The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1281 On the Road 2

Chapter 1281 On the Road 2
This monster is made up of squirrels the size of a human head.

Such a squirrel is not a big problem for warriors.

However, this kind of rat rarely travels alone, and there are dozens or hundreds of them moving together.

And these tens of thousands of animals acting together are rarely seen at ordinary times, and belong to the range of animal hordes.

Therefore, the person just now couldn't help complaining that they were unlucky, because tens of thousands is a big problem, and even two or three third-tier warriors dare not bear such a rat wave.

As long as they are surrounded, what will happen will be devouring and killing.

No matter how strong you are, no matter how many methods you have, it will be useless. Therefore, this group of teams that dared to besiege and kill third-tier monsters, now ended up running in embarrassment.

However, although their speed is extremely fast, the speed of these mice is not slow. They did not distance themselves at all, but slowly approached.

Among the crowd, those who ran to the back were even more anxious.

As he gritted his teeth and accelerated, someone yelled against the wind: "Brother Hu, it's not an option to go on like this. You can't get rid of it at all. The distance is getting closer! Think of a way."

The man called Brother Hu is Zhan Hu, the leader of this team.

He glanced back at the beast tide, and said loudly: "Eighteen people, divide into six groups, three people in each group, separate the beast tide first."

So, the eighteen people separated immediately.

However, although their thinking is excellent, these demon rats are not cooperative.

The group of them did not separate at all, but chose the prey in one direction, and continued to chase bravely.

Thus, the three people who were being chased panicked about being chased, and immediately turned to join the others.

Under such circumstances, the [-] people who were originally separated reunited again after a few minutes, and the horde of beasts behind them was still chasing after them.

Under such a high-pressure ten-minute chase scene.

Not one of the warriors who were already tense panicked, but most of them panicked.

"Or, let's stop and fight them."

"Fighting? What joke are you talking about? How can eighteen people fight this tide of thousands of rats? Are you looking for death?"

"Are you going to wait to die like this?"

"I said at the very beginning, we should return to the base and run to the base. As long as we encounter the patrolling army, we can also repel the wave of beasts."

"If you say you will return, you will return. How far is this from the Southwest Base? Do you think you have to run for several hours to get there? Can you keep running for such a long time? You will die soon."

"Okay, stop arguing, I have an idea."

As the leader Zhanhu said, he stabbed a wild boar in front of him.

Then he threw the several hundred catties of wild boar, which still smelled of fresh blood, into the rat swarm behind him, and immediately some mice gathered around the wild boar to eat.

He shouted at the same time: "Let's run to the depths of the forest. There are more monsters over there. Use this method to consume them. Moreover, I remember that there is a river over there. Let's cross the river."

Everyone's eyes lit up immediately, thinking that this is indeed a good way.

However, this can only solve the urgent need after all, and it is not enough to consume such a beast tide.

Even when they were throwing away the corpses of the beasts, they still cut down the big trees from time to time, and lit the fire in an attempt to drive back the beast tide.

Within 10 minutes, this group of 18 people encountered another group, and then, together with the team of ten people, only four people remained in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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