The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1259 Wild Area Assessment

Chapter 1259 Wild Area Assessment
You must know that some monks have been cultivating for a lifetime, even decades, they may not be able to break through the hurdle of foundation establishment.

Innate talent, acquired skills, previous experience, these are all too important.

Quan Jiayun is like a high school student who suddenly comes back to primary school to hang and beat others.

Others are naturally hard to match.

Thinking about the experience of the past six months, Quan Jiayun didn't feel complacent. For her, she was taking home and rebuilding. These things that surprised others were too common and not worthy of her pride.

Quan Jiayun was more concerned about his parents.

After knowing that the Jiang family in the East China base was also secretly paying attention to her parents, she knew that it was not easy for her parents to have no news, and it was more like hiding to avoid the Jiang family.

So when the divination revealed that her parents' lives were not in danger, she held back and did not rush to find her parents, because her cultivation was too weak at that time.

Even if she showed up, she didn't dare to say that she could fight the Jiang family's gang.

So, she stayed here and didn't rush over there, and even after that, she asked Ruyihui to stop investigating her parents publicly.

During this period, although I think I miss my parents.

But she hasn't seen it for decades, and she is not in a hurry, she prefers to be in sure control.

So I endured it all the time.

Quan Jiayun looked at the moving scenery and said silently, Dad, Mom, wait a minute, I will come to you soon, and you will never hide because of fear of anyone again.

A cold light flashed across Quan Jiayun's dark eyes.

Then she closed her eyes and put herself in a relaxed state.

Military vehicles quickly sent these immature students to the Administration.

Then, under the instructions of the instructors, this group of immature students left the high wall and walked to the wider wilderness land that once belonged to humans, and began the actual combat assessment that lasted for two days and one night.

However, even though it was assessed in the wilderness area.

But the area for this actual combat assessment is an area not far from the outer city wall.

The circle is a small ruined town and several surrounding villages, which are not too far away from the outer city wall, and are surrounded by instructors.

In particular, Si Chengtian sent soldiers to surround him. Relatively speaking, the security is a little higher, at least he won't be killed maliciously by other warriors.

Si Chengtian did this to prevent people from the Cultivation Alliance.

Thus, the main examination for the first-year students here began.

This time, instead of fighting with fists, each student brought their own weapons.

The actual combat assessment can be done cooperatively or separately, it all depends on the wishes of the students.

For cooperative operations, it is necessary to discuss the allocation issue, because the final assessment results are scored based on the results, just like that time when Quan Jiayun won No.1 with the highest results.

After the instructors dispersed, the students couldn't help but glanced at Quan Jiayun. Although many students wanted to cooperate with Quan Jiayun to fight together, it was because of the coercion Quan Jiayun usually displayed. I dare not speak.

Jiang Yuyu was the first to open the mouth, looked at Quan Jiayun with sparkling eyes and said, "Sister Yun, can I go with you?"

While Jiang Yuyu was speaking, Xiao Tianhao stared at Quan Jiayun, then immediately walked in one direction alone, and did not stop here to listen.

 Happy Children's Day everyone, no matter how old you are, you will always live happily like a child
(End of this chapter)

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