Chapter 1328
In Zhan Hu's worry, a group of people passed through the green plants in front of the door.

Everyone's field of vision suddenly widened.

Only then did the whole picture of the Jiang family come into view. Looking at the scene in front of them, except for Quan Jiayun, the others all opened their eyes with a look of wonder.

Just looking from the outside, you can already feel the grandeur here.

When you enter, you will feel even more magnificent.

The first is a huge circular square.

Now that the land is very precious, the Jiang family's land area is enough to surprise people first, and the house built in this area is even more eye-catching.

From a distance it looks like a castle.

When I came in, it was not a pure castle in the west, but combined with the style of the imperial city hall before the Chinese dynasty.

This kind of combination of Chinese and Western styles does not seem to violate harmony, but it shows the style of the imperial city more vividly.

The five tall pavilions and halls on the other side of the main building look like a huge upturned palm from the current perspective, as if turning over can suppress the entire city.

Surrounded by these five pavilions and halls, the houses are relatively low.

This place alone fully demonstrates the status of the Jiang family as the local emperor here.

At this time, on the left and right sides of the huge circular square, hundreds of warriors wearing the same costumes were fighting with each other, obviously practicing their skills.

It was amazing.

Tong Xin looked at the scene in front of her, her mouth formed an O shape.

She followed the young master from another base to this side. Although she knew the identity of Young Master Jiang, she had never seen the Jiang family before, and this was the first time she saw him.

At this sight, she seemed to see Young Master Jiang wearing the prince's costume and sitting on top of the king.

Tong Xin's heart was even more excited.

Looking at the figure in front of her, she secretly made up her mind that she must work harder to catch the young master's heart and become the young master's wife, so that the days to come will be easier.

Liu Yang and He Zhang had the same idea as her. Seeing that the Jiang family was bigger than imagined, they didn't dare to disagree.

Seeing this scene, Wen Su was amazed and then worried. After Brother Hu came in, would it really be easy to go out in the Jiang family?However, if Brother Hu really wanted to settle down here, Wen Su would also support him.

The calmer among these people is Zhan Hu.

Although he also marveled at the greatness of the Jiang family and felt a little awe, but it was not the kind of idea that he was willing to bow his head and proclaim himself a vassal.

Quan Jiayun looked at the scene and the people practicing in the huge square, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being the local emperor of this side.

Quan Jiayun's horseshoes did not stop, and they rode from the huge circular square.

At this time, in the huge circular square, the warriors who were practicing there also saw this group of people riding in on monster beasts.

The martial artist's good dynamic vision allowed them to catch a glimpse of Quan Jiayun's side, and everyone's eyes flickered slightly.

Except for half of the newcomers who felt strange, some old people vaguely recognized who it was.

However, whether you recognize it or not.

No one dared to discuss anything in this meeting.

Because since people are let in like this at the heavily guarded gate, it means that they are allowed, and those who recognize them dare not speak rashly. Who dares to criticize the young master of the Jiang family in the Jiang family's territory.

In an instant, Quan Jiayun passed the avenue in the middle of this circular square and arrived at the lower left of the building complex in front.

(End of this chapter)

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