The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1002 Breaking the Fake Pill

Chapter 1002 Breaking the Fake Pill
Quan Jiayun smiled very kindly, like a beautiful angel, but in Xuan Yangzi's eyes, this kind of smile was undoubtedly the smile of a devil.

There is one last account to be settled?
He was beaten so badly.

Good things were also taken away by him.

He actually said it wasn't over yet! ! ! !And one last account.

Xuanyangzi was so sad and angry that he wanted to vomit blood, and he was so wronged that he wanted to cry.

After living for so many years, he has never been bullied so badly, even in front of the Golden Core cultivator from Luojia, even in front of all the third-tier warriors, he has a certain right to speak.

But here is Jiang Shanxue.

He was like a dragon in the sky turned into a worm.

Xuan Yangzi looked aggrieved at the handsome young man in front of him, and asked cautiously: "Senior Jiang, please settle the matter, but how will you settle the final account?"

Quan Jiayun smiled and said: "This last account is very simple, that's it."

When he said the three words, Quan Jiayun suddenly struck Xuan Yangzi's abdomen with sharp eyes.

This slap was quick and without any warning, Xuan Yangzi, whose aura was dry, couldn't dodge it at all.


The huge true essence passed through Xuanyangzi's body and bombarded his dantian.

The illusory pill in Xuanyangzi's dantian vibrated violently under the huge true essence.

In the severe abdominal pain, Xuan Yangzi already realized what Jiang Shanxue was going to do.

His eyes were wide open, and he shouted in horror: "Don't..."

This sound should not be so bleak, it almost exhausted Xuan Yangzi's maximum decibels, the sound spread outside the house, and spread to a further place, causing people in the villa in the distance to look sideways.

Quan Jiayun's strikes were not soft at all because of this, and his eyes were only ruthless.


When Xuan Yangzi wanted to escape in a hurry, he hit the same place with two palms one after another.

Bang, bang.

When the third palm fell.

Xuan Yangzi seemed to hear a clicking sound in his ears.

In Xuanyangzi's dantian, there was a shape of a dan, which completely collapsed.

in unbearable pain.

In the thought of ending, Xuan Yangzi passed out with a black eye.

Quan Jiayun looked at Xuanyangzi who was lying on the ground, shot out a beam of real energy to spy on Xuanyangzi's situation, and confirmed that Xuanyangzi's fake pill had indeed been destroyed.

Only then was Quan Jiayun satisfied.

How could she be satisfied just by snatching Xuan Yangzi's things.

She never left herself a possible strong enemy, so she had to destroy Xuanyangzi's fake pill and cut off Xuanyangzi's road to alchemy.

Fake pills are not the same as real golden pills.

False pills are some monks, because they are afraid that the condensed golden pill will fail, so they take time to slowly build a condensed pill shadow. This method of slowly forming is more secure, but the disadvantage is that it is slow and takes a long time.

Generally speaking, the fake pill has a shape, but no real meaning.

If it was a real golden core, with her current cultivation, it would not be easy to destroy it.

Of course, even destroying the fake pill is not so easy.

If Quan Jiayun hadn't exhausted Xuan Yangzi's true energy before.

If Quan Jiayun's true energy is not strong enough, and she is only a monk who practices single-attribute exercises, then she will not be able to smash Xuanyangzi's fake pill.

Just three palms consumed most of her true energy.

Quan Jiayun swallowed two of the nourishing pills she had refined before, circulated her true energy, raised her hand, and poured a ball of water on Xuanyangzi's head unceremoniously.

(End of this chapter)

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