The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1005 Did You Miss Me?

Chapter 1005 Did You Miss Me?
Before reaching the door, Yu Anlei stopped again.

It wasn't that Su Yongkang did something to stop her again, but the screen in the room that had been black before turned on again.

Therefore, Yu Anlei looked over.

On the screen that turned on again, Jiang Shanxue's handsome and uncritical face appeared.

He sat there lazily, with a charming smile on his lips, and greeted the audience in front of the screen: "Kung Fu disappeared for a while, do you miss me?"

Seeing Jiangshanxue again, those who have insulted and ridiculed Jiangshanxue are silent, while the neutral people who eat melons and those who themselves like Jiangshanxue will frantically send out bullet screens.

Think about it! !
Thinking of a word filled the whole screen.

Looking at this scene, Yu Anlei frowned slightly.

Quan Jiayun looked at the reaction in front of the screen, and continued: "I just dealt with some personal matters with our Master Xuanyangzi, and now I have time. Master Xuanyangzi, do you want to say hello to everyone?"

Quan Jiayun turned the camera around, and everyone in front of the screen saw Xuan Yangzi's embarrassed appearance.

Although Xuan Yangzi had already put on a piece of clothing outside when Jiangshanxue started the live broadcast, he couldn't hide the paleness after his serious injury.

Moreover, Quan Jiayun turned his perspective, and everyone saw the house that seemed to be destroyed by countless wind blades.

Except for the chair that Jiang Shanxue was sitting on, the furniture in the room was not as good, including the walls, where the walls were peeling off everywhere, and it looked like ruins.

Everyone looked at this scene, their eyes flashing with astonishment.

What happened in this room in the short time just now?
Subconsciously, everyone glanced at Xuan Yangzi, and then looked at Jiang Shanxue, who only showed half of his face at the far left of the viewing angle.

At this time, everyone had a new understanding of Jiang Shanxue.

Xuan Yangzi stared at the camera pointed at him, thinking about the revenge he would face from all parties, forced a smile and said: "Hi everyone."

The voice was terribly hoarse.

Everyone looked at Xuan Yangzi's defeated appearance, each with their own emotions, and among them, Yu Anlei was the most shocked and unbelievable.

She was not in a hurry when Xuanyangzi was exposed before, because she knew how powerful Xuanyangzi was, even if his reputation was ruined, it didn't matter, as long as Xuanyangzi made Jiang Shanxue submissive, the Shen family would be fine.

The other voices were naturally suppressed slowly.

But now!

Looking at Xuan Yangzi who seemed to have aged a few years, Yu Anlei was shocked and couldn't believe it.

How can it be?

How could he be injured, how could he not be able to defeat Jiang Shanxue!

It can be said that in Yu Anlei's heart, Xuanyangzi is like a mysterious and unclimbable mountain, but now she is told that this mountain has a tendency to collapse.

Naturally, the impact on Yu Anlei was not insignificant.

On the screen, the perspective turned back to Jiang Shanxue.

Quan Jiayun said with a smile: "There is still a video that has not been played just now, and I will show it to you now."

The voice and Quan Jiayun's face disappeared, replaced by the video of her and Xuan Yangzi diagnosing Long Jun that day.

Watching the passage of this video, those people who were clamoring about Jiang Shanxue just felt that their faces were burning and hurting, especially the people sitting in a pile, everyone was so embarrassed and silent.

At this moment, Si Chengtian watched the video with eyes as deep as the sea.

 Good night everyone, go to bed early.

(End of this chapter)

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