The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1229 Waiting For You

Chapter 1229 Waiting For You
"Waiting for you to come."

After shouting the four paragraphs, continue to repeat the previous words, repeating them one by one.

It's simply too high-profile.

For fear that others would not know her location.

Such lines like sales promotion suddenly appear in serious shooting combat, which is simply absurd and comical.

What to play?

Off the screen, all the students were completely dumbfounded watching this scene.

They analyzed Quan Jiayun's tactics for a long time, and it turned out that Quan Jiayun did such a thing that no one thought of.

It was simply too unexpected.

Even the corners of the instructors' mouths twitched a few times when they saw such a scene, not knowing what to say to Quan Jiayun's words and deeds.

But after being shocked, everyone didn't feel that Quan Jiayun's move was unexpected.

This kind of approach is very similar to what Quan Jiayun, who is extremely arrogant, can do.

Obviously, Quan Jiayun's intention was to use this high-profile method to lure out all the other hidden students.

This tactic can be regarded as a very clear and straightforward tactic.

No machinations of any kind.

It is to proclaim to everyone that I am here, you come to kill.

This is an unparalleled domineering.

To dare to do such a tactic means to have a strong confidence in one's own ability, thinking that one can definitely fight back. Most people would never dare to do something like Quan Jiayun's.

Because in shooting combat, the target is too obvious to be the target.

In the virtual world, the hidden students frowned when they heard this high-pitched voice.

What kind of seductive trap is this?
Immediately, someone secretly looked at it quietly, but after a look, they found that it was really Quan Jiayun.

Because the models of the characters in the virtual world are unified, it is impossible to tell who is who from the appearance, so each person's name is suspended above each person's head, and this cannot be faked.

Seeing the bright name and confirming that it was really Quan Jiayun, someone's heart was moved immediately.

Although these students are not stupid, they know that this is Quan Jiayun's seduction technique.

But in this scenario, such bait is too tempting.

Killing Quan Jiayun was quite a big topic, and it could be said that he would become famous in one fell swoop.

Such a thing as being able to suppress Quan Jiayun's head sounds like it couldn't be more enjoyable. It is too tempting for students who want to become famous or hate Quan Jiayun.

What's more, everyone can see Quan Jiayun's kill count now. She already has 29 kill counts, which means that killing her can instantly increase her ranking.

Either way, it's an enticing challenge.

But there were also cautious consolations.

No, there was a pair of student groups who formed an alliance in it, and they had different opinions.

"I don't think it's necessary anymore. Killing her is not a good idea. She has turned the tables against the wind so many times. Her strength is really unpredictable. I guess if we really want to shoot, we will be the ones who die."

"How will you know the result if you don't try this kind of thing? You are willing to miss this opportunity? Quan Jiayun has an obvious target now, and it is very easy for us to shoot her in the dark. We spread our positions and shoot at the same time. She can easily find our position." ?"

"And if we give up this opportunity, don't take the initiative to attack, and hide until the end, then what's the difference between being killed by her now?"

(End of this chapter)

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