Chapter 76 I Only Teach Once

Jiang Yanlu turned his head to look at Cheng Xinglan and Feng Miaomiao.

She was just about to speak.

The two said in unison: "Tomorrow, we will go to the Buddhist scripture pavilion with Senior Brother Mingwei."

Jiang Yanlu: "..."

That's not what she wanted to say.

But since they brought it up on their own initiative, she naturally couldn't deprive them of their right to study.

Jiang Yanlu smiled slightly: "In this case, I will revise the swordsmanship improvement plan for you and add an hour of reading time every day."

The hard work of the past few months has greatly improved their cultivation.

They are sword cultivators, so their swordsmanship cannot be compromised.

Cheng Xinglan & Feng Miaomiao: "..."

I just regret it.

By the way, Jiang Yanlu handed the three copies of Huifeng Luoyan swordsmanship classics to the three of them.

"This is another set of high-level swordsmanship that Master entrusted me to hand over to you before you wandered around."

"This set of swordsmanship, I, Junior Brother and Senior Sister Xin Zhu have already understood it."

"The moves of the sword technique, I will disassemble them for you to see in a few days."

She will go down the mountain tomorrow to sell the elixirs in her hands.

Seeing this, Cheng Xinglan hurriedly said: "Since you don't have time, little senior sister, why don't you ask little junior brother to dismantle the sword moves for us."

The younger brother has a docile personality.

He definitely won't be as strict as the little senior sister.

With his teaching, their sword training process will not be too difficult.

Jiang Yanlu smiled and said, "Okay."

Just take this opportunity to let the junior brother get along with them more and enhance the friendship between the teachers.

Standing aside without saying a word, he was arranged to pray plainly: "..."


There are more and more disciples practicing swords on Qingtuo Peak.

Several people searched around Qingtuo Peak, and finally found a relatively quiet and open place.

Ready to learn Huifeng Luoyan swordsmanship.

Qiyue has a calm face.

He never thought that one day, he would be reduced to teaching others swordsmanship.

Just be patient for a few more months.

Wait for him to enter the seventh floor of the Sutra Pavilion and find a way to break the life and death deed.

Unravel the life and death contract between him and Jiang Yanlu.

He can get out of here!

Qiyue said coldly: "I'll only teach you once, so watch it."

Mingwei and the three stood in a row, looking at Qiyue.

The younger brother's appearance when practicing sword is completely different from usual.

He has always been well-behaved and gentle on weekdays, and his face would blush after a few words with people.

This was the first time they saw the junior brother who practiced swords.

The little junior brother with the sword in his hand has changed in his demeanor.

There was no longer the gentle and gentle smile on his face, but a sense of indifference and alienation.

Let them not dare to approach easily, or even dare to refute his words.

So much so that when he said something, they nodded subconsciously.

After nodding, I realized something was wrong.

This time, the junior brother is in charge of dismantling the sword moves for them, so as to teach them so far.

How can you just teach it once!
They can't learn it at all.

Just as he was thinking, sword winds suddenly blew in front of him.

The boy's figure shuttled among the silver sword shadows.

Cheng Xinglan and the two felt that they hadn't seen anything clearly, so Qi Yue withdrew his sword.

"Have you learned?"

The air suddenly fell silent.

I'm afraid it's not a question of whether you have learned it or not.

This is a question of not seeing clearly.

Cheng Xinglang laughed twice: "Junior brother, otherwise, why don't you demonstrate it again?"

Praying: "..."

Cheng Xinglan was afraid that he would leave, so he hurriedly said: "Little brother, you have promised to my little sister that if you want to teach the church, you must not go back on your word."

Mingwei and Feng Miaomiao nodded.

Qiyue hooked her lips: "Okay."

In the next few days, the three of Cheng Xinglan felt the real hell mode once and for all.

They couldn't figure out why the junior brother, who was usually gentle and considerate, would act like a different person when practicing swords.

They think of sword practice: practice for one hour and rest for two hours.

Practicing sword practice: non-stop, day and night.

If you make mistakes in your swordsmanship, you will be scolded, and if you swing your sword slowly, you will be scolded.

Although the younger brother doesn't swear, what he says is very sarcasm.

So that in the end, when he sneered, a layer of sweat broke out from their backs.

I feel stupid again.

Such a simple high-level swordsmanship, they haven't figured it out after so long.

Finally, under the devastation of Qiyue.

They broke Xin Zhu's record of mastering high-level swordsmanship in [-] days, and they mastered Huifeng Luoyan swordsmanship in [-] days.

If they don't understand it, they will go crazy.

Several people lay faceless on Qingtuo Peak, their sword-holding hands trembling slightly.

Looking at the back of Qiyue going away, she shed two lines of tears.

I knew that my junior brother was so strict with swordsmanship.

They might as well let the little senior sister teach them.

Xu Shitiandao heard their ardent call to Jiang Yanlu.

Jiang Yanlu came to compete with them in sword skills the next day.

She has mastered Huifeng Luoyan's swordsmanship, and she has also mastered other swordsmanship that she learned from Xuanqing Zhenjun earlier.

Facing the three of them, crush them directly.

The three of Cheng Xinglan's mentality almost collapsed.

Cheng Xinglan hadn't experienced the joy of looking down on the entire sect at the Golden Core Realm at all.

He can only be crushed, crushed constantly.

All the aura in the body was exhausted, so they drank a bottle of unknown water full of aura that Jiang Yanlu gave them.

Then get up again and continue to fight Jiang Yanlu.

During this period.

Xin Zhu also fully recovered and joined their sword practice team.

Jiang Yanlu changed from one-on-three to one-on-four, and his experience in team battles also improved accordingly.

Regarding this, the four of Xin Zhu only had one comment: So terrifying.

They collapsed on the ground again, their sword hands trembling slightly.

"Too bitter, too tired."

Jiang Yanlu squatted next to them, and said earnestly: "How can it be hard to cultivate immortals? Just get used to it."

Their sword competition at Qingtuo Peak in the past few days was watched by other disciples of the sect.

For the first time, the disciples of the sect really felt how cursing Jiang Yanlu was.

Compared with Jiang Yanlu, they are simply insignificant.

No wonder her cultivation base is gradually rising.

No wonder her swordsmanship can improve so much in a short period of time.

This is what she deserves.


Silent night.

Jiang Yanlu sat cross-legged on the bed, and his spiritual consciousness entered the system mall in the sea of ​​consciousness.

During this period of time, she used Lingshan spring water more frequently.

There are also more times to enter the mall.

Now she still has four useless aura coins and two thousand aura points left in her hand.

Jiang Yanlu spent another [-] spiritual energy points to exchange for eleven bottles of Lingshan spring water and one spiritual energy coin.

Holding five spiritual energy coins, Jiang Yanlu walked around the system mall.

I spent one aura coin and bought a photo stone.

【Product Name】: Fengyun Photo Stone.

[Product details]: Exquisite and beautiful, streamlined texture, high-definition picture quality, clear sound, injecting spiritual energy can record everything that happens around you in real time.Times of use: Disposable product, broken when used up.

[Product Evaluation]: Five-star praise!Which one is better at taking photos, find Fengyun in the Demon Realm of Comprehension.

 This chapter has been reworked.

(End of this chapter)

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