The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1311 This Is My Toy

Chapter 1311 This Is My Toy

In the scene where Zhan Hu watched such a massacre in shock, in less than 3 minutes, all the warriors who ran away were killed by Quan Jiayun, and no one could escape.

Except for Jiang Ce who stayed behind.

This is Quan Jiayun's style of doing things.

If she doesn't make a move, that's all. She won't kill anyone. Once she makes a move, she won't let people have the opportunity to tell the story of today's scene. Naturally, they will all be killed.

Quan Jiayun stepped back, stood behind Jiang Ce, looked at the young master in front of him with a smile and said, "Master Jiang, where are you going?"

Jiang Ce didn't expect that he jumped and ran, but he couldn't get out when he got here.

A black mask in front blocked his way forward, and he controlled the silver armored lizard to hit it, but he couldn't break through the black mask.

And at this moment, that devil-like voice sounded.

Hearing this voice, Jiang Ce couldn't help trembling.

Because this woman is too scary.

Although he didn't see the picture of her chasing and killing other people, but when he was running wildly, he heard screams nearby. Usually this kind of scream makes him happy, but now this kind of scream makes him discomfort.

It was as if he had entered a slaughterhouse.

However, this time he was not the one holding the knife, but the one who was slaughtered.

Jiang Ce controlled the silver-armored lizard to turn around, and just as he met those smiling eyes, he heard a deafening dragon chant.

The coercion emanating from the dragon chant directly scared the silver armored lizard that Jiang Ce was sitting on so that his limbs limp and knelt down. When Jiang Ce stepped down, he saw the huge black dragon approaching suddenly.

The huge black dragon happened to come from behind the woman. Seeing this scene, although Jiang Ce was shocked, his eyes suddenly lit up.

That woman is about to be caught and killed by the black dragon.

Although he will die next.

But she was going to die before him.

Just when Jiang Ce was excited, the next second, Jiang Ce was dumbfounded again.

Because the huge black dragon didn't grab the woman at all, but rushed in front of him, but before the giant dragon's claws grabbed him, the woman's voice sounded.

"Okay, I don't want you to take action on this one. This is my toy. Help me watch those people over there."

Jiang Ce looked at the huge dragon in front of him, and just when his face turned pale from fright, he heard this voice.

This voice brought him back to his senses all of a sudden, he looked at the sharp giant claws that stopped suddenly in front of him, raised his eyes, and looked at the pair of huge purple-black vertical pupils above him, thinking a little dazedly.

Is she talking to the dragon?
Will the dragon listen to her?Isn't she joking?

But it seemed that the dragon really stopped when he heard her voice.

Is this really her mount pet?
Just when Jiang Ce was in a daze and couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

Long Xiao flicked his tail unhappily, and yelled at Quan Jiayun twice, Quan Jiayun looked at Long Xiao and spread his hands and said: "I don't understand, if you have any conditions, tell me later, I promise you, now you can Capture this monster and use it as food."

Long Xiao rolled his eyes and was satisfied.

He turned around, looked at the pale white face below, let out a big breath from his nostrils, and then he grabbed the silver armor that Jiang Ce was sitting on with one hand and grabbed it.

With this grab, Jiang Ce was naturally thrown from above.

The silver-armored lizard, which looked very big at first, looked smaller in Long Xiao's hands. Long Xiao grabbed it and flew away.

Under Jiang Ce's horrified gaze, Quan Jiayun walked towards him step by step with a smile on his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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