The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1222 The Virtual World

Chapter 1222 The Virtual World
When the chief instructor said these words, he looked at Quan Jiayun who was sitting there. For this girl, all the instructors dare not draw conclusions on her easily this time.

Quan Jiayun received the sight from the chief instructor and smiled slightly.

The chief instructor withdrew his gaze and signaled to the students, "Okay, put on the helmet and start the shooting assessment immediately."

As soon as the chief instructor said this, he announced the start of the assessment.

Putting on the helmet and connecting to the Internet, Quan Jiayun soon fell onto the roof of a ruined house. She looked at everything around her and quickly came to a conclusion.

This simulated battlefield created by the military.

The simulation is the real wilderness area, which can be regarded as getting the students used to the real cruelty of the wilderness area in advance.

It's just possible that this virtual battlefield only simulates a part of the wilderness area.

All in all, a great experience for students.

But for Quan Jiayun, with her powerful spiritual sense, if she doesn't want the helmet to affect her senses, she can easily do it and put herself out of it.

However, Quan Jiayun didn't do that.

Because it's kind of fun.

Quan Jiayun quickly picked up the firearm on the ground and put the bullets away.

When Quan Jiayun was doing this action, he was smiling.

The instructor said that so many bullets were issued for each bullet. If she shot someone else, wouldn't the bullets of others be hers?Or, as long as the target dies, the bullets will be recovered?
Anyway, it's time to try it out.

No need to think about it now.

What she should think about now is how to get a 100% record.

This kind of challenging thing is very interesting to her, and she is willing to challenge and play.

Quan Jiayun shouldered the gun and walked from the roof to the room below.

As soon as she went downstairs, she just saw a small white tiger suddenly appearing there.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the fluffy little white tiger, Quan Jiayun raised his eyebrows.

Is this also a simulated monster?

This is too weak.

That pair of blue eyes of the little white tiger was also looking at Quan Jiayun, at this moment, Quan Jiayun seemed to see the meaning of bright eyes from the little white tiger's eyes.

Then the little white tiger rushed towards Quan Jiayun.

Looking at the fluffy white ball with lines, Quan Jiayun narrowed his eyes slightly.

Is this to attack her?
Because these days it's more like being in a gaming experience than actually being in a physical body.

Therefore, Quan Jiayun would not overestimate the strength of his body too much.

Therefore, Quan Jiayun swung the barrel of the gun horizontally, and aimed at the little white tiger with the tip of the gun.

When Quan Jiayun made this movement, the little white tiger was frightened, it immediately stopped running, ran to the side and raised a small fleshy paw to Quan Jiayun, staring at it with a pair of big round eyes Quan Jiayun, with an expression that it will not attack.

Seeing the little white tiger's appearance, Quan Jiayun bent his lips with great interest.

This little white tiger is really quite realistic. However, even if the appearance can be made so realistic in the virtual screen, can the simulated monster have such an IQ?
Not a fixed attack pattern?
Is it possible to use tricks humanely?

Quan Jiayun stretched out the barrel of the gun and poked the little white tiger.

This time the little white tiger didn't move, it stood there and let Quan Jiayun poke it, with a silly, cute and cute expression, as if it was a little ticklish, but it was trying to hold it back.

(End of this chapter)

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