The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1380 It's up to you to bother

Chapter 1380 It's up to you to bother
That wicked smile made one's heart shudder, and Ren Xiuzhu's already pale face was so frightened that there was no trace of blood in Ren Xiuzhu's eyes on Shangquan Jiayun.

He pursed his lips tightly, and subconsciously cast his gaze on his mother.

Now he can also see that this young master seems to treat his mother differently.

Song Huaiping looked at his son, and met Ren Xiuzhu's eyes calling for help.

After staring at each other for a second, she glanced down and glanced at her son's hand, which hadn't been treated yet.

Ren Xiuzhu felt his mother's gaze, thinking that her mother was softening her heart, and quickly exposed her injured hand, expecting her mother to speak for herself.

But apparently his expectations were in vain.

In the next second, Song Huaiping looked away, nodded at Quan Jiayun and said, "Well, it's up to you to worry about it."

Now that she knew the other party's identity, Song Huaiping believed that her cousin would not want her son's life. As for suffering, he deserved it. She disciplined this son well, and she believed that her cousin could discipline this nephew well.

When Ren Xiuzhu heard what his mother said, his eyes almost turned black.

Quan Jiayun smiled and said, "Then I'll go first."

"You walk slowly."

Song Huaiping sent Quan Jiayun all the way outside.

After leaving Song's house, Quan Jiayun asked Zhan Hu to take Ren Xiuzhu back to Jiang's house first.
And she sent a message to Ruyihui and Jiangshan Tower respectively, and then drove to the next town to search.

This search took several hours, but this time Quan Jiayun still did not find his parents, not only did he not find his parents, he also did not see a familiar story.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, she received a message from Ruyi Club.

Ruyihui investigated the kidnapping case more than ten years ago based on the information she gave, and found out some information that was deleted that year.

Quan Jiayun quickly read through the information one by one.

As Song Huaiping said, they were all threatening words to force her father to show his face.

Although it does not disclose too much information.

But it was obvious that the threat to her father was not just a simple vendetta. If it was just a vendetta, Song Huaiping could have been killed directly instead of forcing her father to show up.

Being forced to show up is very problematic.

Quan Jiayun's eyes flickered.

At eleven o'clock, Quan Jiayun stopped the car and entered a high-end hotel.

Not long after entering the room, she received a call from Lei Yi.

"Master, there is news about what you want to check. A descendant of a survivor came to break the news, saying that there was indeed a person surnamed Jiang in that team back then, and she remembered it so clearly, as if her father had said that it was His brothers became big men back then, and now they have established a big family in the East China base."

Hearing this, Quan Jiayun's eyes flashed, and he said: "Go to this person's house and find her father to verify it, and then send me a message after confirming that it is correct."

"Yes." Lei Yi obeyed and hung up the phone.

Hang up the communication.

Quan Jiayun leaned on the soft sofa, shaking the wine glass in her hand once and for all, the wine-red liquid was reflected into her deep eyes under the light, making her eyes even brighter.

Quan Jiayun narrowed his eyes and slowly raised the corners of his lips.

One piece of information, about her father, the evidence pointing to Jiang's family became clearer and clearer.

If it was really the Jiang family who kidnapped her cousin back then.

So the story back then, if she didn't make mistakes in her reasoning, should be like this.

(End of this chapter)

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