Chapter 1398 Lost

This time, Jiang Mingxuan won again.

However, Quan Jiayun also won, so Jiang Mingxuan still didn't have any sense of accomplishment after winning.

Just like that, Quan Jiayun won one by one.

A table with 1000 people including Jiang Lingyue, each Quan Jiayun can win [-] million.

In one fight, there was a short and thin monkey who was so confusing that everyone thought he would lose, but in the end he turned against the wind, and Quan Jiayun was a complete kill in that fight.

Everyone at the table made a wrong bet, and she was the only one who made a right bet.

Regarding this, someone asked curiously: "Brother Ce, how do you know that he can win? His chances of winning are really small. In the first 30 seconds, he was almost pushed out of the circle three times."

Naturally, Quan Jiayun would not explain to them the truth.

Her two casual and perfunctory sentences changed the topic.

With each fighter coming on stage and then leaving the stage, the sparring competition quickly entered a fever pitch, and it was the final round of the quarterfinals. At this moment, Quan Jiayun still maintained the record of making no mistakes.

Others made as many mistakes as twenty, while Jiang Mingxuan made five or six mistakes.

At the main table, Jiang Jianmin nodded, and finally spit out a word of appreciation: "That's right, after going out for three years, I have made some progress."

Jiang Weiran's face was brightened by his father's admiration, while the others could only laugh along with him.

Amidst the echoing words of the crowd, Jiang Jianmin stared at Jiang Ce with a strange look in his eyes, although he believed the grandson's explanation that night.

But the performance of the other party tonight made him doubtful again. .

Could it be that Jiang Ce has learned something for himself?
Sensing the gaze of the head table, Quan Jiayun met Jiang Jianmin's gaze sideways, and then she smiled at Jiang Jianmin with her lips curled up. Jiang Jianmin nodded in appreciation without moving his face.

This interaction between the two made Jiang Mingxuan even more jealous.

Jiang Mingxuan decided not to let the opponent win to the end no matter what.

It just so happened that the person on stage this time was Jiang Mingxuan's, so when he saw that Jiang Ce was betting on his men for victory, Jiang Mingxuan pressed the communicator with his lowered hand.

The vibration on the wrist made the eyes of the people on the stage move, and then he looked towards Jiang Mingxuan through his fighting movements.

As soon as his eyes crossed, he understood what Jiang Mingxuan meant.

Ming Shao wanted him to lose.

At this moment, this person is not willing to go to the top eight, and he is only one step away from the top three, because if he wins one by one, he will be the top four.

Although he didn't think he could win the first place, he still wanted to win.

But Ming Shao actually let him lose.

While hesitating, he received Jiang Mingxuan's gaze again, this time with a hint of warning, but in the end this person still succumbed to the other party's identity.

Master fighting, the most can not be distracted.

As soon as he moved slowly, he was stepped out of the circle by a series of serial attacks.

From the eyes of everyone in this scene, there was no trace of intentional defeat, but they felt that he lacked stamina and was careless.

Everyone at the table of the Jiang family's children immediately looked at Jiang Ce.


Jiang Ce lost!

Originally, Jiang Ce's image was raised a lot in everyone's minds just now, but after this loss, his image immediately dropped by one point, which made everyone feel less surprised and frightened.

Jiang Mingxuan smiled, and said lazily first, "I thought Brother Jiang Ce would win to the end."

(End of this chapter)

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