The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1407 What is the reason

Chapter 1407 What is the reason

Hearing this, Jiang Weiran couldn't say what he wanted to scold.

Although he was a little scared to withhold such things in private, he actually agreed with his son's behavior, but he still didn't agree with what Jiang Ce had done before.

Jiang Weiran stared at Jiang Ce and said, "Even if you can, why give up this opportunity and let the other party grab it first."

Quan Jiayun smiled slightly, and said casually: "What's the matter, let them be proud for a while now, and then kill them by surprise later, wouldn't it be good? It's the best policy to make a fortune in silence."

Jiang Weiran's eyes flickered for a moment, and his anger had subsided quite a bit.

He said calmly: "Don't tell a third person about this matter, be careful that walls have ears."

Quan Jiayun said: "Of course I know."

Jiang Weiran waved his hand: "That's it, you go back."

Quan Jiayun bowed, turned and left.

As soon as she left, Jiang Weiran immediately turned on the screen again and looked carefully.

Quan Jiayun walked out of the gate of the training ground, looked at the night, and raised the corner of his mouth, so what about the third-tier warriors, it would be easy to fool him by giving him a little sweetness.

However, thinking of that fourth-rank old man, Quan Jiayun's eyes darkened again.

She has to speed up her practice.

There is also the prohibition of the Xinghe sword that has to be improved, and the prohibition of the defensive magic weapon should also be practiced.

Otherwise, based on her current cultivation alone, it would be absolutely impossible to go beyond two levels and kill a fourth-level warrior. Quan Jiayun returned to the room, and casually entered the small world to practice.

The next day, Adjutant Han received a contact from Wang Zeyu.

Seeing the mention of being disfigured, he didn't suppress it this time, but reported it to General Si.

Hearing this, Si Chengtian frowned slightly.

Disfigured by the young master of the Jiang family?
He said: "What is the reason?"

Han Ruqin replied: "According to him, he went to perform at the Jiang family's annual meeting, and maybe because he looked somewhat similar to you, General, after the other party saw it, he asked him if he had something to do with you, and disfigured him gone."

The implication of the other party was that Si Chengtian was involved.

Si Chengtian pondered for a moment.

Disfigured because of his resemblance?What is the reason?
Although the relationship between the Jiang family and him is not very friendly, it is always decent in face, and there must be some reasons for this.

All of a sudden, Quan Jiayun's face flashed in Si Chengtian's mind.

Then he shook his head slightly again.

It should not be her.

She has no reason to do so.

Si Chengtian then contacted his acquaintances at the East China base.

Although Si Chengtian has no feelings for Wang Zeyu, he is generally unwilling to stand up for him. In his opinion, he earns his own future. Even if he is related, he will not pamper him and send everything to him.

It is enough to send a sum of money enough to buy a lot of resources.

But if the real cause of the matter is him, he will not completely ignore it, and he will definitely find out.

Soon, Si Chengtian learned that Wang Zeyu's face was not seriously injured, at most it was just a short scar, and his life was safe, and he was given a large bottle of blood pills as compensation.

Si Chengtian ignored it.

Wang Zeyu who was lying on the bed cursed again.


On this side, a few days after the annual meeting, because it was the early spring festival, Jiang Ce's cronies and friends all came to invite her, but Quan Jiayun never attended.

She took people around and walked around again.

Especially when it came to the East China Base, which is famous all over the King's Arena.

(End of this chapter)

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