Chapter 1404

Seeing the other party's sharp eyes, Wang Zeyu could only honestly say: "It's true, it's just that we have been separated by three generations, and now we don't have much contact."

Speaking of the back, he lowered his eyes.

In fact, it is not that there are not many connections, but basically no connections.

It was only after Si Chengtian became famous that he realized that he had a little relationship with the other party.

Afterwards, all he wanted was to have a relationship with Si Chengtian.

So I used the method of online hype and propaganda.

After such an operation, he finally got the initiative to contact him.

However, Si Chengtian only asked about his parents and grandparents. When he learned that his family members had passed away, Si Chengtian transferred a sum of money to him so that he could live a good life.

After that, Si Chengtian never contacted him again.

And when he wanted to contact the other party, he was dismissed by Si Chengtian's adjutant with just a word. Later, after contacting the adjutant more, that adjutant ignored him.

For this, Wang Zeyu was filled with resentment.

He originally thought that the good times would come when he became his boss, Chengtian. At that time, he was showing off with his friends everywhere, but the other party just sent him away just like that.

The money given was only enough for him to squander for two months.

And neither did the senior officials he thought he had.

Let him lose a lot of face later.

It's just unbearable.

Now Si Chengtian is a symbol of stinginess, stinginess, and indifference in his heart.

How difficult it is to still have relatives after hundreds of millions of people are downsizing in the last days, so what if you give him more money?So what if the trust relationship arranges him a good position at the East China base?
These are obviously very easy things for Si Chengtian, it can be said that it is a matter of little effort.

But that's it, the other party can be so cold-hearted not to help him.

Or let him struggle in this difficult society.

What a fart cousin.

Now, there is no sponsorship from Si Chengtian.

Wang Zeyu has always relied on these two or three points of similarity, and he will show his relationship with Si Chengtian when he meets people, ask for some bonuses if he can ask for some bonuses, and pretend to be pitiful if he can.

It can be said that he doesn't care about ruining Si Chengtian's reputation at all.

It's also because of his limited cultivation and some people who don't believe it, so even if the hype didn't make a big splash, it was only known to a small range.

Quan Jiayun didn't know that there was such an inside story.

She will pay in secret. Just now, except for the eyelids, this person has not used a knife in other places, so there is indeed a little bit of kinship relationship.

It can be said that she came here on a whim.

But in the end, he cared a little bit, wondering if Si Chengtian really had any close relatives left behind.

As a result, looking at the other party's appearance, it was obvious that they had already climbed the relationship.

After three generations, there is nothing to say.

It's too much to say they are relatives.

Especially seeing the other party's faltering manner, it was obvious that Si Chengtian didn't bother to talk to him at all.

In this way, she has no scruples anymore.

Quan Jiayun looked at this person's face with lowered eyelids, with the corners of his mouth curled up, and said with a soft snort: "I think so, if you really have a cousin like General Si, why would you come here to sing."

Hear the word selling and singing.

The nerves in Wang Zeyu's brain twitched, and his self-esteem was frustrated again.

When he was frustrated, he hated Si Chengtian again. If Si Chengtian hadn't been so ruthless, why would he come here to sing and laugh when he saw everyone, and he could obviously chat and laugh with this young master of the Jiang family.

Wang Zeyu secretly clenched his fists.

(End of this chapter)

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