Chapter 1350
Song Huaiping said in a low voice: "Go, come back with me, right away."

The young man also said impatiently in a low voice: "Why, are you crazy? What are you doing here?"

Relying on his superior strength over women, the young man shook off Song Huaiping's hand. Song Huaiping was almost thrown to the ground, and she stepped back a few times unsteadily.

The next second, she rushed up again, trying to grab the young man's hand.

"Go back with me, did you hear that your dad is dying, and I'm just waiting to see you."

When the young man heard this, his expression did not soften.

He shook off the woman's outstretched hand again, and snorted coldly: "Then it's none of my business, if he dies, he dies, what's the big deal, he should have died long ago."

Although Song Huaiping knew that his son hated his father very much, he was still very angry when he heard such words.

She forgot to hide her volume, and raised her voice angrily: "Why are you talking, then your father, Ren Xiuzhu, let me tell you, you must call me back today."

Song Huaiping entangled again.

The people next to the gaming table looked sideways at the quarreling mother and daughter, with expressions of impatience on their faces.

"Hey, kid, hurry up, this game is remand or not."

"Damn it, get the hell out of here, the suckling kid under the control of the mother won't come to the casino."

For the mother's entanglement, for the embarrassment under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Ren Xiuzhu was obviously extremely angry.

"Bet, bet, bet, half bet big."

When he was answering, he shook off his mother's entangled hand, and angrily pushed Song Huaiping away and said, "Can you go back, who the hell let you control me."

This pile of power is too much.

Bang, Song Huaiping jumped a few meters and fell heavily on the ground with the sound of bone cracking.

At that moment, Song Huaiping's expression twisted, and he groaned in pain.

At this moment, Ren Xiuzhu's expression was a little frozen, he didn't really want to hurt her.

For a second, he wanted to help his mother, but in the next second, he put away the guilt, even more to hide the feeling in his heart, and shouted loudly: "Get out, get out immediately."

Song Huaiping held back the pain, twisted the dislocated wrist, got up from the ground, stared at the son in the distance with thin bloodshot eyes, and rushed over again.

As she rushed up, she said: "I won't leave, you hit me, if you have the ability, beat your old lady to death here, if you don't kill me, you don't want to be clean today, you have to go back with me."

She tugged at him frantically.

Ren Xiuzhu felt extremely embarrassed.

He seemed to feel that everyone in the casino was looking at him, which made him lose face to the extreme.

He grabbed his mother's hand and locked it, sticking it to the side of her face, gritted his teeth and said: "You are really crazy, what are you doing here, you are not allowed to make trouble here, do you know, hurry back before the bodyguards come."

Song Huaiping did not back down, stared at him stubbornly and said: "You also know that you will be beaten if you make trouble. If you don't want me to be beaten to death, come back with me."

He stared at her: "you threaten me?"

Song Huaiping looked at him decisively: "Yes."

Ren Xiuzhu then said: "Okay, okay, you go back first, I'll go back after I finish these two bets, okay?"

"Okay, two, I'll watch you hit."

While the two were talking, Song Huaiping was grabbed by someone who was the bodyguard of the casino.

The bodyguard looked at Ren Xiuzhu and said, "Sir, please continue with peace of mind, we will help you get this person out."

(End of this chapter)

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