The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1321 Don't understand the rules?

Chapter 1321 Don't understand the rules?

Although some people are in a trance, there is a sense of sight that seems to have been seen before.

But for a while, no one remembered exactly who this young man was.

So the gazes of these warriors then turned to the few people who were following the man, swept them one by one, and stopped for a while when they were on Zhan Hu.

This man had the aura of a Tier [-] warrior faintly.

Is it a Tier [-] warrior?

Finally, their eyes fell on the bulging supply bag hanging on the sides of the monster.

Looking at the bulging supply bag, the eyes of all warriors could not help but squint. It seems that this is a bumper harvest! ! !

Under the scrutiny of a group of warriors, Quan Jiayun's eyes were indifferent, and he swept forward condescendingly.

At a glance, she saw clearly the situation at the gate of the city.

The huge steel gate is now tightly locked, so these warriors stay here.

And there is a military transport vehicle on the left side of the gate, and there are three people standing there, checking something in the supply bag of the warrior on this side.

Obviously those who passed the inspection stood on the side of the barrier.

Quan Jiayun was watching the situation over there.

A warrior with a heavy weapon came in front of them. He looked up and down at Quan Jiayun and his party, not afraid that they had a third-tier warrior.

With a rough voice, he said sternly: "Alright, are you here from another base? What are you doing here, don't you understand the rules?"


Quan Jiayun, who had searched Jiang Cehun, naturally knew what the other party said about the rules.

The East China base is different from the Southwest base.

Although the six major bases of Huaxia Kingdom belong to the scope of Huaxia Kingdom in name, the governance methods of the six major bases are completely different, and they are not completely unified at all, more like six small countries governed by each.

In the southwest base under the rule of Si Chengtian, warriors do not need to hand in any supplies when they enter the city, and the family can pay taxes and fees once a month.

But the East China base is different. The East China base is at the gate of the city. The military and the Jiang family have united, with the military as four and the Jiang family as six days. They rob here in the name of tax collection.

Why is it called robbery.

Because the materials obtained by the warrior must be handed over one-third of the current acquisition.

And it's one-third, when your materials are placed on it, you can't decide what they want to take away, but they have the final say, and they may take away your valuables.

And you have to pay it every time you go out of the wilderness area, no matter how many times you go out in a month, there is no accident.

If you dare not, or don't want to pay, of course they won't kill you on the spot.

The end is that you can't enter the city from now on.

In this wilderness area full of crises, few people dare to stay outside for a long time.

Regarding this situation, although many warriors are dissatisfied and think that the tax is too heavy, they dare not speak out because the power of the Jiang family and the military are too strong on this side.

And because of the situation of handing over over the years, the two forces have been fed and fattened.

If you don't want to be exploited so much, you can either join these two forces, or join the Lions Alliance, a special alliance.

The scene in front of him now completely confirms the information he got from Jiang Ce.

The corner of Quan Jiayun's mouth hooked up.

It's really an unscrupulous robbery.

(End of this chapter)

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