Chapter 1254

Han Shaoqin couldn't help but hope so.

Although he didn't know much about Miss Quan's temper, he could tell that Miss Quan was bold and casual and had a cynical air about her.

Although I watched her get close to the general every time, it was really hard to see how much sincerity she had in it.

And he has been with the general for so many years, so he is very clear about the general's temper.

The general has kept himself clean for so many years and has never had any intentions for women. It can be said that he has set the bottom line very high. Since he met Miss Quan, he has witnessed the changes in the general since he followed the general every day.

For Miss Quan, the general has done many things that he has never done before.

And in order to make Miss Quan happy, the general did a lot of homework in advance.

Isn't this what love is?
For a person like the general, he can assure you that if you don't love him, you won't love him, and if you love him, you don't know the time limit.

Therefore, he hoped that Miss Quan would live up to her.

I just hope the two will have a happy ending.

Of course, he will try his best to get a good ending for himself. Han Shaoqin looked at the fireworks in the sky, thinking of Qin Yufei's mouth also brought a smile.

Qin Yufei had been avoiding him before, but now she would contact him, which was a good start.

He will slowly accompany her through this emotional pain.


Under the Yaodan tree, Quan Jiayun didn't go deep into the kiss, after the warmth of the two lips touched, she backed away, looked at Si Chengtian with a gentle smile and said, "Thank you."

Yes, thank him for giving her a little surprise.

She admitted that she was a little moved at the moment.

Although, she didn't know how long this move could last, how much affection she could put into him, at the moment, she didn't want to avoid this.

Si Chengtian looked at Quan Jiayun who was smiling so gently at this time, and countless fireworks burst out of his heart, which seemed to be in sync with the fireworks in the sky.

Because at this time, he felt as if he had touched Quan Jiayun's heart that was always hidden and made invisible to others.

Generally speaking, if she is happy, he is also happy.

Si Chengtian looked at her and said, "You're welcome, as long as you like it."

Quan Jiayun turned his eyes to look at the demon pill tree, stretched out his hand to touch the demon pill and said, "Of course I like it, how can I not like so many demon pills? Thanks to you, you can figure it out and hang them on the tree."

At first glance, this demon elixir tree is really a precious tree.

Si Chengtian pursed his lips, not knowing what to say, but just stayed with her, watching her smile.

Quan Jiayun then moved his hand, grabbed the tree pole and pulled up the tree by the roots. Si Chengtian watched her move, although he didn't know what she was doing, he still helped.

As soon as the tree was unearthed, Quan Jiayun took the whole Yaodan tree into the small world soon.

Si Chengtian was not too surprised by this scene, but thought that obviously she also had a storage bag, no wonder she didn't want the storage bag he gave her before.

After Quan Jiayun put the roots of the tree into the small world, he raised his head and pointed at the fireworks that had not stopped all over the sky, pouted his chin and said: "Tell Adjutant Han not to let go, enough is enough."

Si Chengtian immediately sent a signal to Han Shaoqin.

As a result, the fireworks in the sky finally stopped, leaving only the colorful lights still surrounding the courtyard.

Quan Jiayun looked at the lights in his eyes, and took Si Chengtian's hand to the balcony on the second floor. Looking down from the angle of the second floor, he could clearly see how many lights are connected in this area. big characters.

Jiayun, happy birthday.

(End of this chapter)

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