Chapter 1012
Quan Jiayun's eyes lit up, and there was a different change in the way he stared at Si Chengtian.

Unexpectedly, Si Chengtian could see Xuan Yangzi so clearly without getting in touch with Xuan Yangzi. His choice of way was very in line with her wishes, and it was the first way she would choose.

She looked at Si Chengtian and said with a smile: "General, yes, you're quite dark."

Black belly?

Is this a compliment?
Si Chengtian didn't know whether to take her words as a compliment.

However, she looked at him with bright eyes, which made Si Chengtian feel very satisfied. There is no man who doesn't like his sweetheart looking at him with bright eyes.

Si Chengtian pursed his lips, looked at the girl opposite, and didn't know what to answer for a while.

He suddenly thought about something, so Si Chengtian quickly turned his body to one side, revealing the fighter plane behind him, and said to Quan Jiayun: "I'm going to patrol the city later, are you coming?"

Although Si Chengtian's eyes didn't have that kind of sparkling expectation that was too explicit, the way he focused on Quan Jiayun still revealed his desire for Quan Jiayun to come.

Quan Jiayun glanced at the fighter behind him, shook his head and said, "No, I'm still playing outside."

Si Chengtian turned and said: "Tomorrow, do you want to come to the military base to see it? A newly developed hot weapon is very effective against second-order monsters."


Quan Jiayun did not forget that she accepted the invitation from Xiao Tianhao's family to see the horse tomorrow, but she was also very interested in the latest hot weapon Si Chengtian mentioned.

She looked at Si Chengtian and said, "Can I set the time? Of course, if you don't have time at that time, you can give me a pass and let me go alone."

Si Chengtian: "..."

Although her request was overbearing, Si Chengtian still indulged her.

He fixedly looked at this girl who always made him helpless and said: "Yes."

Quan Jiayun smiled and said, "That's how it is, bye."

Click, the video communication stopped.

Seeing the interface that was just broken and broken like this, Si Chengtian was disappointed for a moment, but in only a second or two, he quickly restrained his disappointment, returned to his usual appearance, and strode towards the fighter plane with a calm face. walked over.

Seeing this, his people immediately followed suit.


Quan Jiayun returned to Quan Zhai, greeted Quan Zhengcheng, chatted for a few words, and returned to the room.

After returning to the room, she took out the painting she got from Xuan Yangzi.

Seeing this painting again, Quan Jiayun stared at it for a long time.

The landscape in the latest scene is clearly visible, and every place is painted vividly. After looking at it for a long time, it feels like being in it, as if there is such a place, and you are standing there looking at it.

But the fog and rain curtain in the distance just couldn't be seen.

Ordinary people might say that it is a misty rain curtain in the painting, with such a structure and artistic conception.

But Quan Jiayun is a monk, her spiritual consciousness is extraordinary, and she knows many mysteries that can be used to borrow the power of heaven and earth. Therefore, Quan Jiayun can feel the kind of heart-shattering above this painting a feeling of.

But what is there?

Quan Jiayun rubbed his fingers lightly on the scroll, stared at it for a long time, but couldn't comprehend it.

After a while, Quan Jiayun put away the scroll and entered the small world, continuing to be busy with her affairs.

Quan Jiayun came out in the middle of the night and took a short nap for a while. Early in the morning, before Quan Jiayun got up, he received a call from Xiao Tianhao.

(End of this chapter)

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