1278 Departure 10
At the end of the year, the battle for the head of the year ended with Quan Jiayun's speech.

After the awards ceremony, the topics discussed by the students were still inseparable from Quan Jiayun.

Whether you like it or not.

She can easily earn enough topics.

On the Internet, the news that Quan Jiayun finally won the chief position was spread out, including her arrogant speech. In a short time, the discussion on Quan Jiayun among the people of the Southwest Base reached its peak.

It's quite a sign that someone doesn't know your name.

On the Internet, various restaurants are talking about her.

When Si Chengtian saw the news in the barracks, he couldn't help but smile, it was really something she could say.

In the past, he didn't like mad people, but her madness was so cute in his eyes.

Si Chengtian turned off the screen, took a look in the direction of the military academy where she was, and thought, they will almost completely break up now, and I don't know where she will go today?
For a moment, Si Chengtian had the urge to go to the school gate to take a look at her.

But this thought was only for a moment, and Si Chengtian put it away.

Everyone must have their own space, he can't circle her, just because he is a little uneasy, so urgently staring at people, presumably, she will not feel comfortable.

Si Chengtian quickly sorted out his emotions and continued to train the soldiers below.


Without Si Chengtian's knowledge, Quan Jiayun went back to Si's house with the invisibility talisman attached.

Then she left Shancheng City and arrived at Jiangshan Building in Jiangyang City.

Today's Jiangshan Building can be said to be thriving, with Lei Yizuozhen and Shi Yifei's management methods, the database in Jiangshan Building is already very rich.

Not just losing money.

Quan Jiayun was quite satisfied with this.

Originally, she was just trying it casually.

She glanced at the storefront, then quietly entered the back, and as soon as she saw her, Shi Yifei immediately stood up.

"Young Master Jiang."

Quan Jiayun nodded, and then said: "Call Lei Yi and Hong Yan."

Afterwards, Quan Jiayun explained to Lei Yi and Shi Yifei, and also gave advice to Ye Hongyan, her apprentice who had been free-ranging.

After speaking, Quan Jiayun handed over some pills and magic tools that are useful for cultivation, and said to Ye Hongyan: "Okay, that's it, keep working hard, if you encounter anything, let Lei Yi help you, for a while, I will not be here at Southwest Base."

Ye Hongyan was surprised when she heard this, but she didn't ask Quan Jiayun where she was going, because it was obviously not what she should ask, and she still had such winks.

She just looked at Quan Jiayun and said obediently: "Master, be careful."

Quan Jiayun smiled, touched Ye Hongyan's face, and then drifted away.

Lei Yi was still standing outside, saw her, and asked respectfully again: "Do you really don't want me to go with you? I can handle a lot of things for you as well."

Quan Jiayun patted him on the shoulder, and said lightly: "No need, just watch this side for me."

In fact, Lei Yi really wanted to meet her.

Now, he no longer complains about following her, but hopes to follow her all the time, but Quan Jiayun doesn't seem to need him now, which makes him a little bit disappointed.

Just like that, Lei Yi watched Quan Jiayun leave with his eyes.

Standing on the outer city wall, Quan Jiayun looked at the base surrounded by two layers of city walls, and there was no trace of reluctance in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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