Chapter 1318 So Ugly

Quan Jiayun looked at the other party's bent waist, smiled, and said casually: "You found them the way to survive, so you don't need to thank me, and the four of you are going to be me when I am Jiang Ce. Follower, is this okay?"

Zhan Hu himself doesn't want to follow anyone, but facing this mysterious and unpredictable her, apart from the biggest reason that he can't refuse, he doesn't resist in his heart.

He is willing to follow her within a limited time.

He believed that following her, he would definitely learn more.

Zhan Hu bowed respectfully again.

"No problem, Young Master Jiang."

As soon as Jiang Shao came out, the verbal contract between the two was established.

Quan Jiayun glanced at him, didn't say anything more, turned around and walked towards Long Xiao.

As for why she didn't tamper with his memory, first of all, she can see this man's character, and although she can't trust him too much, she can still trust him for a while.

Second, because Tier [-] warriors are not weak in spirit, although warriors don't cultivate the sea of ​​consciousness and don't use their consciousness to target people, their mental strength will still become stronger with the strength of their bodies.
It's a little bit difficult to brainwash Tier [-] warriors with her divine sense.

Therefore, Quan Jiayun left this memory for him only.

Quan Jiayun walked up to Long Xiao.

Long Xiao looked at Quan Jiayun's appearance in front of him, and said to her through sound transmission: "It's so ugly, the body you chose is getting worse and worse, neither male nor female, like a shemale."

Quan Jiayun tapped him on the head with his fingers.

"Look for a fight."

Long Xiao wagged his tail and said, "It's a shemale, just like in TV dramas, why don't you tell me? This king just wants to say it, and your loophole is too big, you can tell it's wrong at a glance."

Quan Jiayun would not be in the mood to joke with him now.

"Okay, let's go in."

"No, I will stay outside to play for a while, and I told you that I have a treasure that can help your phantom to be more perfect, as long as you ask me."

Long Xiao said triumphantly, and in an instant, the huge body gradually became smaller, until it was only as thick as a small bamboo, and wrapped around Quan Jiayun's wrist.

Watching this scene, Zhan Hu couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Quan Jiayun ignored Zhan Hu's reaction and talked with Long Xiao in the spiritual world.

Then the figure flickered, and they went to the small western-style building where they were resting before, and before they got close, they saw the girl who was poking her head by the door.

This girl is Jiang Ce's little lover.

A group of people ran out before, and she put safety first, so she stayed where she was alone, especially when she heard the faint sounds of fighting and screams outside, she had better stay inside .

Curiosity is not without.

I wondered why that old woman made Master Jiang Shaoxing mobilize everyone like this, although that woman is indeed a bit powerful.

Thinking of the scene where the other party beheaded Chang Dayong, she was still a little terrified.

Because she knew how many catties she weighed, and knew that watching the battle at close range was not so fun, so although she was curious, she sat still and didn't see anyone coming back for a long time, and she didn't hear any sound.

She couldn't help but poked her head and looked outside cautiously.

Looking at it, she saw Jiang Shao who had returned.

"Little Lord."

As soon as her eyes lit up, she immediately opened the door, took a few steps forward, and greeted her.

(End of this chapter)

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