The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1357 How to kill you

Chapter 1357 How to kill you
This second-level ninth-level thug can show off his might among others.

Now in front of Quan Jiayun, he kowtowed vigorously, howling like a dog.

Quan Jiayun's eyes drooped, seeing the man's embarrassed posture, the pistol was retracted from Zhao Hong's forehead, and while the gun was swayed to his waist, he stepped hard on the man's head with his right leg.

"If you don't want to die, just keep your mouth shut, it's very noisy."

Immediately, the man's face was completely and intimately in contact with the ground. This posture completely crushed the man's facial features, and the teeth were even more painful when they hit the ground.

And the tears were sticking to the cold ground, making it difficult for him to breathe.

But for the sake of survival, he didn't dare to utter a cry of pain. He prostrated himself on the ground and tightly closed his mouth.

This scene made everyone's faces twitch slightly again.

A lower-level warrior almost feels like he is being stepped on.

Really cruel! !
Quan Jiayun didn't seem to see any other frightened expressions, she lifted her still shiny leather shoes, stepped on the ground, and walked towards Ren Xiuzhu over there.

At this time, no one dared to stand in front of Quan Jiayun.

Zhao Hong and his thug leader Li Xu stood to one side, while the other thugs behind them also quickly divided into two sides, and bowed their heads respectfully.

Ren Xiuzhu was limp on the ground, looking in horror at the man in the wine red suit with a smile on his mouth, his whole body flinched, trembling obviously.

He was completely intimidated.

Since the other party directly poured a gun into the warrior's mouth just now, he was frightened dumbfounded.

Not to mention that Mr. Zhao, the third-rank warrior in the casino behind, bowed his head to the other party.

Such a character, how can he have the capital to resist.

So now, looking at the man walking towards him, he didn't dare to move a single point, he huddled there in horror, only three words were repeated in his mind, what should we do?what to do?
This sense of pressure reached its peak when Quan Jiayun walked in front of him.

Ignoring the pain in his calf, he immediately dragged his legs and changed to a kneeling position, swallowing his saliva with his throat rolling, "Ce... Shao... I... I..."

He wanted to beg for mercy, but he who was usually good at speaking, now his teeth were chattering, and he couldn't speak clearly, and he no longer had the posture of being impatient with his mother before.

Seeing his cowardly look, Quan Jiayun snorted coldly: "You, me, me, what, can't you talk anymore?"

As she spoke, she mercilessly kicked Ren Xiuzhu's leg that had been shot by her before.

This is simply pain on top of pain.


Ren Xiuzhu screamed, and his whole body flew several meters like a spinning top and fell heavily on the ground, and this was Quan Jiayun's mercy.

Quan Jiayun looked at the people on the ground, and walked over at a leisurely pace.

Ren Xiuzhu was in so much pain that when he heard the pedaling sound of the leather shoes stepping on the ground, his brain was completely frightened into a mess. At this moment, that silky voice of Ce Shaoliang sounded again.

"Tell me, how am I going to kill you, are you skinned and dried by your favorite, or are your bones shaved, and the meat is cut into pieces to feed the dogs, or your head... ..."

When it came to the first word, Quan Jiayun stepped right in front of Ren Xiuzhu.

This kind of intimidation scared Ren Xiuzhu to the verge of collapse, he couldn't help but follow the other party's words and think about such a miserable end.

(End of this chapter)

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