The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1010 Willing to Wait for You to Tell

Chapter 1010 Willing to Wait for You to Tell
After Quan Jiayun left Xuanyangzi's home, his bones returned to normal, and at the same time, he changed into a set of casual clothes.

At this time, she was strolling in the busy street with a cup of milk tea, just like an ordinary sweet girl, she couldn't tell at all that she had just cruelly destroyed a monk's fake pill.

Quan Jiayun sucked the pearls in the milk tea, looked at the surrounding scenery, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Before, Xuan Yangzi asked her if she used the secret method of tracing back time to take those videos.

In fact, strictly speaking, it is not a secret method, but borrows the power of heaven with the help of the time reversal array to achieve the effect of time travelling.

This retrograde time does not mean that you can go back to that point in time.

It is said that monks in the Mahayana period may not be able to do such a thing, and it has already involved a deeper level.

The so-called retrospective flow of time means that within the scope of the large formation, everything that happened in this place within three months can be displayed one by one.

But it is only within three months, and it cannot be done in a longer period of time.

Generally speaking, this is within the major sects of the cultivation world, and if a member of the sect falls, they will use this method of time tracing to find out who the murderer is.

Usually, only Jindan cultivators can use this kind of formation, because it requires a strong spiritual consciousness as an aid.

That day, after Quan Jiayun was slandered by Xuan Yangzi's rhythm, she thought of using this.

Later, she went out several times to do these things.

In fact, Xuan Yangzi's secrecy work is still very good, but if he keeps it secret, he can still find out which places he has been to. Go to the places he frequents and use the reverse time formation method, and everything will come out.

It's a different person, but Xuan Yangzi can't make such a miserable somersault.

Although Quan Jiayun spent some effort during the process, she is still satisfied with the result.

Quan Jiayun was walking, and his watch lit up at this moment.

The caller was none other than Si Chengtian who got through after a moment of hesitation.

Quan Jiayun glanced at the displayed caller, his eyes flickered slightly.

Si Chengtian.

At this time, Hou called, it seemed that it was about Xuan Yangzi's affairs.

She stood in a secluded corner and connected the phone.

As soon as the screen was switched on, Si Chengtian's handsome face appeared in front of Quan Jiayun. Quan Jiayun looked at Si Chengtian and smiled, "General, what's the matter?"

Si Chengtian focused on the girl's face that he hadn't seen in a day, and said, "Thank you for reminding me about Xuan Yangzi."

Hearing Si Chengtian thank you, Quan Jiayun's eyes flickered, and he said with a smile: "No, I just heard some rumors from others before, so I just said it to you casually. I really don't know what he will do today." Expose such a big scandal."

Hearing what she said, Si Chengtian said seriously: "You don't need to explain so much to me. In the future, I won't probe into your affairs too much. I'm willing to wait for what you tell me. one day."

Hearing this, Quan Jiayun was slightly shocked.

Looking at Si Chengtian's handsome and serious face, she narrowed her eyes slightly, and there was a trace of inquiry in her dark pupils.

Then she laughed again.

She said: "General, you are really cunning, how do you want me to answer you when you say this, let me thank you for being reasonable? Thank you for not spying on me?"

(End of this chapter)

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