Chapter 1289
But when he heard the word East China Base, Zhan Hu's heart skipped a beat, because he was going to the East China Base.

Therefore, he gathered a group of people who also wanted to take risks there.

The distance from here to the East China base is still not short, there are still more than 1000 kilometers.

Although before the apocalypse, when there were no monsters and beasts coexisting, for such a long distance, it only takes more than two hours by plane, and only a few hours by high-speed rail.

But it can no longer be calculated in this way.

In this new world, it is not so convenient.

Tracks, cars, and airplanes were all destroyed. In the first ten years after the advent of alien beasts, in terms of traffic, it can be said that it has completely returned to the primitive society.

It all depends on what people say.

At that time, it was the most popular period when occupying land was the king and the Tu Emperor was the most popular.

Later, when the strong stood up one by one, and the small bases gathered together to form a large base, after the establishment of the Huaxia Kingdom, this situation has improved a lot in the past ten years.

People made airplanes again.

People made cars again.

People have created more convenient communicators.

The various bases began to communicate with each other again.

However, although various aspects are improving, and some information about other bases can be obtained between each base, there is still no flight between each base, which has reached the previous level, allowing people in the base to come and go freely. other bases.

Because the sky of the new world is definitely not a free sky.

Unless the plane can be completely invisible and can not disturb any monsters, otherwise it is tantamount to seeking death if it takes risks to fly out of the safe base.

All kinds of ferocious flying demon birds will surround these planes and tear them into pieces.

As for warriors in the sky, they can't fight monsters at all, they can only use hot weapons, and hot weapons can't do much against high-level monsters.

In addition to this most important factor, there are some other objective conditions.

For the people living in a corner, although monster materials are easy to come by and some of them can be used for production, some materials are hard to come by.

Such as fuel, so the current vehicles all use electricity or hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

Therefore, under such circumstances, it is unrealistic for the various bases to freely communicate with each other. Only those at the highest level can use resources such as stealth fighters to go to another place.

If other people want to go to another base, they can only form a strong enough team and walk thousands of kilometers on foot to reach another base.

They are such a situation.

With the footsteps of these warriors, naturally they can't walk for half a month, but considering the possible dangers and delays on the road, it is necessary to budget for three to five days.

During this time, if you can walk with them, it will be great.

but follow...

Seeing that Zhanhu was silent for a long time, the capable third-tier warrior behind the young man said: "I know you are a third-tier warrior, and I am a bit arrogant and don't want to follow anyone, but you know that the one in front of you is who?"

The gazes of several people flashed, and they all looked at the speaker and the young man who was above him.

The young man sat there proudly and did not stop the people below from speaking.

The third-tier martial artist beside him said: "The Jiang family in the East China base."

Accompanied by these words, he saw the changes in the pupils of several people as he wished, and then he announced unhurriedly: "It seems that you have all heard of the Jiang family, so I don't need to say more, I just want to say briefly, The person in front of you is the young master of the Jiang family."

 Two more, make up tomorrow, good night
(End of this chapter)

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