Bai Yueguang's stand-in cries all over the realm of comprehension

Chapter 94 The Entrance to the Secret Realm Appears

Chapter 94 The Entrance to the Secret Realm Appears

The two started blowing Jiang Yanlu's rainbow fart out of nowhere.

Cheng Xinglan was proud of what he heard.

"What a coincidence, my little senior sister has prepared many copies for me of what you said."

Shen Lancheng swallowed the sourness in his heart, it was the first time that he envied Cheng Xinglan so much.

Early the next morning.

A group of five people continued to set off and rushed to the center of the Pantu Desert.

Ke Tang unexpectedly reunited with several of his senior brothers.

The senior brothers heard about Jiang Yanlu's care for his junior brother along the way, and thanked Jiang Yanlu: "Thank you Daoist Jiang for taking care of my junior brother."

He took out a small stack of talismans from the mustard bag, and handed it to Jiang Yanlu: "I have caused you trouble these days, and I would like to express my gratitude."

Jiang Yanlu would not refuse anyone who came, took the other party's talisman, put it into the jade bracelet, and smiled lightly: "You are welcome, we have gained a lot when we met Ke Tang."

Several disciples of Wuxiangzong didn't understand the meaning of Jiang Yanlu's words, and they handed over again: "Since we have found the junior brother, then we won't bother you any more, so—"

"Brother!" Ke Kang interrupted the farewell words, and said to him, "Since we met, let's go together, and we can have someone to take care of us on the way."

The brothers thought about it and nodded in agreement.

Jiang Yanlu doesn't care, a few more people, a few more thugs to deal with monsters.

"One more thing!" Ke Tang took out a few pairs of mutated Hongying Ant armor from his mustard bag, distributed them to several senior brothers, and said with a smile, "Jiang Yanlu took us to make these, and we can use them later Resist part of the sand and stone damage in the sandstorm."

"Mutated Hongying ants?" The brothers looked at Jiang Yanlu and the others in shock, "Have you looked for them?"

Ke Tang nodded: "Of course!"

He kept silent about the fact that he almost died in the lair, and he didn't mention the fact that his ass was almost bitten off by the other party.

I picked and picked a few highlight moments and told them to my seniors.

As they talked, they hurried on their way.

Shen Lancheng saw the mutated Hongying ant's armor, Yu Jian forcibly chased after Jiang Yanlu, and asked, "Jiang Yanlu, do you still have the mutated Hongying's ant armor?"

Jiang Yanlu said concisely: "Thirty thousand spirit stones."

Shen Lancheng: "..."

He took back his words of exaggerating Jiang's words and deer's righteousness.

He gritted his teeth and handed Jiang Yanlu a mustard seed bag, and exchanged [-] spirit stones for a pair of mutated Hongying ants' armor.

Jiang Yanlu still followed the rhythm of killing monsters while driving on the road during the day, and meditating on the spot at night.

The Wuxiangzong disciples who were walking with them for the first time looked in shock at the Taixuanjianzong disciples who had already entered the cultivation state.

He tugged at Ke Tang's sleeve, and asked in a low voice, "When did you become so curly, a disciple of the Taixuan Sword Sect?"

Ke Tang glanced at Jiang Yanlu: "Probably because of Sister Lu's presence, brother, don't talk to me anymore, I'm going to start drawing symbols."

The disciples of Wuxiangzong were shocked again.

Is this still their lazy junior?
"You were taken away?"

Ke Tang's talisman paused: "?"

Two days later.

They finally arrived at the center of the Pantu Desert.

There are obviously more monks gathered here than in other places, and a few people can be seen scattered here and there.

Shen Lancheng also met his two fellow apprentices.

Before the other party saw him, Shen Lancheng quickly distanced himself from Jiang Yanlu and the others.

He heard Cheng Xinglan's sneer behind him.

Shen Lancheng turned her head and glanced at him: "Why are you laughing? After all, I'm still a disciple of Jiyue Sword Sect. Naturally, I can't get too close to you in front of my juniors."

While speaking, Shen Lancheng's two senior brothers walked towards him and said excitedly, "Second senior brother, we finally found you!"

He glanced at Shen Lancheng's side, and asked, "Second Senior Brother, where is Zuo Senior Brother?"

The smile on Shen Lancheng's face restrained a little: "We met two fifth-order gerbils, and he died in the hands of the gerbils."

The two Jiyue Sword Sect disciples started cursing in an instant.

They caught a glimpse of Jiang Yanlu and the others not far behind Shen Lancheng from the corner of their eyes, and their faces darkened again: "It's really unlucky, how come we can also meet a bunch of trash from the Taixuan Sword Sect here?"

Their voices were not restrained, and they clearly reached the ears of Jiang Yanlu and the others.

Cheng Xinglan was furious, and was about to curse back.

I saw Jiang Yanlu raised his hand and shot out a wave of spiritual energy, hitting the two disciples in front of Shen Lancheng directly.

She moved quickly and without warning.

The aura shield in front of the two of them was shattered by the powerful aura before it condensed.

The chest and abdomen were hit, and the two wrinkled their faces, took a few steps back, and fell to the ground.

Jiang Yanlu looked at Cheng Xinglan sideways, and taught him: "If you can do it, talk less."

Cheng Xinglan nodded: "Got it."

Shen Lancheng quickly pulled the two juniors up from the ground, dragged them aside, changed the subject and asked, "Where's senior brother?"

The attention of the two juniors was indeed diverted. They shook their heads and said distressedly: "I don't know. A few days ago, the elder brother suddenly told us that he was going to meet someone, and then he never came back."

Jiang Yanlu retracted the scattered spiritual consciousness, raising his eyebrows slightly.

The person Jian Yuquan said he wanted to meet should be Yun Qing.

It was written in the original book that after entering the Pantu Desert, Jian Yuquan secretly followed Yun Qing to protect her. At the same time, he also saw the intimacy between Yun Qing and Xiao Jue, and his jealousy grew wildly.

But none of this has anything to do with her, she only cares about whether Jian Yuquan can be her partner next time.

At this moment, the entire sky above the Pantu Desert suddenly turned dark yellow.

A hurricane blew up in the desert, and suddenly the sky was covered with yellow sand, flying sand and rocks.

Suddenly someone among the scattered crowd excitedly said: "It's a sandstorm! The entrance to the secret realm of the Pantu Desert has appeared!"

"The sandstorm is there! Go after it!"

The monks in the Pantu Desert all came for the secret realm.

So when they heard these two shouts, a group of people immediately set off to chase the sandstorm not far from them.

Jiang Yanlu also said to Qiyue and Cheng Xinglan: "Let's go!"

The huge sandstorm is like a monster with teeth and claws, sweeping everything around it crazily.

Wherever it went, even the monsters hiding in the ground were swept up in the khaki vortex by it.

Before the lowly-cultivated monster could utter a scream, it was smashed into pieces by the sand and stones.

Seeing this scene, some monks immediately stopped in place, not daring to move forward.

A few Foundation Establishment cultivators who didn't hit the south wall and didn't look back rushed into the sandstorm with the mentality that they were the chosen ones.

After a while, a cry of pain came from inside.

The rest of the Foundation Establishment cultivators finally came to their senses at this moment.

A great fear rose in their hearts. Seeing the sandstorm that seemed to be approaching with a huge mouth, they turned around and fled desperately.

Unfortunately it was too late.

The speed of the sandstorm was astonishingly fast, instantly involving a group of people around it.

Including Jiang Yanlu who was chasing after him.

(End of this chapter)

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