Chapter 1211
Si Chengtian handed over the injured Yi Lianggong to the Security Bureau for temporary custody, and followed him into the car.

Of course, Li Li got into the co-pilot of this car.

After all, she was very curious about the relationship between these two people. At the military court, when General Si came forward to testify for Quan Jiayun, she didn't think much about it.

But now it's different.

In such a late night, the two of them were together without General Si's adjutant around. Even if there were some special circumstances to arrest people, it couldn't be the case.

Li Ge glanced back from the rearview mirror, and couldn't help but think of Li Ge's drinking to relieve his worries.

Some time ago, Li Ge used alcohol to relieve his worries every day. Li Ge said that Quan Jiayun had a boyfriend, he had no hope, and he was very depressed for a while.

Could this boyfriend be General Si?

She remembered that General Si's rumored girlfriend was named Mu Youyun, did Mu Youyun mean Quan Jiayun?
Mo Li glanced back again.

However, since the two got into the car, one was sitting upright, the other was leaning lazily, not to mention having an intimate conversation, but neither of them looked at each other. Are these two strangers really boyfriend and girlfriend?
Mo Li was puzzled again.

However, what Li Li didn't know was that as soon as he got in the car, Si Chengtian transmitted his spiritual consciousness to Quan Jiayun.

"It's okay." Seeing her so tired, he was very concerned.

Facing such a sentence, Quan Jiayun replied courteously: "No problem, it's just that the spiritual power has been exhausted. As for you, General, you are not injured."

Only then did Si Chengtian feel completely at ease. At that time, when he saw her cut off the communication, his heart almost jumped out.

He replied calmly, "I'm fine."

During the voice transmission of his spiritual consciousness, Si Chengtian glanced at the two people in the driver's seat and the passenger's seat in front of him, their handsome faces carved out of rocks, with their still expressionless and paralyzed faces.

In private, he quietly stretched out his hand and held Quan Jiayun's hand on his knee.

Quan Jiayun originally had his eyes closed, but at this moment he felt the warmth of his hands, opened his eyes slightly, and lowered his eyes to look above his knees.

Si Chengtian knew she was watching, but he still didn't let go.

He knew that she didn't want others to see the intimate side of the two of them, and she didn't want to be regarded as his girlfriend.

He understands what she means, she doesn't want to be famous as his accessory, XX girlfriend, this is definitely not what she wants.

She has her pride.

And he also respected her pride, and didn't deliberately show his love in the open.

However, because of her, he got close to her in some ways.

Like now that he holds her hand, in order not to attract attention, she won't struggle anymore, this is Si Chengtian's little scheming.

Quan Jiayun did not struggle, she was so tired that she didn't want to move a finger, why would she want to struggle, her fingers hooked lightly on his palm.

Then stretched to the fingers, voice transmission said: "Give me a massage."

Hearing this, Si Chengtian of course complied.

Originally, when he held her hand, besides wanting to be close to her, he also wanted to convey a little warmth to her and let her know that no matter what happened, he was there.

With his hands holding knives and guns all year round, with thin calluses, he kneaded inch by inch for her.

Li Li, who was in front of her, didn't notice these small movements at all. In her eyes, the two people hadn't communicated since getting in the car.

Li Li was still wondering if she wanted to go astray.

Was it really because Quan Jiayun discovered something that General Si was invited?

(End of this chapter)

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