Chapter 1395
Quan Jiayun laughed because he suddenly remembered that in the novels he read in Girls' Generation, many male protagonists always like to find a substitute when they can't get a certain person, or a certain Bai Yueguang is dead.

Then he just found the heroine and made a sadistic love triangle.

Then, the readers are divided into two factions, each of them loves each other, and they can't stop writing small papers.

At that time, she thought that if she really liked someone, how could she find a similar substitute? Wouldn't she be hiccupping in her heart?

Now she even feels that the person who is looking for a substitute is a pure 24K idiot. She thinks that she is very affectionate, and she can only find a substitute because she is so painful that she can't forget it.

She just has a little crush on Si Chengtian, and she can't tolerate a fake dangling in front of her.

How do those who claim to be in love with their substitutes get so close and loving?

Quan Jiayun stared at the man on the stage, although her eyes were still fixed, but her thoughts were already distracted, she was thinking, what is Si Chengtian doing this Chinese New Year?
Quan Jiayun suddenly smiled.

In fact, there is no need to think about it, a person like Si Chengtian is sure that he will not be idle this time, he is not practicing, but obviously at work, he does not know how to have fun for himself at all.

Come to think of it, life is really boring.

Quan Jiayun herself likes to practice and fight, but the purpose of her practice is to live longer, to travel to more places, to have better fun, and in the end, to be happy.

Si Chengtian is too different from her.

Quan Jiayun guessed right, Si Chengtian is currently busy.

The sky over the southwest base was attacked by a wave of monster birds tonight. This meeting is in the process of being pursued. The busy Si Chengtian has no spare time to think about Quan Jiayun.

He was calmly directing the actions of various departments, and there was no trace of superfluous expression on his handsome face, which was indifferent and solemn.

At this moment, on the stage here, Wang Zeyu, who was dancing, caught Quan Jiayun's gaze.

But at the beginning, he didn't pay attention to it, thinking that the other party was just staring at him. After all, this would be their performance, and many people would find time to look at the stage from the screen.

But when half of the song came down, he saw that the other party had been staring at him without moving his eyes.

And when staring at him, he smiled, a little ambiguously.

This made him stop thinking about it, and his heart skipped a beat.

Although he didn't recognize the man at once, he knew that the people sitting in that seat were all the children of the Jiang family, that is to say, it was the young master of the Jiang family.

Did the other party take a fancy to him?
Does the other party have a habit of breaking sleeves?
Wang Zeyu couldn't help thinking wildly in his mind.

During the proficient singing and dancing, he glanced at Quan Jiayun from time to time, seeing that the other party still did not look away, he couldn't help pursing his lips, his heart beating in a panic.

Such things are actually not uncommon in this society. There are men who like masculinity, and he also has male fans, and he has also been confessed by male fans.

Although he doesn't like men, if the other party is the young master of the Jiang family, he has to consider it.

Of course, the considerations are all false. He knows that whether he wants to or not, the young master of the Jiang family really wants him, and he doesn't have much room to resist unless he doesn't want to live. Here it is.

Wang Zeyu had a headache.

Why is she not a young lady!Obviously he is so handsome and handsome, when he came here, he just wanted to tease a young lady of the Jiang family, but in the end, he turned out to be a young master, how could he play with him?

During this distraction, Wang Zeyu made a wrong jump.

Quan Jiayun just retracted her thoughts at this time, and the focus fell on the other party, and she clicked her tongue again in disgust.

(End of this chapter)

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