The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1252 Don't Like It

Chapter 1252 Don't Like It
Happy birthday, Quan Jiayun was taken aback when he suddenly heard these four words.

She turned her head and raised her eyelids to look at Si Chengtian.

At this time, the fireworks were still blooming brightly in the sky, and the colorful lights of the fireworks shone on Si Chengtian's smiling face, making his handsome face with rough, jet-black sword eyebrows and usually a bit indifferent, look like A little more warm firework atmosphere.

Quan Jiayun looked at this face that was no longer unfamiliar, his eyes flickered twice, he stared twice, and then raised his head to look at the fireworks in the sky.

The sky full of fireworks is a very beautiful sight under the cover of night.

Of course, Quan Jiayun had seen such a scene before, and she had set off fireworks before, but she had never experienced such a large-scale fireworks specially set off for her.

Now, it can be said that it is the first time.

Quan Jiayun looked up at the fireworks all over the sky, her dark eyes were reflected with bright light, making her eyes even brighter.

Quan Jiayun looked at it for a while, then lowered his eyes and looked at the tree full of demon pills. The demon pills have their own hazy brilliance, hanging on the tree, it is like a precious tree full of pearls .

For a while, Quan Jiayun couldn't describe how she was feeling now.

No wonder he arranged such a trip today. Was it because of her birthday?

In fact, Quan Jiayun had forgotten that today was her birthday. Although Quan Zhengcheng had told her in advance two days ago, this day was the original owner's birthday, not hers, so she didn't remember it at all.

Otherwise, it would not be unresponsive during the day.

And even if it's her own birthday, she may not have celebrated it for many years.

Now, someone lives for her.

This situation was a little unexpected to her, so she couldn't describe her mood at this moment.

In her opinion, fireworks, lanterns, and blessings at zero o'clock are just ways to coax little girls. If she wants to do it, she can do it more perfectly and romantically than Si Chengtian.

The key is the word "heart", which is more important than anything else.

At least, this tree full of demon pills is intentional, and all his arrangements during the day also belong to the category of intentionality.

Quan Jiayun stared at the demon dan tree, feeling like being soaked in warm water.

Si Chengtian, who was standing by the side and staring at Quan Jiayun, saw that Quan Jiayun didn't show surprise and joy, but stared at the trees covered with demon pills in silence, and he felt a little nervous.

Does she not like it?
As early as half a month ago, for her birthday today, he checked the Internet seriously.

About what to do on this day to surprise girls.

The answers on the Internet are nothing more than sending expensive gifts, going to high-end restaurants to eat, and then going to movies or performances, or going to amusement parks, etc...

In short, it is to arrange ingeniously and surprise people.

Si Chengtian didn't think that Quan Jiayun would like ordinary diamond clothes, nor did he think that she would like such a process.

She obviously prefers exciting and novel things.

Referring to these answers, Si Chengtian thought for a long time how to surprise her and how to make her happy.

After pondering for a long time, he finally planned the itinerary for this day.

Going up the mountains and down the river to see all kinds of wonders during the day seems to be more pleasing to her.

but now……

Si Chengtian looked at the tree covered with demon pills and frowned slightly.

Did he screw up this last step?

(End of this chapter)

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