1276 Departure 8
Quan Jiayun looked back at him with clear and bright eyes.

Si Chengtian met those eyes that were not stained with any emotion, and suddenly hugged Quan Jiayun forcefully. He didn't know why, but he was so restless today, feeling that something bad was about to happen.

Just like in the past, before he encountered a high-level monster, he would have a bad intuition.

Quan Jiayun felt the strength of the hug, and blinked slightly.

Si Chengtian hugged her, felt the warmth of her body, and felt a little calmer.

He tried his best to suppress that bad intuition, and whispered next to her ear: "Be careful, I'll pick you up later, if you need anything, contact me."

After all, Si Chengtian let go of her reluctantly.

Quan Jiayun raised his eyes, looked at Si Chengtian in front of him, and wanted to tell him.

He shouldn't have any illusions, she has nothing to do with him, and he doesn't need to care about her safety.

Use this to cut off his unnecessary feelings for her.

However, looking into such affectionate eyes, Quan Jiayun did not say such harsh words in person.

She just said: "The general won't pick me up later, I have my own arrangements today."

Si Chengtian said: "But the Cultivation Alliance..."

Quan Jiayun interrupted Si Chengtian and said: "General Si, I am not a flower in a greenhouse. I am very grateful that you came forward to help me when I asked for help last time, but I don't need your protection every time."

It was a bit cold and heartless to say this.

Hearing this, Si Chengtian didn't feel sad, he understood her thinking, it was because he was too urgent.

He looked at her and said, "Okay, I see."

Quan Jiayun stared at Si Chengtian's face deeply for a few seconds.

At this moment, Si Chengtian thought she would lean over and kiss him.

However, in the end she did nothing.

The corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and it was such a smile that finally stayed in Si Chengtian's field of vision. Later, Si Chengtian knew that it was a smile with the flavor of parting.


After saying a silent goodbye in his heart, Quan Jiayun turned his head and got out of the car so neatly, and walked towards the school, during which, Quan Jiayun didn't turn his head to look back.

In her life, if she made a decision, she would never look back.

Indecision is the behavior she disdains the most.

Si Chengtian looked at her disappearing figure, stayed for a while, and left feeling uneasy.


On the huge playground, Quan Jiayun walked to the rostrum again in front of the teachers and students of the school, but this time was completely different from the last time.

The last time she was going to be expelled, and then she had to prove in front of all the teachers and students that she was eligible to stay in school.

But this time, it was an important speech.

Yes, she also got the best grade in the written test, so when the final result came out, she won the chief position of this year with a comprehensive score far exceeding all the students.

Looking at the slender figure walking towards the rostrum at an unhurried pace, all the students no longer laughed at them last time, but only worshiped, envied, and frustrated.

Under the attention of everyone, Quan Jiayun walked up to the high platform.

She stared at the crowded students below, smiled, and said into the microphone: "Want to know how I feel about being the chief?"

Quan Jiayun raised the corner of his mouth, and said lightly: "To be honest, I just don't have any feelings. This is too easy for me, and there is no challenge at all."

(End of this chapter)

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