The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1235 Not Winning All

Chapter 1235 Not Winning All

The person who came wanted to cut Quan Jiayun's artery and cut her whole head crookedly.

The students widened their eyes when they saw this scene.

Quan Jiayun turned around, crossed the gun and stopped the blow.

The student moved flexibly, and during the movement, the tip of the dagger violently stabbed at the little white tiger in Quan Jiayun's hand.and

"go to hell."

This was actually just a sham attack, a real attack on the student's right foot, and there was also a dagger hidden in the shoe.

In short, even if it doesn't hurt the little white tiger, it will hurt Quan Jiayun's posture.

Although this kind of close combat has nothing to do with shooting, there is no rule in the game that you can't use your hands and feet at all, and you can use it if you want to.

However, because the strength is not blessed, this cannot be compared with his original body.

In the opponent's move, the corner of Quan Jiayun's mouth curled up in a mocking arc, fighting her in close quarters, it would be better to fire violently at that position just now.


Amidst the gunfire, the student was pushed back a few meters.

Because when Quan Jiayun crossed the gun and docked with this person, he pulled the trigger in his backhand and fired that shot, and this shot happened to be faster than this person's dagger.

Quan Jiayun looked at the student who was still alive on the ground, and raised his gun again.

The student who was seriously injured on the ground looked at the barrel of the gun and said with a righteous face: "I lost, kill me if you want to kill me."

On the surface he acted so grandly, but in fact the boy was cursing angrily in his heart, after all he failed to kill this vicious snake-like woman to avenge Ye Xinyun.

Yes, this boy is a male student who admires Ye Xinyun to death, especially after knowing that Ye Xinyun is crazy, it is even more distressing, and it all turns into a heart of compassion.

Now Ye Xinyun is being raised at home by him.

This time, he could have hid at the end and didn't come out.

However, in order to avenge Ye Xinyun, and also when the other party was unable to cast spells, he wanted to try a close-up fight.

Anyway, this is virtual, even if he is killed, it is not really killed.

As a result, the next game failed.

If you want to say that you are not reconciled, there must be some.

However, at least he showed himself once, and then he can tell Ye Xinyun, anyway, the boy thinks so, so he feels that he is a hero, and he doesn't feel that he is a loser at all.

Quan Jiayun saw the man's eyes as if he had done something important, but she was not interested in studying the idea of ​​a small shrimp.

Whatever he thinks is death.

Quan Jiayun clapped his fingers, and once again shot the man twice with bang bang.

As soon as the boy died, Quan Jiayun immediately received the sound from the system.

Number of targets shot: 498, mission completion: 99%.

Then came the sound of the end of the shooting competition.

Hearing the sound of the end, all the students withdrew from the state of unconsciously holding their breath.

It's over, it's over.

Quan Jiayun failed to get a 100% record.

Quan Jiayun's fan sisters and fans felt a little regret for Quan Jiayun, but they soon became happy again. No matter what, this record is very proud, and only the queen can do it.

And another group of students were also happy, finally they didn't get slapped in the face for one time, just now they saw two people died one after another, they thought Quan Jiayun could really wipe them out.

so far so good!
Now they were relieved to see it was over.

When the little white tiger disappeared, Quan Jiayun quickly took off his helmet, faced the students in the venue, and waited for Quan Jiayun's warm applause, followed by the announcement of the ranking and awards.

Quan Jiayun didn't care about not being able to win 100%.

Naturally, the prize Quan Jiayun got was given away again.

After leaving the venue, Quan Jiayun walked outside the school.

Because there will be a day off after the shooting competition, as soon as she walked to the school gate, she saw the familiar car. As soon as Quan Jiayun opened the door and got into the car, she saw Si Chengtian inside.

(End of this chapter)

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