The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1336 Jiang Mingxuan

Chapter 1336 Jiang Mingxuan

One minute later, Quan Jiayun put away the communicator and left Jiang Ce's luxurious room.

Knowing that she was going out, Zhan Hu dutifully wanted to follow, but Quan Jiayun didn't let him follow, she waved her hand and said, "No need, you guys rest, I'll go for a walk."

She is not a proud child like Jiang Ce, who likes to show her identity by following a group of warriors behind her.

After speaking, Quan Jiayun came to the garage.

The cars in Jiang's garage can be said to be more abundant than those in Si Chengtian's. Si Chengtian pays attention to practicality, and the garage is full of practical cars, and the styles are not trendy.

Here it is as it should be.

However, Quan Jiayun didn't pick any trendy ones, she just picked a black and unremarkable one and drove out. Just as she drove out of the garage door, another red sports car ran in from outside.

So the two cars just crossed.

At the moment of staggering, with Quan Jiayun's dynamic vision, all the faces in the front of the convertible car came into her eyes, and when the car staggered away, the corner of Quan Jiayun's mouth curled up.

Because she recognized one of them, the person Jiang Ce missed the most, or the person with the deepest memory. When searching for the soul, half of them were this person.

This brother Jiang Ce regards as a rival - Jiang Mingxuan.

Quan Jiayun smiled lightly, while walking away.

On the other side, Jiang Mingxuan didn't see Quan Jiayun pretending to be Jiang Ce, because Quan Jiayun's bulletproof window was raised, and warriors wouldn't use their spiritual sense to spy on the enemy, so naturally they couldn't see through the window.

However, his eyes flickered.

So when he stopped the car and left the garage, he casually asked the person in charge of the garage here.

"Who drove that black car out just now?"

Faced with the young master's question, the person in charge here naturally did not dare to hide it, and said respectfully: "Master Hui Ming, it was Master Ce just now."

Jiang Mingxuan raised his eyebrows.

"Jiang Ce."

He chewed these two words and snorted. He naturally knew about Jiang Ce's return. He came back tonight because he wanted to meet his "brother", whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Jiang Mingxuan looked into the distance, and said with a half-smile: "It's really unexpected that he would sit in such a car."

The person in charge glanced at Jiang Mingxuan's expression, and said in a low voice, "This is not the only accident, Master Ce is still alone tonight."

"one person?"

Jiang Mingxuan raised his eyebrows, showing a hint of surprise.

"Yes, there is only Ce Shao."

This surprised Jiang Mingxuan again. Jiang Ce has always been an identity cancer, and he has to put on his high profile wherever he goes. When he travels, he will not be followed by a bunch of people.

No one will follow.

It seems that the rumors about him are all dead, so it's not entirely a rumor.

There was a smile in Jiang Mingxuan's eyes, and he turned around and walked back. The two people behind him followed suit. As soon as he got into the car, he lay back and immediately said: "Follow me, see my good brother is alone where to go."


Because Quan Jiayun didn't drive very fast, and stopped at the gate for a few seconds, Quan Jiayun noticed the car behind him not long after leaving the gate of Jiang's house.

She looked at the car figure from the rearview mirror and frowned slightly.

Actually caught up.

Normally, Quan Jiayun wouldn't mind having fun delivered to her door to make her happy.

But tonight's Quan Jiayun, at least right now, is not in the mood to tease cats and dogs.

(End of this chapter)

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