Chapter 1372
Yes, she needs blood.

If the other party is seriously injured, it is only a matter of one big redemption pill and two big redemptive pills, including cancer, because the medicinal power in it is enough to resolve these situations.

But for blood diseases, especially not for ordinary people, Da Huan Dan is also a life-hanging effect that treats the symptoms but not the root cause.

For a body-training martial artist, the problem of blood disease is equivalent to a problem with the spiritual power of a monk's dantian.

The foundation has been destroyed, and it is hard to say if it wants to be repaired.

After all, blood diseases should be cured by blood, not herbs.

Therefore, after listening to Song Huaiping's words in the car, Quan Jiayun didn't say that she could cure this kind of thing. She never promised any big words easily, and she had to see his blood before making a decision.

Just now, she didn't dare to make a promise.

Facing Quan Jiayun's request, the two were obviously stunned, especially Song Huaiping.

What do you need blood for?Does he really want to test himself?

Song Huaiping subconsciously looked at her husband.

Ren Xinran also looked at his wife, his eyes were filled with many unspeakable emotions, including pity, helplessness and self-blame, all blended in it.

Song Huaiping immediately understood what her husband meant.

Apparently the husband thought it was her who had called for treatment again.

She shook her head, thinking and nodded again.

Although she didn't know this young master well, and she didn't know if he was really skilled in medicine, but looking at his actions, it was obvious that he wanted to help her.

Since I want to help, this may also be a hope, even if this hope is slim.

As long as there is a hope, she also wants to grab it and give it a try.

Maybe a miracle really happened, not necessarily!
When Ren Xinran looked at his wife, he was both sad and distressed. He said a long time ago that he should stop making troubles, and he also thought about committing suicide so as not to drag her down.

But his wife still insisted on running around for him, and never gave up even once, even at such a time.

Faced with such sacrifices, how could he not cooperate and work hard for her.

Even though, he didn't think he could live.

He turned his gaze, looked at Quan Jiayun and said hoarsely: "You, take it."

After receiving the answer, Quan Jiayun cut Ren Xinran's blood vessel with a light stroke of his fingernail.

The blood vessels are the most obvious in this kind of skinny person. In addition, after being ill for so long, his once tough skin is no longer as tough as before.

Therefore, Quan Jiayun didn't take too much effort, and caught a large drop of blood with his fingers.

With the blood on his fingertips, Quan Jiayun raised his hand, sniffed it on the tip of his nose, and then put it directly into his mouth.

Seeing his action, Song Huaiping, who was already nervous about taking blood, was startled again. Although a glimmer of hope rose in her heart because of the other party, such a blood test made her tremble with fear.

This is a personal risk.

She was very afraid that she would infect the other party, and then she would feel uneasy.

"Do not……"

Song Huaiping only uttered one word before being stopped by Quan Jiayun's other hand.

Song Huaiping closed his mouth, and couldn't help but clenched Ren Xinran's other hand. Ren Xinran also moved his fingers weakly, and shook his wife back to show her peace of mind.

At this time, Ren Xiuzhu and Zhan Hu also arrived, looking at the situation inside the house, Ren Xiuzhu stopped, staring with open eyes in surprise and bewilderment.

Quan Jiayun tasted the slightly salty, iron-flavored blood with his eyes closed, putting all his senses on the blood.

For all kinds of blood, her understanding is naturally not as deep as thousands of medicinal herbs. After all, she is not a warrior who uses blood to refine her body, but she can also use this drop of blood as a poison to test her body.

(End of this chapter)

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