The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1368 It's Not Your Fault

Chapter 1368 It's Not Your Fault

After the car started, Song Huaiping turned his head first, and said to Quan Jiayun, "Thank you very much, not only helped me bring people here, but also troubled you to send us back."

Quan Jiayun looked back at her, smiled and said: "It's nothing, I'm on the way, I just happen to be going to that place too."

Song Huaiping looked at this young man with extraordinary appearance and demeanor. Apart from thanking him, he didn't know what to say. He was obviously a little embarrassed and restrained.

To be honest, she still finds it unbelievable until now, she can't believe that she is so lucky to meet such a young master who doesn't put on airs and is very nice.

Such a probability is really rare.

Song Huaiping smiled politely at Quan Jiayun while restrained, and then couldn't help looking at her son sitting in the co-pilot.

Just at this time, Ren Xiuzhu, who had endured it for a long time, finally let out a painful moan in a daze. When he made the sound, he was startled and immediately clenched his mouth.

But this painful moan has been heard by everyone.

Song Huaiping's expression couldn't help but change.

Quan Jiayun looked at Song Huaiping with a worried expression, and explained lightly: "When I went to take him out, I told him to stop, but he still ran, so I shot him in the leg. Later, I shot him again. Dispose of him a little, and you won't have a problem with that."

Hearing this, Song Huaiping quickly looked away, looked at Quan Jiayun and said, "No, no, he should be beaten. I have no opinion."

Quan Jiayun smiled and said: "You are right to think so. After all, he has treated your mother like that. Even if such a son is beaten to death, he deserves it."

When Song Huaiping heard such words, she didn't have any words to refute.

She lowered her head and said shamelessly, "It's my fault for raising such a son because of my lack of education."

Quan Jiayun does not fully agree with this statement.

She said: "The same couple raising two children in the same way may raise two completely different people, one good and one bad. Therefore, education is only one of the factors, and the acquired environment itself has a great relationship with genes. , so you don’t need to blame yourself, it’s not all your fault,”

Song Huaiping pursed her lips and smiled bitterly.

"Although it is said that, we are also at fault after all."

Quan Jiayun looked at Song Huaiping, raised his hand to stroke her dry grass-like hair, and said softly: "Don't worry, there is a high probability that he will not go to the casino to gamble in the future, and he will become a good boy."

Song Huaiping felt this kind of action on her head, she was startled, and looked up at Quan Jiayun in surprise.

Quan Jiayun winked at Song Huaiping and smiled.

"I used a special method to help him get rid of his gambling addiction."

Gambling addiction?
Song Huaiping looked at the face in front of him with a better smile, and couldn't turn his head.

How to quit?Was the treatment he just said to help her child quit gambling?

and his hands...

Song Huaiping was very uncomfortable being comforted by a portrait of a little girl touching her hair at a young age, and the other party seemed to have a feeling of pampering in it.

Being held in the arms of the other party just now, it can be said that the matter is urgent, but now it is too weird.

But if it is said that this young master has any thoughts about her, a mid-mature woman, it is absolutely impossible.

Song Huaiping was sure of this.

So, she didn't know why the young master was so kind and nice to her.

Simply deserved.

(End of this chapter)

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