The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1283 On the Road 4

Chapter 1283 On the Road 4
Zhan Hu stabilized the struggling man with both hands, and shouted angrily: "Shut up, it's not the last moment, give up now, don't let me look down on you."

"Since you don't want to hold me back, run hard for me."

Zhan Hu's angry shout temporarily stabilized them.

The tearful woman didn't dare to reject him anymore.

But the despair still did not leave the other three people, because the sound of the beast tide behind them was getting closer and closer, and the rustling sound of the grass and mud was like a sound of urging their lives.

The woman lying on Zhan Hu's back looked back at the herd of beasts not far away, she was no longer afraid of death, she secretly made the next decision in her heart.

No matter what Brother Hu thinks, she must not drag him down.

At this moment of crisis, when the woman was ready to wait for the herd of beasts and buy time for Brother Hu, at this moment, as they ran down the hillside, a figure in white appeared in front of their vision .

Seeing this figure, none of the extremely exhausted people let out howls of excitement as if they were being saved.

Because there is only one person on the other side.

Before they met a team of people, they were all wiped out. What's the use of meeting one person!On the contrary, this person was unlucky.

Zhan Hu's eyes flickered for a moment, and instead of being surprised that there was only one person on the other side, he immediately shouted loudly to the front: "Run, there is a wave of beasts behind."

Hearing Zhan Hu's voice, the person standing in front did not run immediately, but turned around.

Turning around and looking back, a face blurred into the field of vision of several people, Zhan Hu saw that the figure didn't move, he was very anxious, is he stupid?

Zhan Hu opened his mouth and was about to wake up again, at this moment, because of the close distance, that face was clearly reflected in the eyes of these people against the wind.

Suddenly, the pupils of several people dilated.

The facial features of that face are naturally very beautiful. At first glance, the eyes are like a pool of abyss. When looking forward, there is a noble and elegant temperament.

However, what surprised them was not the appearance of the other party, but the demeanor of the other party.

Facing the black swarm of rats behind him, there was no trace of panic or fear on that man's face, but a smile on the corner of his mouth. Such a calm and calm demeanor is simply eye-catching.

Who is she?
Isn't she afraid?

At this moment, because of this person's appearance, several people temporarily forgot about the huge crisis that will be a second later, and all of them stared at this extraordinary woman with wide eyes.

Just as they opened their eyes wide, a person standing still took out a muzzle that was as thick as an arm.

Then, amidst the sound of electric current, blue light shot out from the muzzle, and when their eyes were illuminated by the blue light, they heard a large number of screams and creaks behind them.

This kind of voice makes people feel numb, but also makes people happy.

Several people looked back at the same time, and saw that under the strafing blue light, countless rats and beasts were blasted into pieces. It seemed to be a huge meat grinding field over there, and only red flesh and blood could be seen flying.

Under such a densely packed attack without leaving any gaps, the large group of rats couldn't take a step forward at all, and it would be a dead word to enter.

As a result, the originally tidy rat wave completely collapsed.

Amidst the screams of Flesh and Flesh, they fled in all directions.

Some retreated into the forest, some fled into the wasteland beside the highway, and disappeared directly into the ground.

When several people saw this scene, they had already stopped running, and even except Zhan Hu who was still standing, the other two kneeled down to the ground with their legs out of strength.

In the blink of an eye, facing the beast horde that took the lives of many people and made them despair, they just dispersed.

The few people who were overly shocked turned their heads in a daze, and looked at the person standing there.

 Because it takes time to figure out the plot, so the update is late, I have been waiting for a long time
(End of this chapter)

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