The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1298 What do you want to do

Chapter 1298 What do you want to do

In this thought, the man with the scar leaned back, looked at Quan Jiayun sullenly, and said loudly: "Don't you give me any face? Huh?"

"A little wine is nothing. Anyway, you don't need to make a move when you get down and go on the road. When the time comes, I will ride with me. Brother, I will protect you, so don't worry."

He said and patted his thigh.

An attitude of an uncle who asked Quan Jiayun to sit on it by himself.

Hearing what he said, the other two men were silent and planned to watch Chang Dayong's performance first, so they leaned against the wall lazily with smirks.

Quan Jiayun glanced at the gesture of patting his thigh, and gave a slight snort in his heart.

"No, you guys drink."

She said turning around and leaving.

It can be said that it doesn't give face at all.

A group of men who were watching this show laughed mockingly.

"Dayong, you can't do it, people won't dump you."

"Dayong, you say, you say you have a bad face, but you live well."

Not to mention being angry, under the booing of a group of people, how could Chang Dayong still hold on to his face, his face suddenly sank, his body jumped up quickly, and he grabbed Quan Jiayun.

In front of so many people, why is she arguing with him.

Quan Jiayun felt the sound of the wind behind him, and with an elegant movement of footsteps, he avoided it.

That nimble and light figure made the eyes of a group of men watching the show twitch.

After avoiding it, Quan Jiayun just stood two meters away, looked at the surprised man, and said flatly, "I said I won't drink."

These words are strong and powerful.

Although she is hiding her identity now and wants to follow Jiang Ce's line to sneak into Jiang's family, it doesn't mean that she has to pretend to be a weak chicken and let others bully her.

Because no matter where you are, you have to show a little bit of strength to be valued by others, so Quan Jiayun didn't intend to endure these scumbags.

And just relying on these people, she is not worthy of such humiliation.

Seeing Quan Jiayun's sudden strength, Chang Dayong was taken aback.

In the next second, his face turned even darker.

He stared at Quan Jiayun gloomyly and said: "What are you pretending to be noble in front of me, what kind of Joe are you, you don't know how many people you have slept with, I don't think it's a great thing for you to be old, and you're still old." If you dare to pretend to me, let me tell you that after following the young master, if you want us to protect you, you have to serve us comfortably."

As he said that, he went to pull Quan Jiayun again.

This time Quan Jiayun didn't move, because a hand grabbed this person's hand faster, and the person who made the move was Zhan Hu.

He didn't notice the situation here at the first time, but he didn't notice until Quan Jiayun stood up and said that sentence. He frowned at the situation in front of him.

The thing that Zhan Hu can't tolerate the most is this kind of thing that bullies women, doesn't treat women as human beings, and forcibly possesses them.

Because at the beginning of the last days, he saw his mother being humiliated to death by a group of men, which was a nightmare for him.

Back then, as a young boy, he couldn't stop this kind of thing.

Now, as an adult with some abilities, he would never tolerate such a thing happening in front of his eyes.

He stood up right away, and when Chang Dayong made another shot, he shot in a hurry.

He grabbed Chang Dayong's wrist, stared at him, and said coldly, "My friend, what do you want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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