlu smiled: "Yeah, come to see you, you are quite capable, I heard that you have become the deputy leader? Really amazing."

The fabric of the clothes of the vice-floor master is much higher than that of the boy, and the colors are brighter. "

When Lili heard Jiang Yanlu's praise, he couldn't help but raise his head happily, and his back straightened even more, and said narcissistically:
"You don't need to tell Lulu, I also know that I am a very good little carp monster!"

Jiang Yanlu: "..."

The little carp monster kept talking:
"Each floor of Baohai Restaurant is assigned a floor master and eight deputy floor masters."

"Among them, the manager is in charge of all the affairs and personnel transfers of the entire floor, and the deputy manager is responsible for assisting the manager. This is much easier than being a boy here!"

"I don't have to get up early to work anymore! Many people call me the deputy floor master, just like they used to call me the young master in the East Palace. Lulu, I think I can live here for a long time again!"

"If only you could stay here with me all the time."

Jiang Yanlu touched the little carp monster's head: "If I have time in the future, I will come and see you."

The little carp grinned:

"Okay! I invite Lulu to eat something delicious!"

"I can eat a lot of food here for free! Lulu, what do you like to eat? I'll send someone to get it for you!"

"No need for now," Jiang Yanlu said, "I came to Baohai Restaurant this time, besides seeing you, I have another thing to do."

The little carp monster blinked: "What is it?"

Jiang Yanlu asked: "Do you still remember the last time I came to you to contact the person in charge of Baohai Restaurant Auction to auction something?"

The little carp monster nodded: "Remember."

Jiang Yanlu took out another bottle of Lingshan spring water and handed it to the little carp monster.

"I heard that the next auction at Baohai Restaurant is about to start. I have something exactly the same as the one that was auctioned at that time."

The little carp monster took the small jade bottle containing Lingshan spring water from Jiang Yanlu's hand.

This bottle is exactly the same as the original bottle.

The little carp monster asked: "Lulu, do you want to auction it?"

Jiang Yanlu nodded: "That's right, if you can contact the person in charge of the auction, help me pass this bottle to him."

"And tell him, if possible, I would like to talk to him about the auction in person?"

The little carp monster nodded: "Okay, I'll go right away! Lulu, wait here for my good news!"

It is now the deputy owner of one of the floors of Baohai Restaurant, and its right to speak is much greater than before.

What can be done before, will naturally be possible this time!
The little carp monster took a small jade bottle containing spring water from Lingshan, and ran upstairs to Baohai Restaurant.


Yan Wei is very busy these days.

Busier than ever.

The biggest reason why he is so busy is that his lord has returned from the realm of comprehension.

On the first day Qiyue returned to the Demon Realm, he was picky about the entire Demon Palace.

First of all, he disliked that there were too many green plants in the magic palace, which would be an eyesore in front of his eyes, and he wanted Yan Weidai to immediately remove all the green plants he saw with his naked eyes.

Furthermore, he disliked the color of the carpet as unsatisfactory, and asked Yan Weidai to change the carpet over and over again.

Finally, when they summoned a few elders of the Demon Realm to listen to their report on the situation of the Demon Realm during this period, they rejected all the elders from head to toe, from appearance to inner aesthetics and heart.

When he was sitting on the throne, the low air pressure and terrifying coercion fell on every elder indiscriminately.

The elders were afraid that one of them would dislike them and knock them down.

After hearing that Qiyue detested them with trepidation, the old men started searching for beauty and beauty pills when they returned.

I also found a few young magicians, and asked them to popularize their science on what kind of attire and dress the younger generation likes most.

They can change it.

In the past few days when Qiyue came back, he tossed the entire magic palace including all the elders.

Yan Wei is glad that during this period of time, he worked hard to raise his cultivation level to the level of the Composite Body.

Otherwise, he was really afraid that when Qiyue came back, his head would be wrung out first because his cultivation was not up to standard.

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